200 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic Radiation and Life: Bioelementological Point of View

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    BXD recombinant inbred mice as a model to study neurotoxicity

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    BXD recombinant inbred (RI) lines represent a genetic reference population derived from a cross between C57BL/6J mice (B6) and DBA/2J mice (D2), which through meiotic recombination events possesses recombinant chromosomes containing B6 or D2 haplotype segments. The quantitative trait loci (QTLs) are the locations of segregating genetic polymorphisms and are fundamental to understanding genetic diversity in human disease susceptibility and severity. QTL mapping represents the typical approach for identifying naturally occurring polymorphisms that influence complex phenotypes. In this process, genotypic values at markers of known genomic locations are associated with phenotypic values measured in a segregating population. Indeed, BXD RI strains provide a powerful tool to study neurotoxicity induced by different substances. In this review, we describe the use of BXD RI lines to understand the underlying mechanisms of neurotoxicity in response to ethanol and cocaine, as well as metals and pesticide exposures. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland


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    In the last 40-50 years, in developed countries mass surveys of population in various regions are conducted at the national and supranational levels in order to establish reference values for the content of chemical elements in human tissues and body fluids, mainly in serum, urine, less often in whole blood, hair, nails. Based on the obtained results, accumulated in special databases, conclusions are drawn about the elemental status of populations and different cohorts, its impact on medical and demographic indices, the policies of states, their unions (EU) and international organizations (WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, etc.) are developed in regard to nutrition of the people, quality of life, food and environmental safety. Large-scale projects studying provision of people in various regions with iodine, iron, zinc, selenium or load with heavy metals and arsenic are widely known. A group of specialists led by prof. A.V. Skalny (coworkers of the Center for Biotic Medicine, Moscow, the Institute of Bioelementology of the Orenburg State University, the Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia) within the framework of the Federal Targeted Program «National System of Chemical and Biological Safety of the Russian Federation for 2009-2014» a comprehensive non-invasive study of elemental status of the Russian population was conducted (65,000 children and adults in 80 regions were examined for the content of 25 chemical elements). Hair samples were used as a diagnostic biological substance; their advantages in conducting mass medical and ecological studies are well known. Data on the background levels of chemical elements in the population of different regions has been received; a database has been created that allows to obtain reference values for the content of chemical elements in hair for most of the regions studied; a five-part manual and an atlas on elemental status of the population of Russia has been published. Correlations were established between prevalence of macro- and trace element deficiencies in the regions, accumulation of toxicants and numerous medical and demographic indices. On the basis of the received data, it is proposed to develop and implement regional programs to improve demographic parameters, the quality of life and the level of public health.В последние 40-50 лет в развитых странах мира на национальном и наднациональном уровнях проводятся массовые обследования населения в различных регионах с целью установления референтных значений содержания химических элементов в биосубстратах человека, в основном в сыворотке крови, моче, реже в цельной крови, волосах, ногтях. На основании полученных результатов, аккумулируемых в специальных базах данных, делаются выводы об элементном статусе популяций и различных групп населения и его влиянии на медицинские и демографические показатели, формируется политика государств, их союзов (ЕС) и международных организаций (ВОЗ, ЮНИСЕФ, ЮНЕСКО и др.) в отношении питания населения, качества жизни, продовольственной и экологической безопасности. Широко известны масштабные проекты по изучению обеспеченности населения различных регионов йодом, железом, цинком, селеном и нагрузки тяжелыми металлами и мышьяком. Группой специалистов под руководством проф. А.В. Скального (сотрудники АНО «Центр биотической медицины» (Москва), Института биоэлементологии Оренбургского государственного университета, Института токсикологии ФМБА России) в рамках Федеральной целевой программы «Национальная система химической и биологической безопасности Российской Федерации (2009-2014 гг.)» проведено комплексное неинвазивное исследование элементного статуса населения России (обследовано 65000 детей и взрослых в 80 регионах на содержание 25 химических элементов). В качестве диагностического биосубстрата были использованы волосы, преимущества которых при проведении массовых медико-экологических исследований хорошо известны. Получены сведения о фоновых уровнях химических элементов у населения различных регионов, сформирована база данных, позволяющая получить референтные значения содержания химических элементов в волосах для большинства изученных регионов, опубликованы руководство в 5-ти частях и Атлас «Элементный статус населения России». Установлена связь между распространенностью в регионах дефицитов макро- и микроэлементов, накоплением токсикантов и многочисленными медицинскими и демографическими показателями. На основании полученных данных предлагается разрабатывать и внедрять региональные программы по улучшению демографических показателей, повышению качества жизни населения и уровня общественного здоровья

    Zinc and respiratory tract infections: Perspectives for CoviD'19 (Review)

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    In view of the emerging COVID' 19 pandemic caused by SARS'C oV'2 virus, the search for potential protective and therapeutic antiviral strategies is of particular and urgent interest. Zinc is known to modulate antiviral and antibacterial immunity and regulate inflammatory response. Despite the lack of clinical data, certain indications suggest that modulation of zinc status may be beneficial in COVID'19. In vitro experiments demonstrate that Zn2+ possesses antiviral activity through inhibition of SARS'C oV RNA polymerase. This effect may underlie therapeutic efficiency of chloroquine known to act as zinc ionophore. Indirect evidence also indicates that Zn2+ may decrease the activity of angiotensin'converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), known to be the receptor for SARS'C oV'2. Improved antiviral immunity by zinc may also occur through up'regulation of interferon α production and increasing its antiviral activity. Zinc possesses anti'inflammatory activity by inhibiting NF'κB signaling and modulation of regulatory T'cell functions that may limit the cytokine storm in COVID' 19. Improved Zn status may also reduce the risk of bacterial co'infection by improving mucociliary clearance and barrier function of the respiratory epithelium, as well as direct antibacterial effects against S. pneumoniae. Zinc status is also tightly associated with risk factors for severe COVID' 19 including ageing, immune deficiency, obesity, diabetes, and atherosclerosis, since these are known risk groups for zinc deficiency. Therefore, Zn may possess protective effect as preventive and adjuvant therapy of COVID' 19 through reducing inflammation, improvement of mucociliary clearance, prevention of ventilator'induced lung injury, modulation of antiviral and antibacterial immunity. However, further clinical and experimental studies are required. © 2020 Spandidos Publications. All rights reserved

    Toxic metal exposure as a possible risk factor for COVID-19 and other respiratory infectious diseases

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    Multiple medical, lifestyle, and environmental conditions, including smoking and particulate pollution, have been considered as risk factors for COronaVIrus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) susceptibility and severity. Taking into account the high level of toxic metals in both particulate matter (PM2.5) and tobacco smoke, the objective of this review is to discuss recent data on the role of heavy metal exposure in development of respiratory dysfunction, immunotoxicity, and severity of viral diseases in epidemiological and experimental studies, as to demonstrate the potential crossroads between heavy metal exposure and COVID-19 severity risk. The existing data demonstrate that As, Cd, Hg, and Pb exposure is associated with respiratory dysfunction and respiratory diseases (COPD, bronchitis). These observations corroborate laboratory findings on the role of heavy metal exposure in impaired mucociliary clearance, reduced barrier function, airway inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis. The association between heavy metal exposure and severity of viral diseases, including influenza and respiratory syncytial virus has been also demonstrated. The latter may be considered a consequence of adverse effects of metal exposure on adaptive immunity. Therefore, reduction of toxic metal exposure may be considered as a potential tool for reducing susceptibility and severity of viral diseases affecting the respiratory system, including COVID-19. © 2020 Elsevier Lt

    Corrigendum to “Toxic metal exposure as a possible risk factor for COVID-19 and other respiratory infectious diseases” [Food Chem. Toxicol. 146 111809] (Food and Chemical Toxicology (2020) 146, (S0278691520306992), (10.1016/j.fct.2020.111809))

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    The authors regret the number of the project funded by the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education was cited incorrectly. The correct reference to the project support should appear as “The study was performed with the support of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Project № 0856-2020-0008.” The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. © 2021 Elsevier Lt


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    In the last 40-50 years, in developed countries mass surveys of population in various regions are conducted at the national and supranational levels in order to establish reference values for the content of chemical elements in human tissues and body fluids, mainly in serum, urine, less often in whole blood, hair, nails. Based on the obtained results, accumulated in special databases, conclusions are drawn about the elemental status of populations and different cohorts, its impact on medical and demographic indices, the policies of states, their unions (EU) and international organizations (WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, etc.) are developed in regard to nutrition of the people, quality of life, food and environmental safety. Large-scale projects studying provision of people in various regions with iodine, iron, zinc, selenium or load with heavy metals and arsenic are widely known. A group of specialists led by prof. A.V. Skalny (coworkers of the Center for Biotic Medicine, Moscow, the Institute of Bioelementology of the Orenburg State University, the Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia) within the framework of the Federal Targeted Program «National System of Chemical and Biological Safety of the Russian Federation for 2009-2014» a comprehensive non-invasive study of elemental status of the Russian population was conducted (65,000 children and adults in 80 regions were examined for the content of 25 chemical elements). Hair samples were used as a diagnostic biological substance; their advantages in conducting mass medical and ecological studies are well known. Data on the background levels of chemical elements in the population of different regions has been received; a database has been created that allows to obtain reference values for the content of chemical elements in hair for most of the regions studied; a five-part manual and an atlas on elemental status of the population of Russia has been published. Correlations were established between prevalence of macro- and trace element deficiencies in the regions, accumulation of toxicants and numerous medical and demographic indices. On the basis of the received data, it is proposed to develop and implement regional programs to improve demographic parameters, the quality of life and the level of public health.В последние 40-50 лет в развитых странах мира на национальном и наднациональном уровнях проводятся массовые обследования населения в различных регионах с целью установления референтных значений содержания химических элементов в биосубстратах человека, в основном в сыворотке крови, моче, реже в цельной крови, волосах, ногтях. На основании полученных результатов, аккумулируемых в специальных базах данных, делаются выводы об элементном статусе популяций и различных групп населения и его влиянии на медицинские и демографические показатели, формируется политика государств, их союзов (ЕС) и международных организаций (ВОЗ, ЮНИСЕФ, ЮНЕСКО и др.) в отношении питания населения, качества жизни, продовольственной и экологической безопасности. Широко известны масштабные проекты по изучению обеспеченности населения различных регионов йодом, железом, цинком, селеном и нагрузки тяжелыми металлами и мышьяком. Группой специалистов под руководством проф. А.В. Скального (сотрудники АНО «Центр биотической медицины» (Москва), Института биоэлементологии Оренбургского государственного университета, Института токсикологии ФМБА России) в рамках Федеральной целевой программы «Национальная система химической и биологической безопасности Российской Федерации (2009-2014 гг.)» проведено комплексное неинвазивное исследование элементного статуса населения России (обследовано 65000 детей и взрослых в 80 регионах на содержание 25 химических элементов). В качестве диагностического биосубстрата были использованы волосы, преимущества которых при проведении массовых медико-экологических исследований хорошо известны. Получены сведения о фоновых уровнях химических элементов у населения различных регионов, сформирована база данных, позволяющая получить референтные значения содержания химических элементов в волосах для большинства изученных регионов, опубликованы руководство в 5-ти частях и Атлас «Элементный статус населения России». Установлена связь между распространенностью в регионах дефицитов макро- и микроэлементов, накоплением токсикантов и многочисленными медицинскими и демографическими показателями. На основании полученных данных предлагается разрабатывать и внедрять региональные программы по улучшению демографических показателей, повышению качества жизни населения и уровня общественного здоровья

    Применение масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой для speciation-анализа соединений мышьяка и ртути в волосах человека

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    P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University The inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) is an effective method to determine the ultratrace quantities of a wide range of chemical elements in a variety of samples. The greatest numbers of works in the speciation analysis fieldare related to compounds of arsenic, mercury and selenium. Speciation analysis with the help of ICP/MS allows to conduct the process of establishing by chemical elements (lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, etc.) in the patient's hair with differentiating the compounds of the same element according to the level of the influence on the organism, in particular, on the level of toxicity. In the same way qualitative and quantitative determination of inorganic and organic forms of arsenic and mercury (arsenates, arsenates, monomethyl arsenic acid, dimethyl arsenic acid, methylmercury, ethylmercury, mercury(II) salts) can be carried out. Although nails and hair represent a dead formation from the point of view of metabolism, they can be used as a tool for assessing the impact of the environment and professional related factors to the human, in terms of intoxication by compounds of some elements (lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, etc.). At the present stage, the main problem in the performing speciation analysis of hair and nails is the issue of probe preparation. Usually, this problem is solved by the extraction from the ground biomaterial of the compounds of the element under the investigation with water at elevated temperature and pressure, followed by the separation on chromatographic columns.Представлен обзор исследований применения масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой (ICP/MS), которая является эффективным способом определения ультраследовых количеств широкого круга химических элементов в разнообразных образцах, для speciation-анализа соединений мышьяка и ртути в волосах человека. Показано, что speciation-анализ с помощью ICP/MS позволяет провести процесс установления химических форм элементов (свинец, ртуть, мышьяк, кадмий и т.д.) в волосах пациентов, дифференцировав соединения одного и того же элемента по степени воздействия на организм, в частности по уровню токсичности. Подобным образом может быть проведено качественное и количественное определение неорганических и органических форм мышьяка и ртути (арсенаты, арсениты, монометилмышьяковая кислота, диметилмышьяковая кислота, метилртуть, этилртуть, соли ртути(II)). На настоящем этапе исследований основной проблемой при выполнении speciation-анализа волос и ногтей считается пробоподготовка. Эта проблема обычно решается путем экстракции из измельченного биоматериала соединений исследуемого элемента водой при повышенной температуре и давлении с последующим разделением на хроматографических колонках