313 research outputs found

    Vektorgrafik – eine Technik für den zeitgenössischen Kunstunterricht

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    Vektorsoftware und Digitaldruck in zeitgenössischer Folge auf traditionelle Gestaltungs- und Drucktechniken erschließen neue Erfahrungen bei der Gestaltung von Kunst. KunstschülerInnen, KunststudentInnen, KunstlehrerInnen und HochschullehrerInnen werden zwei Methoden als Forschungsergebnisse offengelegt; präzise und detaillierte Versuchsanordnungen in Studieneinheiten am Bildschirm: "Volumenschablonen©" und "Kunstfigurendeutung©" zum Erleben und Verinnerlichen künstlerischen Schöpfens

    Soils of the southern part of Morocco

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    Soil research in the Eastern Carpathians and its significance in the protection of soils of the Bieszczady National Park

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    The first pedological research in the Eastern Carpathians was carried out in Chornokhora and Czywczynskie Mountains in the 1930s. After 1945 and the border change detailed soil research was undertaken in the Western Bieszczady Mts. situated in Poland. A soil map of the Bieszczady National Park was prepared in the 1:10 000 scale, also a number of papers concerning soil cover properties and its protection were published. In the 1990s in the area of Chornokhora, in cooperation with the scientists from Kraków (Poland) and Lwów and Chernivtsi (Ukraine), a soil research was carried out. Results of this research form a basis for the guidelines for the protection plans of Bieszczady and Chornokhora Mountains environment

    Distribution, genesis, and properties of Arctic soils : a case study from the Fuglebekken catchment, Spitsbergen

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    This paper presents distribution and properties of soils within the Fuglebekken catchment in neighbourhood of the Polish Polar Station in Hornsund, SW Spitsbergen (Svalbard Archipelago). The present study describes 8 representative soil profiles out of 34 profiles studied for the whole catchment. Soils of the Fuglebekken catchment show initial stage of their formation because of very slow rate of chemical and biological weathering in Arctic climate conditions. Upliftedmarine terraces of the Fuglebekken catchment are characterized by domination of Haplic Cryosolswhich are related to stony and gravelly parent material (reworked marine sediments). Such soils constitute of 17% of the studied area. Turbic Cryosols forming characteristic micro−relief occur on flat surfaces and gentle slopes. Such soils (covering 7% of the catchment) are formed from loamy parent material. Along streams Hyperskeletic Cryosols (Reductaquic) and Turbic Histic Cryosols occur. The last two soil units (constituting 11% of the catchment) are mantled by continuous and dense vegetation cover (especially mosses) due to high content of water rich in nutrients flowing from colonies of sea birds located on slopes of Ariekammen and Fugleberget. The studied soils are generally characterized by shallowoccurrence of permafrost (i.e. at 30-50 cm), high content of pebbles, sandy or sandy loam texture, and neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Soils occurring along streams and near colonies of sea birds show higher content of nutrients (N and P) in comparison with other soils and are covered by more dense vegetation. This indicates important impact of bird guano on chemical composition of soil solution and fertility of such soils

    "Metoda drobnych kroczków" : wspomnienie o Profesor Irenie Dynowskiej

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    Luvisols of the Carpathian Foothills and the Precarpathians in Poland and the Ukraine

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    Luvisols and Albeluvisols prevail within the Carpathian Foothills in Poland and the Precarpathians in the Ukraine. Genesis of the soils is related to translocation of colloids (i.e. clay minerals and iron oxides) from upper part of the soil profile to the lower horizons (so-called lessivage). Higher bulk density and lower total porosity of the illuvial horizon due to lessivage restrict the infiltration of water and penetration of roots. It leads to periodic stagnation of water above illuvial horizon and occurrence of redox processes in the upper soil horizons. Main aim of the present study is to compare morphology, micromorphology, chemical and physical properties of Albeluvisols formed from loess-like deposits within the eastern part of the Carpathian Mts. in Poland and the Ukraine