8 research outputs found

    Generalized Massive Gravity and Galilean Conformal Algebra in two dimensions

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    Galilean conformal algebra (GCA) in two dimensions arises as contraction of two copies of the centrally extended Virasoro algebra (t→t,x→ϵxt\rightarrow t, x\rightarrow\epsilon x with ϵ→0\epsilon\rightarrow 0). The central charges of GCA can be expressed in term of Virasoro central charges. For finite and non-zero GCA central charges, the Virasoro central charges must behave as asymmetric form O(1)±O(1ϵ)O(1)\pm O(\frac{1}{\epsilon}). We propose that, the bulk description for 2d GCA with asymmetric central charges is given by general massive gravity (GMG) in three dimensions. It can be seen that, if the gravitational Chern-Simons coupling 1μ\frac{1}{\mu} behaves as of order O(1ϵ\frac{1}{\epsilon}) or (μ→ϵμ\mu\rightarrow\epsilon\mu), the central charges of GMG have the above ϵ\epsilon dependence. So, in non-relativistic scaling limit μ→ϵμ\mu\rightarrow\epsilon\mu, we calculated GCA parameters and finite entropy in term of gravity parameters mass and angular momentum of GMG.Comment: 9 page

    Towards a Non-Relativistic Holographic Superfluid

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    We explore the phase structure of a holographic toy model of superfluid states in non-relativistic conformal field theories. At low background mass density, we find a familiar second-order transition to a superfluid phase at finite temperature. Increasing the chemical potential for the probe charge density drives this transition strongly first order as the low-temperature superfluid phase merges with a thermodynamically disfavored high-temperature condensed phase. At high background mass density, the system reenters the normal phase as the temperature is lowered further, hinting at a zero-temperature quantum phase transition as the background density is varied. Given the unusual thermodynamics of the background black hole, however, it seems likely that the true ground state is another configuration altogether.Comment: 13+5 pages, late

    More on Massive 3D Supergravity

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    Completing earlier work on three dimensional (3D) N=1 supergravity with curvature-squared terms, we construct the general supergravity extension of cosmological massive gravity theories. We expand about supersymmetric anti-de Sitter vacua, finding the conditions for bulk unitarity and the critical points in parameter space at which the spectrum changes. We discuss implications for the dual conformal field theory.Comment: v1 : 53 pages, 1 figure; v2 : significantly shortened, 42 p., version published in Class. Quant. Gra

    Classical Integrability of the Squashed Three-sphere, Warped AdS3 and Schroedinger Spacetime via T-Duality

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    We discuss the integrability of 2d non-linear sigma models with target space being the squashed three-sphere, warped anti-de Sitter space and the Schroedinger spacetime. These models can be obtained via T-duality from integrable models. We construct an infinite family of non-local conserved charges from the T-dual Lax currents, enhancing the symmetry of warped anti-de Sitter space and the Schroedinger spacetime to sl2(R)+sl2(R).Comment: 29 Pages, 3 appendices. Minor changes: added references, footnot

    Holography for Schrodinger backgrounds

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    We discuss holography for Schrodinger solutions of both topologically massivegravity in three dimensions and massive vector theories in (d+1) dimensions. Inboth cases the dual field theory can be viewed as a d-dimensional conformalfield theory (two dimensional in the case of TMG) deformed by certain operatorsthat respect the Schrodinger symmetry. These operators are irrelevant from theviewpoint of the relativistic conformal group but they are exactly marginalwith respect to the non-relativistic conformal group. The spectrum of linearfluctuations around the background solutions corresponds to operators that arelabeled by their scaling dimension and the lightcone momentum k_v. We set upthe holographic dictionary and compute 2-point functions of these operatorsboth holographically and in field theory using conformal perturbation theoryand find agreement. The counterterms needed for holographic renormalization arenon-local in the v lightcone direction.<br/

    Quasinormal modes of black holes and black branes

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