20 research outputs found

    Collective teacher culture: exploring an elusive construct and its relations with teacher autonomy, belonging, and job satisfaction

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    One purpose of this study was to analyze relations between four possible indicators of a collective teacher culture by means of confirmatory factor analyses. The indicators were termed “shared goals values”, “value consonance”, “collective teacher efficacy”, and “supportive colleagues”. A second purpose was to explore relations between collective teacher culture and teachers’ experiences of autonomy, belonging, and job satisfaction. Participants were 760 Norwegian teachers in elementary school and middle school. The data were analyzed by means of confirmatory factor analyses and SEM analyses. The correlations between the four indicators of a collective culture ranged from .44 to .63 and both a model with first order factors and a model with a second order collective culture variable had good fit to the data. The analysis showed that a second order collective teacher culture variable was strongly and positively associated with the teachers’ experiences of autonomy, belonging, and job satisfaction.Collective teacher culture: exploring an elusive construct and its relations with teacher autonomy, belonging, and job satisfactionpublishedVersio

    The Effect from Executive Coaching on Performance Psychology

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    In this study, the authors explore the effects of an executive coaching programme on important performance psychology variables (self-efficacy, causal attribution, goal setting, and selfdetermination). One hundred and forty-four executives and middle managers from a Fortune high-tech 500 company participated in the experiment over a period of one year. Twenty executives participated in an external executive coaching programme and one hundred and twenty four middle managers participated in a coaching based leadership programme. Findings indicate that there are significant effects of external coaching on psychological variables affecting performance such as self-efficacy, goal setting, intra-personal causal attributions of success and need satisfaction. Findings also indicate that there are significant effects of coaching based leadership on self-efficacy among middle managers. However, the effects regarding coaching based leadership are not as strong as those from external executive coaching

    Job demands and job resources as predictors of teacher motivation and well-being

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    We analyzed how teacher perception of job demands and job resources in the school environment were related to teacher well-being, engagement and motivation to leave the teaching profession. Participants were 760 Norwegian teachers in grade 1–10. Data were analyzed by means of confirmatory factor analysis and SEM analysis. A second order job demand variable strongly predicted lower teacher well-being, whereas job resources more moderately predicted higher well-being. Teacher wellbeing was in turn predictive of higher engagement and lower motivation to leave the profession. Analysis of primary factors showed that time pressure was the strongest predictor of teacher well-being.Job demands and job resources as predictors of teacher motivation and well-beingpublishedVersio

    Teacher burnout: relations between dimensions of burnout, perceived school context, job satisfaction and motivation for teaching. A longitudinal study

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    The purpose of this longitudinal study was to analyse relations between teachers’ perceptions of job demands and job resources in the school environment and dimensions of burnout, depressed mood, job satisfaction and motivation to leave the teaching profession (quit). The participants were 262 Norwegian high school teachers. The teachers’ perceptions of three job demands (time pressure, low student motivation, and dissonant value context) and two job resources (autonomy and supervisory support) were measured at time 1 (September) whereas burnout, depressed mood, job satisfaction and motivation to leave the teaching profession were measured at time 2 (April). The data were analysed by means of confirmatory factor analysis and SEM analysis. The job demands and the job resources that were included in the study related differently to the three dimensions of burnout (emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and self-perceived accomplishment) and the dimensions of burnout related differently to measures of depressed mood, job satisfaction, and motivation to quit. For instance, time pressure was the strongest predictor of emotional exhaustion whereas low student motivation and working in a dissonant value context were the strongest predictors of cynicism. Also, autonomy was positively associated with self-perceived accomplishment whereas low student motivation was negatively associated with self-perceived accomplishment

    Job demands and job resources as predictors of teacher motivation and well-being

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    We analyzed how teacher perception of job demands and job resources in the school environment were related to teacher well-being, engagement and motivation to leave the teaching profession. Participants were 760 Norwegian teachers in grade 1–10. Data were analyzed by means of confirmatory factor analysis and SEM analysis. A second order job demand variable strongly predicted lower teacher well-being, whereas job resources more moderately predicted higher well-being. Teacher wellbeing was in turn predictive of higher engagement and lower motivation to leave the profession. Analysis of primary factors showed that time pressure was the strongest predictor of teacher well-being

    Lærerrollen sett fra lærernes ståsted

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    -​Prosjektet ”Skolen som arbeidsplass: trivsel, mestringsforventning, stress og utbrenthet” er støttet av Norges forskningsråd. I denne rapporten har vi rettet søkelyset mot hvordan arbeidet i skolen oppleves av lærerne; hva som oppleves stimulerende og som bidrar til trivsel og engasjement, mens også hva som oppleves stressende og som bidrar til lave forventninger om å mestre utfordringene og til utbrenthet, lav trivsel og ønske om å forlate læreryrket. Sentrale begreper knyttet til lærernes opplevelse er trivsel, engasjement, mestring, mestringsforventning, stress og utbrenthet. Prosjektet er gjennomført som en kombinasjon av en intervjustudie (N = 36) og en surveystudie eller spørreskjemaundersøkelse (N = 2569). Tidligere har vi publisert en rapport fra intervjuundersøkelsen og flere artikler basert på surveystudien. En oversikt over tidligere publikasjoner er vedlagt (side 75)

    Students with special needs and the composition of their peer group

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    One of the effects of implementing inclusive education is that the composition of the peer group of students with disabilities has changed from one consisting of only such students to one with no, or very few, students with disabilities. The question arises as to the implications of this situation for their social relations and self-concept. In order to answer this question, two reviews were conducted: one focusing on students' social relations and the other on students' self-concept. These reviews showed that students with learning disabilities in particular run the risk of being isolated from their peers in regular education and developing a negative self-concept. One of the potential options for intervention is to rearrange the composition of the peer group by combining a minority of students with disabilities with a majority of students without disabilities. This may provide the former with more varied opportunities to build relationships and more varied frames of reference for developing their self-concept

    Elevundersøkelsen 2011. Analyse av Elevundersøkelsen 2011

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    ​Denne rapporten er hovedrapporteringen fra Elevundersøkelsen 2011. Det er tidligere rapportert tall som omhandler mobbing, diskriminering og uro i klasserommet samt analyser av indeksene som er presentert på Skoleporten