291 research outputs found

    Auxins and cytokinins : the role of subcellular organization on homeostasis

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    Plant hormones are master regulators of plant growth and development. Better knowledge of their spatial signaling and homeostasis (transport and metabolism) on the lowest structural levels (cellular and subcellular) is therefore crucial to a better understanding of developmental processes in plants. Recent progress in phytohormone analysis at the cellular and subcellular levels has greatly improved the effectiveness of isolation protocols and the sensitivity of analytical methods. This review is mainly focused on homeostasis of two plant hormone groups, auxins and cytokinins. It will summarize and discuss their tissue- and cell-type specific distributions at the cellular and subcellular levels

    Effects of life-long exercise on circulating free fatty acids and muscle triglyceride content in ageing rats.

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    Regular physical exercise has emerged, together with dietary restriction, as an effective intervention in delaying degenerative diseases and augmenting life span in rodents. The mechanisms involved remain largely unknown, although a beneficial influence on the age-related alteration of insulin sensitivity has been hypothesized. As muscle triglyceride (TG) accumulation is considered a reliable index of muscle insulin resistance, in this study we explored muscle TG content in 23-month-old male Sprague-Dawley rats subjected to life-long training. Plasma glucose. insulin. free fatty acid (FFA) and leptin levels were also measured. Both voluntary running in wheels (RW) and forced training in treadmill (TM) were studied. As RW rats weighed less than controls, a cohort of untrained animals, fed to pair weight (PW) with RW, was added to discriminate the effect of exercise from that of food restriction. Sedentary ad libitum fed rats served as controls. In 23-month-old RW rats. muscle TG content was reduced by 50% with respect to age-matched sedentary controls, while in TM group this reduction was smaller but still highly significant, and occurred independently on the changes in body fat mass. In both the trained rat groups, there was a significant decrease in circulating FFA levels and a trend to reduced insulin levels. In PW rats, muscle TG levels decreased similarly to RW rats, while plasma parameters were less modified. In particular, RW training was more effective than PW in preventing the age-related increase in circulating leptin levels. Our results suggest that voluntary exercise effectively counteracts the development of insulin resistance in the muscles of ageing rats as well as other related changes such as hyperlipacidaemia and compensatory hyperleptinaemia. Forced training or moderate food restriction appear slightly less effective than voluntary exercise in preventing age-dependent alterations in nutrient distribution and/or utilization. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    A national discipline-specific professional development program for lecturers and tutors in the mathematical sciences

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    Imagine learning to swim by being thrown in the deep end of the pool..

    Challenges of developing a district child welfare plan in South Africa: Lessons from a community-engaged HIV/AIDS research project

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    The Amajuba Child Health and Wellbeing Research Project measured the impact of orphaning due to HIV/AIDS on South African households between 2004 and 2007. Community engagement was a central component of the project and extended through 2010. We describe researcher engagement with the community to recruit participants, build local buy-in, stimulate interest in study findings, and promote integration of government social welfare services for families and children affected by HIV/AIDS. This narrative documents the experience of researchers, drawing also on project reports, public documents, and published articles, with the objective of documenting lessons learned in this collaboration between researchers from two universities and a community in South Africa during a period that spanned seven years. This experience is then analyzed within the context of an applied research, community-engagement framework

    Yield response, nutritional quality and water productivity of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) are influenced by drip irrigation and straw mulch in the coastal saline ecosystem of Ganges Delta, India

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    In the coastal zone of the Ganges Delta, water shortages due to soil salinity limit the yield of dry season crops. To alleviate water shortage as a consequence of salinity stress in the coastal saline ecosystem, the effect of different water-saving (WS) and water-conserving options was assessed on growth, yield and water use of tomato; two field experiments were carried out at Gosaba, West Bengal, India in consecutive seasons during the winter of 2016–17 and 2017–18. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with five treatments viz., surface irrigation, surface irrigation + straw mulching, drip irrigation at 100% reference evapotranspiration (ET0), drip irrigation at 80% ET0, drip irrigation at 80% ET0 + straw mulching. Application of drip irrigation at 80% ET0 + straw mulching brought about significantly the highest fruit as well as the marketable yield of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). The soil reaction (pH), post-harvest organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N, P and K) status and soil microbial population along with the biochemical quality parameters of tomato (juice pH, ascorbic acid, total soluble solids and sugar content of fruits) were significantly influenced by combined application of drip irrigation and straw mulching. Surface irrigation significantly increased the salinity level in surface and sub-surface soil layers while the least salinity development was observed in surface mulched plots receiving irrigation water through drip irrigation. The highest water productivity was also improved from drip irrigation at 80% ET0 + straw mulched plots irrespective of the year of experimentation. Such intervention also helped in reducing salinity stress for the tomato crop. Thus, straw mulching along with drip irrigation at 80% ET0 can be recommended as the most suitable irrigation option for tomato crop in the study area as well as coastal saline regions of South Asia. Finally, it can be concluded that the judicious application of irrigation water not only increased growth, yield and quality tomatoes but also minimized the negative impact of soil salinity on tomatoes grown in the coastal saline ecosystem of Ganges Delta

    Cold-Induced Changes in the Protein Ubiquitin

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    Conformational changes are essential for protein-protein and protein-ligand recognition. Here we probed changes in the structure of the protein ubiquitin at low temperatures in supercooled water using NMR spectroscopy. We demonstrate that ubiquitin is well folded down to 263 K, although slight rearrangements in the hydrophobic core occur. However, amide proton chemical shifts show non-linear temperature dependence in supercooled solution and backbone hydrogen bonds become weaker in the region that is most prone to cold-denaturation. Our data suggest that the weakening of the hydrogen bonds in the β-sheet of ubiquitin might be one of the first events that occur during cold-denaturation of ubiquitin. Interestingly, the same region is strongly involved in ubiquitin-protein complexes suggesting that this part of ubiquitin more easily adjusts to conformational changes required for complex formation
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