8 research outputs found

    Forcing number, maximum nullity, and minimum rank theorems concerning the generalized Petersen graph and related observations

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    Mathematical Surfaces and 3D Printing

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    Analysis of Flood Hazards for the Materials and Fuels Complex at the Idaho National Laboratory Site

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    Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory conducted a flood hazard analysis for the Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) site located at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) site in southeastern Idaho. The general approach for the analysis was to determine the maximum water elevation levels associated with the design-basis flood (DBFL) and compare them to the floor elevations at critical building locations. Two DBFLs for the MFC site were developed using different precipitation inputs: probable maximum precipitation (PMP) and 10,000 year recurrence interval precipitation. Both precipitation inputs were used to drive a watershed runoff model for the surrounding upland basins and the MFC site. Outflows modeled with the Hydrologic Engineering Centers Hydrologic Modeling System were input to the Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System hydrodynamic flood routing model

    Critical Graphs With Respect to Vertex Identification

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    We explore various types of criticality with respect to differentiatingdominating sets, or identifying codes. Existence and characterization results are included. We conclude with open problems

    Independence and Domination Separation on Chessboard Graphs

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    A legal placement of Queens is any placement of Queens on an order N chessboard in which any two attacking Queens can be separated by a Pawn. The Queens independence separation number is the minimum number of Pawns which can be placed on an N × N board to result in a separated board on which a maximum of m independent Queens can be placed. We prove that N + k Queens can be separated by k Pawns for large enough N and provide some results on the number of fundamental solutions to this problem. We also introduce separation relative to other domination-related parameters for Queens, Rooks, and Bishops.

    Cardiovascular Efficacy and Safety of Bococizumab in High-Risk Patients

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