13 research outputs found

    Prospects and Evaluation of an Integrated Extension Model designed for Anthrax-free Area Development

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    The main purpose of this study wasto assess and evaluate anIntegrated Extension Modelto improve the overall knowledge, attitude and practice habits of community people over a sustained period.The survey questionnaire results have indicated that the various sources of anthrax message dissemination had played a significant role in the study. Among those responsible for disseminating the information, it was realized that studentsserving in the role of message disseminators played the most significant role (15%) indelivering the anthrax-related key information to the community. Majority community members (97.5%) were made aware of the nature, occurrence, public health importance, and management of the disease. Theirdangerous habits and attitudes toward slaughtering of sick animals were reduced (\u3c30%). The attention of local administration and the law enforcement agency focused distinctively on the issue of animal slaughter. Vaccination and clinical records reveal that the percentage of vaccination coverage was increased from 40% to 85% andthe percentage of farmers who can diagnose anthrax has been increased from 30% to 40%.On the other hand, their poor economic background together with the dispersed settlement nature of the farmers was the main gaps identified that continued to force them to slaughter infected animals, sell their products and to consequently concealthat information, all issues that are required to be addressed in the future. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that this modelis an efficient, effective and suitable method to raise awareness levels in a large communitywith regards to a zoonotic disease like anthrax

    Livestock associated epidemiological information profiling in New Sandwip Island (Jahajerchar) of the Meghna estuary, Noakhali using participatory disease searching tool

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    Objective: The present study was conducted in New Sandwip island (Jahajerchar) of the Meghna estuary, Noakhali to explore animal species are being reared, their disease status, and also to finding out the constraints and opportunitities for keeping livestock in the island. Materials: Considering local knowledge as an epidemiological intelligence, the livestock species and their disease profile as well as livestock keeping problems were assessed through two focus group discussion with informants’ interview using Participatory Disease Searching (PDS) tools. The interview was conducted predominantly using semi-structured questionnaire (SSI) and other participatory epidemiology(PE) tools such as simple ranking (SR), pair-wise ranking (PWR), proportional pilling (PP) and transect work (visualization) were applied with flexibility to collect information. Results: PDS tools identified sheep (69%) is the main livestock species followed by cattle (16%) and buffalo (15%) in the island. The Peste des Petits Ruminant (PPR) in sheep (90%), anthrax in cattle (52%) and Haemorrgic Septicemia (HS) in buffalo (59%) were confirmed as top important species-wise diseases via the study. This place is prospect for sheep and buffalo raising rather than cattle. Lack of of shelter (Khella) for keeping livestock during adverse climatic condition, no access of portable water along with inadequate veterinary health care facilities were recognized as constraints for livestock raising in this island. Conclusion: This place is potential for sheep and buffalo raising rather than cattle. The study has validated the significance of accepting participatory disease searching tool in order to capture voluntarily submitted epidemiological data towards establishing a cost effective, unique national disease surveillance system in Bangladesh. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2017; 4(3.000): 267-273

    Investigation of animal anthrax outbreaks in the humananimal interface at risky districts of Bangladesh during 20162017

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    Objective: The objective of the study was to explore the outbreak situation in terms of animal, place, and time towards minimizing the risk of animal infection at the source in future and subsequent spillover in human in the endemic rural settings. Methodology: An outbreak investigation team from the Department of Livestock Services visited in each of the outbreak sites to explore the event towards strengthening the control program in the future. Meat samples of the infected slaughtered animals were collected to confirm the causal agent of the animal outbreak using polychrome methylene blue microscopic examination technique. Participatory epidemiology tool such as semi-structured interview had been used in these investigations to realize the knowledge and practices of local people/cattle keepers on anthrax control and prevention in animal and human as well. Results: All identified affected human cases had been confirmed as a history of contact with the animal carcasses or handling/processing with infected meat. The level of awareness at the community level was not satisfactory for the prevention and control of anthrax at the source and further spillover in human. The infected slaughtered animals found to be in non-vaccinated status during the outbreak investigation and uncontrolled animal movement is considered to be responsible for new outbreaks in a vaccinated zone where enforcement of veterinary legislation is inadequate. Conclusion: A comprehensive preparedness and response strategy is to be obligatory for prevention, control and respond on anthrax in Bangladesh. Maximum vaccination coverage in the animal, increase community awareness of animal and human anthrax are also demanded for transmission of anthrax from animal to human. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2018; 5(4.000): 397-404

    Investigation of Campylobacter fetus in breeding bulls of private farms in Bangladesh

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    Abstract Background Bovine genital campylobacteriosis (BGC) is a venereal disease caused by Campylobacter fetus that has a negative impact on animal reproduction. The bull is considered to be a symptomless carrier that spreads the disease agent to breeding cows, causing infertility and sporadic abortion. Aim The study aims to estimate the prevalence, identify risk factors of Campylobacter fetus (C. fetus) infection and antimicrobial resistance pattern of the C. fetus isolates. Method A cross‐sectional survey was conducted in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh. Bull smegma samples (single sample from each bull) were collected from 300 bulls from four farms and tested via culture, biochemical identification and finally 16S rRNA and cdtA gene‐based molecular assays (PCR) for herd and animal‐level prevalence estimation. Herd‐ and animal‐level data on risk factors were collected from the farmers using a pretested questionnaire and analysed by univariable and multivariable logistic regression models with a p value of <0.05 was taken statistically significant for both analyses. Results Among the surveyed farms, 75% (95% CI: 19.4%–99.4%) were confirmed to have bulls infected with Campylobacter fetus at herd level. However, animal‐level occurrence of C. fetus was estimated to be 8.7% (26/300) (95% CI: 5.7%–12.4%). Natural service increases the odds of campylobacteriosis 38.18 times (95% CI: 13.89–104.94) in comparison to artificial insemination for C. fetus infection in bulls. Significantly, half of the isolates (50%, n = 13) were identified to be multidrug resistant (MDR) for three to five antimicrobial agents. Conclusion This study highlights the need to develop official guidelines for C. fetus control and prevention in Bangladesh including mandatory artificial insemination in reproductive cows and heifers, routine screening of breeding bulls for C. fetus free status

    Fascioliasis risk factors and space-time clusters in domestic ruminants in Bangladesh

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    Abstract Background A retrospective observational study was conducted to identify fascioliasis hotspots, clusters, potential risk factors and to map fascioliasis risk in domestic ruminants in Bangladesh. Cases of fascioliasis in cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats from all districts in Bangladesh between 2011 and 2013 were identified via secondary surveillance data from the Department of Livestock Services’ Epidemiology Unit. From each case report, date of report, species affected and district data were extracted. The total number of domestic ruminants in each district was used to calculate fascioliasis cases per ten thousand animals at risk per district, and this was used for cluster and hotspot analysis. Clustering was assessed with Moran’s spatial autocorrelation statistic, hotspots with the local indicator of spatial association (LISA) statistic and space-time clusters with the scan statistic (Poisson model). The association between district fascioliasis prevalence and climate (temperature, precipitation), elevation, land cover and water bodies was investigated using a spatial regression model. Results A total of 1,723,971 cases of fascioliasis were reported in the three-year study period in cattle (1,164,560), goats (424,314), buffalo (88,924) and sheep (46,173). A total of nine hotspots were identified; one of these persisted in each of the three years. Only two local clusters were found. Five space-time clusters located within 22 districts were also identified. Annual risk maps of fascioliasis cases correlated with the hotspots and clusters detected. Cultivated and managed (P < 0.001) and artificial surface (P = 0.04) land cover areas, and elevation (P = 0.003) were positively and negatively associated with fascioliasis in Bangladesh, respectively. Conclusions Results indicate that due to land use characteristics some areas of Bangladesh are at greater risk of fascioliasis. The potential risk factors, hot spots and clusters identified in this study can be used to guide science-based treatment and control decisions for fascioliasis in Bangladesh and in other similar geo-climatic zones throughout the world

    Foot-and-Mouth Disease Space-Time Clusters and Risk Factors in Cattle and Buffalo in Bangladesh

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is highly endemic in Bangladesh. Using passive surveillance data (case records from all 64 districts of Bangladesh, 2014&ndash;2017) and district domestic ruminant population estimates, we calculated FMD cumulative incidence per 10,000 animals at risk per district, conducted cluster (Moran&rsquo;s spatial autocorrelation and scan statistics) and hotspot analysis (local indicator of spatial association statistic), created predictive maps and identified risk factors using a geographically weighted regression model. A total of 548,817 FMD cases in cattle and buffalo were reported during the four-year study period. The highest proportion (31.5%) of cases were reported during the post-monsoon season, and from Chattogram (29.2%) division. Five space-time clusters, 9 local clusters, and 14 hotspots were identified. Overall, higher cumulative incidences of FMD were consistently predicted in eastern parts of Bangladesh. The precipitation in the pre-monsoon season (p = 0.0008) was positively associated with FMD in Bangladesh. Results suggest climate plays an important role in the epidemiology of FMD in Bangladesh, and high risk zones exist. In a resource limited-setting, hotspots and clusters should be prioritized for vaccination coverage, and surveillance for FMD should be targeted in eastern areas of Bangladesh and during the post-monsoon season

    Identification and characterization of Salmonella spp. from samples of broiler farms in selected districts of Bangladesh

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    Background and Aim: Salmonella spp. are an important group of pathogens responsible for human and animal diseases. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence and identify and characterize of Salmonella spp. isolated from broiler farms of Gazipur, Tangail, and Dhaka districts of Bangladesh. This study also evaluated the difference of Salmonella positivity status between two groups of farms, good practices adapted in broiler rearing at the project intervened farms, and non-project intervened traditional farms. Materials and Methods: A total of 352 samples including 128 cloacal swabs, 32 whole carcasses, 64 feed, 64 water, and 64 attendants' hand rinses were collected through convenient sampling technique from 16 poultry food safety project of Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations Bangladesh intervened farms and other 16 non-project intervened farms in the same location. Various cultural based techniques and biochemical methods were employed for the estimation of prevalence, isolation, and identification of Salmonella spp. which was further evaluated by polymerase chain reaction. Antimicrobial susceptibility test using disk diffusion methods and serogrouping by slide agglutination test was accomplished for additional characterization. Results: Among the samples, an overall prevalence of Salmonella spp. was 31.25% (110/352) (95% confidence interval [CI]=26.44-36.38%). However, the prevalence of Salmonella spp. was 24.43% (43/176) (95% CI=18.28-31.47) in project intervened farms and 38.07% (67/176) (95% CI=30.87-45.68%) in non-intervened farms. Among the 110 isolates, 31.82% (35/110) were fitted under serogroup B, and the rest of the isolates 75 (68.18%) under serogroup D. Of 110 isolates, 82.72%, 77.27%, 81.82%, and 79.09% were susceptible to ciprofloxacin, gentamycin, norfloxacin, and streptomycin, respectively. In addition, 81.82% and 80% isolates were resistant to erythromycin and tetracycline, respectively. Isolated Salmonella spp. presented moderate resistance to both amoxicillin and azithromycin. Alarmingly, 80.91% (89/110) isolates were shown to be multidrug-resistant Salmonella spp. Conclusion: The study has presented a significant variation of the prevalence of Salmonella spp. between project intervened and non-project intervened farms, and this indicates project intervened farms are comparatively safer than the non-intervened farms considering public health and food safety grounds. This research outcome also has highlighted a substantial proportion of poultry origin multidrug resistance Salmonella spp. is a potential source of public health hazards. In this regard, proper awareness creation and motivational activities on good agriculture practices in poultry rearing and maintaining good personal hygiene at the farmers' level are warranted through participatory training

    The The Rich Mapping: Be a Supplementary Approach for Anthrax Control at Community Level

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    Anthrax is one of the most important diseases that can be transmitted from cattle to humans, especially in countries with a high density of cattle. Cattle are usually infected by the ingestion of Bacillus anthracis spores with food ingredients. For that reason, the adequacy of anthrax spores in the soil is considered as one of the causes of anthrax in cattle. The present study is based on the identification of anthrax spores in the soil and the development of a map based on the presence of spores, so that the people of the community can take a practical step in this regard in selecting the place for their cattle to graze. For this purpose, soil samples were collected from the studied areas. After extraction of soil DNA with DNA extraction kits, all samples were tested using a qualitative detection method. For a rapid and reliable qualitative detection system for Pathogenic B. anthracis spores isolated from soil samples, the specific primer of two plasmids, pXO1 (gene Pag), pXO2 (genes Cap), and S-layer locus (gene Sap) were used. The presence of spores was found in 7 out of 50 samples. The results of a qualitative detection method of Bacillus anthracis spores in the pastureland inserted as per their GPS coordinates. Based on the presence of pathogenic anthrax spore in a specific location, a map was then prepared and displayed in the community. So that the cattle owners can decide where their cattle will graze and be careful to prevent spore contact of their animal. Among the various effective anthrax prevention measures, rich mapping according to the presence of spores can be helpful in community level that will protect people from anthrax disease in the future

    Salmonella Gallinarum in Small-Scale Commercial Layer Flocks: Occurrence, Molecular Diversity and Antibiogram

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    Salmonella Gallinarum is one of the most important bacterial pathogens associated with diminished egg production in poultry. The aim of this study was to understand the occurrence, molecular traits and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Salmonella Gallinarum strains isolated from small-scale commercial layer flocks with low level biosecurity standards in Bangladesh. A total of 765 samples, including cloacal swabs (535), visceral organs (50), and droppings (180), were collected from chickens of 12 layer flocks in 11 districts. Salmonella Gallinarum was isolated and characterized through culture-based method, followed by biochemical tests, sero-grouping, PCR assays, sequencing, and antibiogram. The identity of biochemically detected isolates of Salmonella Gallinarum was confirmed via genus-specific 16S rRNA gene based PCR, followed by invA and spvC genes based PCR assays. Occurrence of Salmonella Gallinarum was detected in overall 25.75% (197/765) samples, with a significantly (p &lt; 0.05) higher incidence in visceral organs (42%) in comparison to cloacal swab (24%) and droppings (26%). Sequencing and subsequent phylogenetic analysis of invA and spvC genes in representative strains of Salmonella Gallinarum revealed a close genetic lineage, with a sequence similarity of 98.05–99.21% and 97.51–99.45%, respectively, to previously published sequences of the corresponding genes from the same serogroup strains. Remarkably, 66.5% (131/197) of the isolated strains of Salmonella Gallinarum were found to be resistant to 3 to 6 antimicrobial agents, and interpreted as multidrug resistant (MDR). The findings of this study underscore an inherent need of appropriate control measures to curb the widespread incidence of MDR Salmonella Gallinarum in small-scale commercial layer flocks, thereby, facilitating enhanced egg production and further support to the food security and safety in low resource settings

    Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Molecular Detection of Campylobacter in Farmed Cattle of Selected Districts in Bangladesh

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    A cross-sectional survey was conducted in selected districts of Bangladesh to estimate prevalence, risk factors, and molecular detection of Campylobacter isolates from 540 farmed cattle of 90 herds. As an individual sample, 540 feces, and as a pooled sample, 180 milk samples, 90 feed samples, 90 water samples, 90 manure samples, and 90 animal attendants’ hand-rinse water were collected and tested via culture, biochemical, and molecular assays. A pretested semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect herd-level data on risk factors with the herd owners. The herd-level data on risk factors were analyzed through univariate and multivariate analyses, and a p-value &lt;0.05 was considered statistically significant for all analyses. Overall, farm-level prevalence of bovine Campylobacter was enumerated to be 53.3% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 42.5–63.9%). The feces sample was found to be a high level of contamination of 30.9% (95% CI: 27–35%) followed by the manure swab (pooled) at 15.6% (95% CI: 8.8–24.7%). Campylobacter jejuni was documented as an abundant species (12.6%), followed by Campylobacter coli (5.1%), and Campylobacter fetus (0.3%). Older farms (&gt;5 years of age), no/minimum cleaning and disinfection practices, along with animal roaming outside of the farm, were documented as significant risk factors for farm-level Campylobacter occurrence. Evidence-based control measures need to be taken through stringent biosecurity and hygienic measurement to lessen the load of the Campylobacter pathogen in the farm environment and prevent further transmission to animals and humans