184 research outputs found

    Coordinate regulation of eif2α phosphorylation by PPP1R15 and GCN2 is required during Drosophila development

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    Phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2α) by the kinase GCN2 attenuates protein synthesis during amino acid starvation in yeast, whereas in mammals a family of related eIF2α kinases regulate translation in response to a variety of stresses. Unlike single-celled eukaryotes, mammals also possess two specific eIF2α phosphatases, PPP1R15a and PPP1R15b, whose combined deletion leads to a poorly understood early embryonic lethality. We report the characterisation of the first non-mammalian eIF2α phosphatase and the use of Drosophila to dissect its role during development. The Drosophila protein demonstrates features of both mammalian proteins, including limited sequence homology and association with the endoplasmic reticulum. Of note, although this protein is not transcriptionally regulated, its expression is controlled by the presence of upstream open reading frames in its 5'UTR, enabling induction in response to eIF2α phosphorylation. Moreover, we show that its expression is necessary for embryonic and larval development and that this is to oppose the inhibitory effects of GCN2 on anabolic growth. © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.This work was supported by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC); and the British Society for Cell Biology. S.J.M. is an MRC Senior Clinical Fellow [grant number G1002610]. Deposited in PMC for release after 6 months

    Freshwater Sponges Have Functional, Sealing Epithelia with High Transepithelial Resistance and Negative Transepithelial Potential

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    Epithelial tissue — the sealed and polarized layer of cells that regulates transport of ions and solutes between the environment and the internal milieu — is a defining characteristic of the Eumetazoa. Sponges, the most ancient metazoan phylum [1], [2], are generally believed to lack true epithelia [3], [4], [5], but their ability to occlude passage of ions has never been tested. Here we show that freshwater sponges (Demospongiae, Haplosclerida) have functional epithelia with high transepithelial electrical resistance (TER), a transepithelial potential (TEP), and low permeability to small-molecule diffusion. Curiously, the Amphimedon queenslandica sponge genome lacks the classical occluding genes [5] considered necessary to regulate sealing and control of ion transport. The fact that freshwater sponge epithelia can seal suggests that either occluding molecules have been lost in some sponge lineages, or demosponges use novel molecular complexes for epithelial occlusion; if the latter, it raises the possibility that mechanisms for occlusion used by sponges may exist in other metazoa. Importantly, our results imply that functional epithelia evolved either several times, or once, in the ancestor of the Metazoa

    Metabolic Stress Responses in Drosophila Are Modulated by Brain Neurosecretory Cells That Produce Multiple Neuropeptides

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    In Drosophila, neurosecretory cells that release peptide hormones play a prominent role in the regulation of development, growth, metabolism, and reproduction. Several types of peptidergic neurosecretory cells have been identified in the brain of Drosophila with release sites in the corpora cardiaca and anterior aorta. We show here that in adult flies the products of three neuropeptide precursors are colocalized in five pairs of large protocerebral neurosecretory cells in two clusters (designated ipc-1 and ipc-2a): Drosophila tachykinin (DTK), short neuropeptide F (sNPF) and ion transport peptide (ITP). These peptides were detected by immunocytochemistry in combination with GFP expression driven by the enhancer trap Gal4 lines c929 and Kurs-6, both of which are expressed in ipc-1 and 2a cells. This mix of colocalized peptides with seemingly unrelated functions is intriguing and prompted us to initiate analysis of the function of the ten neurosecretory cells. We investigated the role of peptide signaling from large ipc-1 and 2a cells in stress responses by monitoring the effect of starvation and desiccation in flies with levels of DTK or sNPF diminished by RNA interference. Using the Gal4-UAS system we targeted the peptide knockdown specifically to ipc-1 and 2a cells with the c929 and Kurs-6 drivers. Flies with reduced DTK or sNPF levels in these cells displayed decreased survival time at desiccation and starvation, as well as increased water loss at desiccation. Our data suggest that homeostasis during metabolic stress requires intact peptide signaling by ipc-1 and 2a neurosecretory cells

    Coordinating cell fate and morphogenesis in Drosophila renal tubules.

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    Using the renal tubules of Drosophila as an example, we explore how cell specification leads to the morphogenetic movements that underlie the generation of tissue architecture. Taking two stages of development, we show first that the tubule cells are allocated by signalling between the endodermal and ectodermal compartments of the posterior gut. Activation of the Wnt pathway patterns the ectodermal anlage, resulting in the expression of tubule genes in a subset of cells and their eversion from the hindgut to form the tubule primordia. We argue that early gene expression directs these morphogenetic movements but not the complete programme of tubule differentiation. In the second example we show that the allocation of the mitogenic tip cell lineage in each tubule is required not only for the normal pattern of cell division but also for the stereotyped three-dimensional arrangement of the mature tubules. Analysis of mutants in which the tip cell lineage is misspecified reveals that both daughters of the tip cell progenitor are required for the tubules to navigate through the body cavity, so that the distal tips locate in their characteristic positions. We show that the regulator of Rac, Myoblast city is essential for this second morphogenetic process

    Crumbs stabilises epithelial polarity during tissue remodelling

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    The apicobasal polarity of epithelia depends on the integrated activity of apical and basolateral proteins, and is essential for tissue integrity and body homeostasis. Yet these tissues are frequently on the move as they are sculpted by active morphogenetic cell rearrangements. How does cell polarity survive these stresses? We analyse this question in the renal tubules of Drosophila, a tissue that undergoes dramatic morphogenetic change as it develops. Here we show that, whereas the Bazooka and Scribble protein groups are required for the establishment of tubule cell polarity, the key apical determinant, Crumbs, is required for cell polarity in the tubules only from the time when morphogenetic movements start. Strikingly, if these movements are stalled, polarity persists in the absence of Crumbs. Similar rescue of the ectodermal phenotype of the crumbs mutant when germ-band extension is reduced suggests that Crumbs has a specific, conserved function in stabilising cell polarity during tissue remodelling rather than in its initial stabilisation. We also identify a requirement for the exocyst component Exo84 during tissue morphogenesis, which suggests that Crumbs-dependent stability of epithelial polarity is correlated with a requirement for membrane recycling and targeted vesicle delivery

    Renal tubule development in Drosophila : a closer look at the cellular level

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    The function of excretion in insects is performed by the Malpighian tubules, a functional equivalent of the vertebrate kidney. Malpighian tubules are long, thin tubes connected to the hindgut. Upon the determination of the Malpighian tubule major cell type early in embryogenesis, the tubular architecture is achieved by extensive cell division and cell rearrangements. During the tube elongation process, cells exchange their neighbors, allowing the short and fat Malpighian tubule primordia to grow and become a thin tube. Cell rearrangement and intercalation underlie the morphogenesis of other epithelial tissues in Drosophila melanogaster, such as the embryonic epidermis. Recent work has provided insights in the cellular and molecular basis of cell intercalation. These advances are reviewed and discussed with regard to what is known about Malpighian tubule morphogenesis. Mature Malpighian tubules are composed of two cell types, each having a specific function in excretion: The principal cells and the stellate cells. Drosophila and mammalian kidney development show striking similarities, as the recruitment of the stellate cells to the Malpighian tubules, like the cells of the metanephric mesenchyme, requires that cells undergo a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition. The molecular similarities between these two cases is reviewed here
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