5 research outputs found

    Cluster optimisation using Cgroups at a tier-2

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    The Linux kernel feature Control Groups (cgroups) has been used to gather metrics on the resource usage of single and eight-core ATLAS workloads. It has been used to study the effects on performance of a reduction in the amount of physical memory. The results were used to optimise cluster performance, and consequently increase cluster throughput by up to 10%

    A container model for resource provision at a WLCG Tier-2

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    Containers are more and more becoming prevalent in Industry as the standard method of software deployment. They have many benefits for shipping software by encapsulating dependencies and turning complex software deployments into single portable units. Similar to Virtual Machines, but with a lower overall resource requirement, greater flexibility and more transparency they are a compelling choice for software deployment. The use of containers is becoming attractive to WLCG experiments as a means to encapsulate their payloads, ensure that userland environments are consistent and to segregate running jobs from one another to improve isolation. Technologies such as Docker and Singularity are already being used and tested by larger WLCG experiments along with CERN IT. Our purpose in this paper is to explore the use of containers at a medium to large WLCG Tier-2 as a method of reducing the manpower required to run such a site. By examining the requirements of WLCG payloads (such as the availability of CVMFS, Trust Anchors or VOMS information) a model of a contained compute platform is developed and presented. Along with providing compute it standardised monitoring solutions can be bundled to provide a complete toolbox for local System Administrators to provide resources quickly and securely

    Using Continous Deployment techniques to manage software change at a WLCG Tier-2

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    Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Development (CD) are common techniques in software development. Continuous Integration is the practice of bringing together code from multiple developers into a single repository, while Continuous Development is the process by which new releases are automatically created and tested. CI/CD pipelines are available in popular automation tools such as GitLab, and act to enhance and accelerate the software development process. Continuous Deployment, in which automation is employed to push new software releases into the production environment, follows naturally from CI/CD, but is not as well established due to business and legal requirements. Such requirements do not exist in the Worldwide LHC Compute Gird (WLCG), making the use of continuous deployment to simplify the management of grid resources an attractive proposition. We have developed work presented previously on containerised worker node environments by introducing continuous deployment techniques and tooling, and show how these, in conjunction with CI/CD, can reduce the management burden at a WLCG Tier-2 resource. In particular, benefits include reduced downtime as a result of code changes and middleware updates

    Controllable spontaneous decay at material wedges

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    We show that the de-excitation process of a dipole emitter can be altered controllably when it is embedded in a dielectric wedge of an arbitrary angle 0<ϕ0⩽2π. We focus here on the case of a dielectric wedge bounded by a perfect conductor and show that the de-excitation process for different wedges, distinguished by ϕ0, displays a wide range of features. Besides the dependence on the emitter location at the narrow end, the de-excitation process exhibits a strong dipole orientational dependence, suggesting that the system might serve as a qubit in a controllable scalable hardware architecture for the purpose of quantum information processing


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    Glutathione is a simple sulfur compound composed of three amino acids and the major non-protein thiol in many organisms, including plants. The functions of glutathione are manifold but notably include redox-homeostatic buffering. Glutathione status is modulated by oxidants as well as by nutritional and other factors, and can influence protein structure and activity through changes in thiol-disulfide balance. For these reasons, glutathione is a transducer that integrates environmental information into the cellular network. While the mechanistic details of this function remain to be fully elucidated, accumulating evidence points to important roles for glutathione and glutathione-dependent proteins in phytohormone signaling and in defense against biotic stress. Work in Arabidopsis is beginning to identify the processes that govern glutathione status and that link it to signaling pathways. As well as providing an overview of the components that regulate glutathione homeostasis (synthesis, degradation, transport, and redox turnover), the present discussion considers the roles of this metabolite in physiological processes such as light signaling, cell death, and defense against microbial pathogen and herbivores