5 research outputs found

    Complementary DNA sequences of two 14.5 kDa subunits of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase from bovine heart mitochondria Completion of the primary structure of the complex?

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    AbstractThe amino acid sequences of two nuclear-encoded subunits of complex I from bovine heart mitochondria have been determined. Both proteins have an apparent molecular weight of 14.5 kDa and their N-α-amino groups are acetylated. They are known as subunits B14.5a and B14.5b. Neither protein is evidently related to any known protein and their functions are obscure. A total of 34 nuclear-encoded subunits of bovine complex 1 have now been sequenced and it is thought that the primary structure of the complex is now complete, although with such a complicated structure it is difficult to be certain that there are no other subunits remaining to be sequenced. Seven additional hydrophobic subunits of the enzyme are encoded in mitochondrial DNA, and therefore bovine heart complex I is an assembly of about 41 different proteins. If it is assumed that there is one copy of each protein in the assembly, these polypeptides contain 7,955 amino acids in their sequences, more than are found in the Escherichia coli ribosome, which contains 7,336 amino acids in its 32 polypeptides

    NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase from bovine heart mitochondria A fourth nuclear encoded subunit with a homologue encoded in chloroplast genomes

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    AbstractThe amino acid sequence has been determined of the precursor of a nuclear encoded 20 kDa subunit of complex I from bovine heart mitochondria. The sequence of the mature protein is related to a protein of uncertain function, hitherto known as psbG, encoded in the chloroplast genomes of higher plants. Open reading frames encoding homologues of psbG have also been detected in bacteria and in the mitochondrial genome of Paramecium tetraurelia. The chloroplast psbG gene is found between ndhC and ndhJ, which encode homologues of ND3, a hydrophobic subunit of complex I encoded in the bovine mitochondrial genome, and of the nuclear encoded 30 kDa subunit of complex 1. This 20 kDa protein is the eleventh out of the forty or more subunits of bovine complex I with a chloroplast encoded homologue, and its sequence provides further support for the presence in chloroplasts of a multisubunit enzyme related to complex I that could be involved in chlororespiration. The strict conservation of three cysteines suggests that the subunit might be an iron-sulphur protein

    NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase from bovine heart mitochondria Complementary DNA sequence of the import precursor of the 10 kDa subunit of the flavoprotein fragment

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    AbstractThe amino acid sequence of the 10 kDa subunit of the flavoprotein (FP) fragment of complex I from bovine heart mitochondria has been determined by protein sequence analysis, thereby completing the sequence of the FP fragment. The calculated molecular weight of the 10 kDa subunit agrees exactly with the value of 8438 determined by electrospray mass spectrometry, and further confirmation of the sequence has been obtained by sequencing cDNA amplified from total bovine heart cDNA by the polymerase chain reaction, using mixed oligonucleotides based upon the protein sequence as primers and hybridization probes. The sequence of the 10 kDa subunit is not related to that of any known protein. Being devoid of cysteine residues, it has none of the characteristic features of known iron-sulfur proteins and it is improbable that it is involved in liganding Fe-S centers in the FP fragment