10 research outputs found

    Electrochemical synthesis of hydrogen with depolarization of the anodic process

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    A new active composite coating for graphite gas diffusion electrode for hybrid sulfur cycle was proposed. The kinetics of oxidation of SO₂ were studied on porous graphite anodes with different catalytic coatings. It was shown that the most efficient composite coating is based on activated carbon and platinum supported on graphite gas diffusion substrate. The voltage drop in the laboratory electrochemical cell was 1.3 V at a current density of 1000 A·m⁻². This corresponds to a specific consumption of 3.1 kWh electric energy per 1 m³ of hydrogen

    Intellectual technology of detection of anomalies in the aquatoria ecosystems of the Sevastopol on the basis of data clustering

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    The main features associated with the development of intelligent technology for detecting anomalies of ecosystems in the waters of the city of Sevastopol are considered. An approach is proposed, the feature of which is to ensure continuous monitoring of key environmental indicators presented in the form of heterogeneous information flows: hydrometeorological information, data on the level of pollution and air composition, soil, environmental monitoring, monitoring of maximum permissible emissions of harmfulsubstances in order to detect changes in the state of data flow monitoring. The proposed method for thedetection of anomalies of ecosystems of the water area is based on data clustering. We consider typicaloperations on clusters and main metrics based on the Kullback information measure

    Decision-making in risk management in assessment of critical objects state on the basis of fuzzy assessment

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    Розглянуто проблему прийняття рішень з управління ризиками при оцінюванні стану об’єктів критичного застосування на основі нечітких суджень. Запропоновано оцінювати стан об’єктів критичного застосування (ОКЗ) на основі непараметричних статистичних критеріїв та перевірці статистичних гіпотез. Проведено низку експериментів, що узагальнюють окремі випадки обліку невизначеності на різних етапах оцінювання стану ОКЗ.Providing of reliability of critical facilities is one of the most important tasks of their operation. To solve the synthesis problem reliable systems is necessary to collect and analyze information about the defects and emergencies that arise. It is proposed to solve the task of collecting and analyzing operational data on the critical application objects on the basis of non-parametric statistical tests. Estimation of the critical application objects should be based on the expert judgment. The authors of this paper propose to consider judgments of experts in a fuzzy form. The objective of this paper is to study the possibility of accounting of uncertainty and fuzzy expert judgments at various stages of state estimation of the critical applications objects. The process of monitoring and collecting statistical information on functioning of critical application has the following features: lack of information, complexity of the system construction for total monitoring. Thus, for providing reliability for critical applications objects it is needed to solve several problems, increasing the efficiency of statistical methods for analysis of small samples in particular. The research of the external factors effect strength on the critical objects is based on the accepted or rejected hypotheses H0 and H1. Null hypothesis H0 deals with the fact that everywhere in the determination field the distribution values function of the output characteristics is statistically negligible. Hypothesis H1 correctness testifies that the object of critical application has undergone significant external effect. To investigate the effectiveness of statistical criteria for testing hypotheses about homogeneity of statistical material and risk of false decision estimations software and hardware complex was purposed – research workbench. The investigation process is a set of experiments that allow to obtain the risk at different combinations of input parameters estimation. On the basis of experimental results using research workbench, it is possible to build estimations matrix for decision support systems under unknown perturbation effects on the objects of critical application and fuzzy reasoning PMD

    Detection of anomalies of the aquatorium ecosystems of Sevastopol on the basis of the markov model

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    This paper is devoted to the development of the Markov model for the detection of anomalies of ecosystems of the waters of the city of Sevastopol. The states of the objects under study, the algorithm for constructing the matrix of transition probabilities and determining the final probabilities are presented. Some of the important applications of anomaly detection based on the Markov model are the prediction and recognition of anomalies

    Decision support system for structure synthesis of monitoring systems

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    The paper is concerned with a structure synthesis of monitoring systems. In the article a decision support system for such synthesis was proposed and described. In the first phase of the process, the proposed classification of monitoring systems is used. Then adaptive algorithms, simulation and analytic modeling are used. The results of studies carried out by means of the proposed program are represented. The topicality of proposed approach was demonstrated. It should be mentioned, that algorithms were thoroughly described, the computing experiments were carried out. The authors believe that the proposed decision support system has many advantages and, consequently, is very useful in structure synthesis of monitoring systems