22 research outputs found

    Cryoglobulinemia in the course of a primary Sjögren’s syndrome

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    A 58-year-old woman with primary Sjögren’s syn­drome (pSS), peripheral neuropathy and positive serum cryoglobulin was admitted for evaluation of purpura on her skin. Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis was diagnosed based on clinical and laboratory find­ings . There was no response to cyclophosphamide pulse therapy, steroid therapy and cyclosporine. We presente the discussion about cryoglobulinemic vasculitis in pSS, the overall prognosis (B-cell lym­phomas) and differential diagnosis

    Geocaching as an innovative way of discovering natural and cultural assets in Poland. Poznań powiat case study

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    Currently, many Polish towns, through various organizational structures, use geocaching to promote local tourist values. This paper presents case studies of large cities, rural areas as well as valuable natural areas. The author of this article, as a resident of Poznan and an advanced geocaching player, has attempted to present the Poznań province as an area that has the potential to develop such field games. This is evidenced both by the routes created in recent years as well as by the regional organization – GEOpyra and the attitude of the inhabitants. Literature analysis, Internet sources related to geocaching and the results of our own research (conducted through a questionnaire survey on a sample of 355 inhabitants of the Poznań province from October 2016 to March 2017) were used to prepare the study. Autorka artykułu, będąca mieszkanką Poznania, a jednocześnie zaawansowanym graczem geocachingu, podjęła próbę prezentacji powiatu poznańskiego jako obszaru, który posiada potencjał do rozwoju tej gry. Świadczą o tym tworzone w ostatnich latach trasy, jak również działania regionalnej organizacji – GEOpyry oraz nastawienie mieszkańców. Do przygotowania opracowania wykorzystano analizę literatury, źródeł internetowych związanych z geocachingiem oraz wyniki badań własnych zrealizowanych na potrzeby pracy magisterskiej za pośrednictwem kwestionariusza ankiety na próbie 355 mieszkańców powiatu poznańskiego, w okresie od października 2016 r. do marca 2017 r.

    A Shrinking Space for Civil Society? A Conference on Civil Society and Europe's Political Culture: Wrocław, Poland, October 2016

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    Contents: 1. Philipp Sälhoff and Maria Skóra: Dialogue on Europe - Rebuilding Trust and Redefining Europe in Tough Times; 2. Nino Kavelashvili: Conference Report; 3. Anna Domaradzka: Mapping Civil Society in the Visegrád Countries; 4. Eszter Markus: Shrinking Space for Civil Society in the Heart of Europe; 5. Rupert Strachwitz: Postscript

    Pancreatic islet transplantation in a simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant recipient — a case report

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    Beta cell replacement allows for adequate blood glucose control, reduced progression or even reversal of microvascular complications, and improves the quality of life. Simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation is the best therapeutic option for patients with type 1 diabetes and end-stage renal disease resulting from diabetic nephropathy. However, when pancreas transplantation is contraindicated or unavailable, pancreatic islet transplantation is an alternative minimally invasive procedure. We report a patient after earlier simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplantation with a failed pancreas graft, and no option for pancreas retransplantation. In this patient pancreatic islet transplantation was performed. The latter resulted in an improved blood glucose control, restoration of hypoglycaemia awareness, and improved quality of life with stable good function of the kidney allograft.Beta cell replacement allows for adequate blood glucosecontrol, reduced progression or even reversal ofmicrovascular complications, and improves the qualityof life. Simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantationis the best therapeutic option for patients withtype 1 diabetes and end-stage renal disease resultingfrom diabetic nephropathy. However, when pancreastransplantation is contraindicated or unavailable, pancreaticislet transplantation is an alternative minimallyinvasive procedure. We report a patient after earliersimultaneous kidney and pancreas transplantationwith a failed pancreas graft, and no option for pancreasretransplantation. In this patient pancreatic islettransplantation was performed. The latter resultedin an improved blood glucose control, restoration ofhypoglycaemia awareness, and improved quality oflife with stable good function of the kidney allograft

    Searching for a new quality - queer, gender and economics

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    This article aims at pointing out two fundamental biases of contemporary economics and analyzing their consequences for constructing a vision of reality. Both androcentrism and heteronormativity not only prevent scholars from capturing the variety of social praxis, but also reproduce structures of domination and petrify discrimination areas. Methodological individualism reduces economical phenomena to the individual level, remaining blind to the wider socio-cultural conditions influencing human motivations and actions, especially in the face of limited commodities supply. Hence the questions: What could be the role of queer and gender studies for the development of economic sciences? Why not tackle economic issues also from a queer perspective?Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wskazanie nieświadomych uprzedzeń u podstaw głównego nurtu nauk ekonomicznych, które rodzą ryzyko zafałszowania generowanego obrazu rzeczywistości, jak również mających swoje konsekwencje w praktykach dyskryminacyjnych określonych zbiorowości. Niedoskonałość metod ekonomicznych ma szczególne znaczenie dla teorii krytycznych takich jak queer czy gender studies, albowiem penetrują one obszary dotychczas w ekonomii pomijane lub w ogóle niezauważone, otwierając szerokie pole do eksploracji i prostowania błędnych założeń, ubogacenia już istniejących twierdzeń. Niewrażliwość dziedziny ekonomicznej na kwestie związane z płcią kulturową oraz orientacją seksualną wydaje się być szkodliwym redukcjonizmem

    Cryoglobulinemia in the course of a primary Sjögren’s syndrome

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    A 58-year-old woman with primary Sjögren’s syn­drome (pSS), peripheral neuropathy and positive serum cryoglobulin was admitted for evaluation of purpura on her skin. Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis was diagnosed based on clinical and laboratory find­ings . There was no response to cyclophosphamide pulse therapy, steroid therapy and cyclosporine. We presente the discussion about cryoglobulinemic vasculitis in pSS, the overall prognosis (B-cell lym­phomas) and differential diagnosis

    Collective narcissism and in-group satisfaction predict opposite attitudes towards refugees via attribution of hostility

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    Project investigating opposite unique associations of CN and IS on hostility towards Syrian refugees via attribution of hostility

    Mindful-Gratitude Practice Reduces Prejudice at High Levels of Collective Narcissism

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    This research tested the hypothesis that mindful-gratitude practice attenuates the robust association between collective narcissism and prejudice. In between-subjects Study 1 (nationally representative sample of 569 Polish adults, 313 women), 10 minutes of mindful-gratitude practice—compared to mindful-attention practice and control—did not decrease prejudice (anti-Semitism), but weakened the positive link between collective narcissism and prejudice. In preregistered randomized-controlled-trial Study 2 (convenience sample of 219 Polish adults, 168 women), a 6-week mobile-app supported training in daily mindful-gratitude practice decreased prejudice (anti-Semitism, sexism, homophobia, anti-immigrant sentiment) and its link with collective narcissism, compared to a wait-list control. The hypothesis-consistent results emphasize the social relevance of mindful-gratitude practice, a time- and cost-effective intervention