316 research outputs found

    Improved digestibility and growth in selected families of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Protein is the most expensive single component in fish feed and the quality of the dietary protein is decisive for the productivity of fish farming. When fish meal is partly replaced by plant protein in feed for organic fish it is especially important, that the amino acid profile of the plant proteins is corresponding to that in the fish meal, as it is not allowed to add artificial amino acids to feed for organic fish. In addition to the amino acid profile the digestibility of the nutrients is important for the productivity of the fish production. The digestibility of the diets were determined in cylindrical tanks with the bottom of each tank being conical with a ball-valve at the outlet. At this outlet a container for collecting faeces was mounted. The collection method was compared with the stripping method. For this purpose yttriumoxide was added to the feed as a marker. The protein digestibilities were close for both methods, i.e. about 91-93 % with the lowest values using the stripping method

    Introducing society: A lifelong learning perspective on public libraries’ contribution to integration

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    Public libraries have a societal duty to promote the peaceful coexistence between population and are therefore involved in integration work. However, the question is whether the integration perspective is suitable for addressing current issues or if other perspectives are more adequate. To study this, I conducted a literature review of published articles on Scandinavian public libraries’ integration work, six semi-structured interviews with male asylum seekers and an email interview with the chief operations officer at three asylum reception centres in Denmark. Using a lifelong learning perspective, I was able to consider the six asylum seekers’ experiences with integration in new ways. It became evident how integration is an ambiguous concept, and how the integration process does not constitute temporary phases but rather initiates lifelong learning processes, just like the activities native Danes conducts in their efforts to handle their lives in late modernity. The lifelong learning perspective probably cannot replace the integration perspective, but it may help us understand which activities are appropriate for public libraries to engage in. The public libraries’ task is not to assimilate, but to promote new citizens’ opportunities for peaceful coexistence by facilitating people’s participation in society

    "Modkulturens" nødvendighed

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    Dansk Biblioteksforskning årg. 6, nr. 1, 2010 31 Af Bo Skøtt Abstract Med udgangspunkt i et ph.d. projekt på Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi (tidligere Danmarks Biblioteksskole) indleder jeg denne artikel med en præsentation af to forskellige synsvinkler på fænomenet ”modkultur”, der baseres på et snævert henholdsvis bredt kulturbegreb. Diskussionen mellem disse to opfattelser af ”modkultur” knytter jeg an til mit projekts ophav i biblioteks- og informationsvidenskaben, til en definition af kulturbegrebet og til de studier af bevidsthedsformer, jeg har gennemført. Dette fører frem til en diskussion af selve begrebet ”modkulter”, begrebets implicitte antagelser, samt eksplicitte konsekvenser. Jeg plæderer undervejs for nødvendigheden af, at anlægge et kulturanalytisk perspektiv, idet folkelige fællesskaber antages at være alt for komplekse til, at umiddelbare studier af dem kan være adækvate. Blandt andet stiller jeg spørgsmålstegn ved, hvorvidt den forklarende beskrivelse som anvendelsen af et snævert kulturbegreb medfører, kan anvendes i bestræbelserne på at fortolke og forstå ”modkulturel” aktivisme. Artiklen afsluttes med at udbygge relationen og interessefællesskabet mellem på den ene side de folkelige kulturinstitutioners aktivisme og folkebibliotekernes kulturformidling på den anden og med at argumentere for anvendelsen af betegnelsen ”sociokulturelle fællesskaber” i stedet for ”modkulturer” om folkelige fællesskaber

    Modeling the Spill in the Songhua River after the Explosion in the Petrochemical Plant in Jilin

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    An explosion in a petrochemical plant in Jilin in the northeast of China on 13 November 13 2005 was responsible for the discharge of large quantities of benzene and nitrobenzene into Songhua River. This endangered the water supply of Harbin city and influenced the daily life for millions of people. The dispersion-advection equation was solved analytically and numerically and used to simulate the concentration of benzene and nitrobenzene in the Songhua River after the accident. Both solutions gave practically identical results. The main elimination process for both compounds was volatilization. The model results are quite close to the results obtained by measurements at monitoring stations. Arrival time of the pollutant wave, peak concentrations and end of the pollutant wave at Harbin and along the river were predicted successfully. The peak concentrations of nitrobenzene at Harbin were more than 30 times above the permissible limits for drinking water. This paper describes the distribution of benzene and nitrobenzene in the Songhua River after the accident in Jilin

    Biological Potential of Chitinolytic Marine Bacteria

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    Chitinolytic microorganisms secrete a range of chitin modifying enzymes, which can be exploited for production of chitin derived products or as fungal or pest control agents. Here, we explored the potential of 11 marine bacteria (Pseudoalteromonadaceae, Vibrionaceae) for chitin degradation using in silico and phenotypic assays. Of 10 chitinolytic strains, three strains, Photobacterium galatheae S2753, Pseudoalteromonas piscicida S2040 and S2724, produced large clearing zones on chitin plates. All strains were antifungal, but against different fungal targets. One strain, Pseudoalteromonas piscicida S2040, had a pronounced antifungal activity against all seven fungal strains. There was no correlation between the number of chitin modifying enzymes as found by genome mining and the chitin degrading activity as measured by size of clearing zones on chitin agar. Based on in silico and in vitro analyses, we cloned and expressed two ChiA-like chitinases from the two most potent candidates to exemplify the industrial potential

    Situationspraktik – mellem universitet og praksis

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    Denne artikel omhandler et forsøg med integration af praksis i undervisningen, som har til formål, 1) at give de studerende en fornemmelse for, hvordan fagene på uddannelsen har relevans for arbejdet i praksis, og 2) at kvalificere de studerende til mødet med praksis. Derfor inddrages især Etienne Wenger og Jean Laves teorier om ’praksisfællesskaber’ med fokus på ’situeret læring’ i overvejelserne over og planlægning af forsøget. Forsøget betegnes Situationspraktik og organiseres ud fra tre overordnede aktiviteter: asynkrone studieaktiviteter (litteraturstudier, planlægning og forberedelse af delarrangementer), klassisk konfrontationsundervisning (teori- analyse og metodepræsentation) og som et arrangement, hvor resultaterne af disse aktiviteter omsættes i praksis. I forsøget deltager 12 studerende, der alle går på 4. semester. Situationspraktikken resulterer for underviser i erfaringer med, hvilke pædagogiske muligheder og udfordringer der er med at facilitere læringsfællesskaber de studerende imellem og med inddragelse af eksterne stakeholders. This article sets out to describe an attempt to increase students’ understanding of professional practice. 'Situational internship', as the activity is termed, aims to provide students with experience of practice in their chosen field as part of their qualification. Etienne Wenger and Jean Laves’ theories on 'communities of practice' and 'situated learning' are used when considering and planning suitable learning activities. The study is organized as three main activities: asynchronic student activities (literature studies, planning and preparation of sub arrangements), teacher initiated activities (introduction of theories, analysis and methods) and the implementation of an event. Situational internship provides many interesting experiences, both for students and teacher, especially the opportunities and challenges of creating a learning community between students and teachers, and also between students and external stakeholders. The ambition to change the students' preconceptions of practice, and the teacher in the role of facilitator are thematized in the article
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