145 research outputs found

    Hemichannel-mediated and pH-based feedback from horizontal cells to cones in the vertebrate retina

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    Background: Recent studies designed to identify the mechanism by which retinal horizontal cells communicate with cones have implicated two processes. According to one account, horizontal cell hyperpolarization induces an increase in pH withinthe synaptic cleft that activates the calcium current (Ca2+-current) in cones, enhancing transmitter release. An alternative account suggests that horizontal cell hyperpolarization increases the Ca2+-current to promote transmitter release through ahemichannel-mediated ephaptic mechanism.Methodology/Principal Findings: To distinguish between these mechanisms, we interfered with the pH regulating systems in the retina and studied the effects on the feedback responses of cones and horizontal cells. We found that the pH buffers HEPES and Tris partially inhibit feedback responses in cones and horizontal cells and lead to intracellular acidification ofneurons. Application of 25 mM acetate, which does not change the extracellular pH buffer capacity, does lead to both intracellular acidification and inhibition of feedback. Because intracellular acidification is known to inhibit hemichannels, the key experiment used to test the pH hypothesis, i.e. increasing the extracellular pH buffer capacity, does not discriminatebetween a pH-based feedback system and a hemichannel-mediated feedback system. To test the pH hypothesis in a manner independent of artificial pH-buffer systems, we studied the effect of interfering with the endogenous pH buffer, the bicarbonate/carbonic anhydrase system. Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase allowed for large changes in pH in the synapticcleft of bipolar cell terminals and cone terminals, but the predicted enhancement of the cone feedback responses, according to the pH-hypothesis, was not observed. These experiments thus failed to support a proton mediated feedback mechanism. The alternative hypothesis, the hemichannel-mediated ephaptic feedback mechanism, was therefore studied experimentally, and its feasibility was buttressed by means of a quantitative computer model of the cone/horizontal cellsynapse.Conclusion: We conclude that the data presented in this paper offers further support for physiologically relevant ephaptic interactions in the retina

    Surgical Simulator Design and Development

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    With the introduction of minimally invasive surgery (MIS), it became necessary to develop training methods to learn skills outside the operating room. Several training simulators have become commercially available, but fundamental research into the requirements for effective and efficient training in MIS is still lacking. Three aspects of developing a training program are investigated here: what should be trained, how it should be trained, and how to assess the results of training. In addition, studies are presented that have investigated the role of force feedback in surgical simulators. Training should be adapted to the level of behavior: skill-based, rule-based, or knowledge-based. These levels can be used to design and structure a training program. Extra motivation for training can be created by assessment. During MIS, force feedback is reduced owing to friction in the laparoscopic instruments and within the trocar. The friction characteristics vary largely among instruments and trocars. When force feedback is incorporated into training, it should include the large variation in force feedback properties as well. Training different levels of behavior requires different training methods. Although force feedback is reduced during MIS, it is needed for tissue manipulation, and therefore force application should be trained as well

    Synaptic Transmission from Horizontal Cells to Cones Is Impaired by Loss of Connexin Hemichannels

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    In the vertebrate retina, horizontal cells generate the inhibitory surround of bipolar cells, an essential step in contrast enhancement. For the last decades, the mechanism involved in this inhibitory synaptic pathway has been a major controversy in retinal research. One hypothesis suggests that connexin hemichannels mediate this negative feedback signal; another suggests that feedback is mediated by protons. Mutant zebrafish were generated that lack connexin 55.5 hemichannels in horizontal cells. Whole cell voltage clamp recordings were made from isolated horizontal cells and cones in flat mount retinas. Light-induced feedback from horizontal cells to cones was reduced in mutants. A reduction of feedback was also found when horizontal cells were pharmacologically hyperpolarized but was absent when they were pharmacologically depolarized. Hemichannel currents in isolated horizontal cells showed a similar behavior. The hyperpolarization-induced hemichannel current was strongly reduced in the mutants while the depolarization-induced hemichannel current was not. Intracellular recordings were made from horizontal cells. Consistent with impaired feedback in the mutant, spectral opponent responses in horizontal cells were diminished in these animals. A behavioral assay revealed a lower contrast-sensitivity, illustrating the role of the horizontal cell to cone feedback pathway in contrast enhancement. Model simulations showed that the observed modifications of feedback can be accounted for by an ephaptic mechanism. A model for feedback, in which the number of connexin hemichannels is reduced to about 40%, fully predicts the specific asymmetric modification of feedback. To our knowledge, this is the first successful genetic interference in the feedback pathway from horizontal cells to cones. It provides direct evidence for an unconventional role of connexin hemichannels in the inhibitory synapse between horizontal cells and cones. This is an important step in resolving a long-standing debate about the unusual form of (ephaptic) synaptic transmission between horizontal cells and cones in the vertebrate retina

    Successful and unsuccessful approaches to imaging carcinoids: Comparison of a radiolabelled tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitor with a tracer of biogenic amine uptake and storage, and a somatostatin analogue

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    A mouse mastocytoma model was used to determine the biodistribution and tumour uptake of four radiopharmaceuticals developed to target the serotonin synthetic pathway in carcinoid tumours. Three of the compounds were competitive inhibitors of the rate-limiting enzyme of serotonin synthesis, tryptophan hydroxylase. Radiolabelled iodo- dl -phenylalanine (iodine-131 PIPA) was found to have the highest uptake and tumourto-liver ratio. Four patients with known carcinoid tumours were then injected with 0.5 mCi 131 I-PIPA and imaged at 1, 4, 24 and 48 h post-injection. The radiopharmaceutical, however, failed to localize in the known tumour sites. This result was in contrast to the authors' experience of 131 I- and 123 I-MIBG imaging of carcinoid tumours. Seven patients with known metastatic carcinoid tumours, two patients with symptoms of recurrence following tumour resection, one patient with completely resected disease, and two patients with a flushing syndrome of uncertain aetiology were studied with 131 I-MIBG. Three of the seven patients with known metastatic disease had positive 131 I-MIBG scans. Both patients with clinical evidence of recurrent disease had negative scans, as did the patient who was considered to have had complete resection of her primary tumour. The two patients with idiopathic flushing syndrome also had negative scans. Among seven patients imaged with 123 I-MIBG there were four true-negative scans and one falsenegative, the latter in a patient with biochemical and CT evidence of recurrence. In a seventh patient with distant metastases there was variable uptake in some of the lesions. Four patients were studied with indium-111 penetetreodide. Two patients with metastatic carcinoid disease had positive scans, although hepatic metastases were not seen in one. Another two with idiopathic flushing syndrome had normal studies. The literature suggests that up 50% of carcinoid tumour cases are detected with 131 I-MIBG, compared to a sensitivity of 87% reported with somatostatin receptor imaging using 111 In-pentetreotide. The experience with 123 I-MIBG is much less extensive. The mechanisms of carcinoid tumour localization for each of the three classes of radiotracers are discussed and contrasted to their varying sensitivities. The relative success of 131 I-MIBG and 111 In-pentetreotide relative to 131 I-PIPA may be related to the fact that 131 I-MIBG is actively taken up and stored by the enterochromaffin cells of the tumours and 111 In-pentetreotide binds to cell surface receptors, whereas 131 I-PIPA binds to tryptophan hydroxylase, which may be present in quantities too small to permit tumours to be imaged.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46840/1/259_2005_Article_BF01731835.pd

    Plasma gut hormone levels in 37 patients with pheochromocytomas

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    Pheochromocytomas are usually recognized by the effects of overproduction of catecholamines, but there are clinical features that cannot be ascribed to catecholamine excess that may be due to vasoactive peptides. We, therefore, measured blood levels of vasoactive intestinal peptides (VIP), substance P, somatostatin (SS), and motilin in 50 instances in 37 patients with pheochromocytomas-21 malignant, 10 benign intra-adrenal, and 6 ectopic (5 paracardial and 1 perirenal). Hormone levels were considered raised if the level was more than 3 S.D. above the mean value found in 52 healthy subjects. Of the 37 patients, 20 (54%) had an abnormality in 1 or more gut hormone levels. The most common abnormality was a raised SS in 9/37 (24%). In addition to these, however, 3 (8%) others had raised VIP, 5 (13.5%) raised motilin, and 3 (8%) raised substance P. Patients with benign adrenal adenomas had raised levels of SS and substance P. Ectopic pheochromocytomas produced only SS in addition to catecholamines, but malignant pheochromocytomas could secrete all 4 peptides, and more than 1 in the same patient. We conclude that pheochromocytomas may secrete multiple vasoactive peptides, and they are more likely to do so if malignant. Somatostatin is the most commonly secreted peptide and is found with benign adrenal and ectopic (paracardiac) tumors. If the level of more than 1 peptide is elevated, the likelihood of malignancy is significantly increased . Les phéochromocytomes sont généralement déceléspar les effets dûs à la surproduction de catécholamines, mais certains troubles ne peuvent être attribués à ce phénomène et relèvent peut être de l'action de peptides vasoactifs. Les auteurs se sont donc attachés à doser dans le sang le VIP, la substance P, la somatostatine (SS), et la motiline. Ces dosages furent pratiqués 50 fois chez 37 malades porteurs de phéochromocytomes: 21 malins, 10 bénins et 6 ectopiques (5 paracardiaque et 1 péri-rénal). Les taux des hormones furent considérés comme élevés lorsque leur niveau fut supérieur à plus de 3 fois le taux de 52 sujets sains. Sur les 37 malades 20 (54%) présentaient un excès d'une ou de plusieurs hormones digestives. L'anomalie constatée la plus fréquente fut l'élévation de la SS (9 fois sur 37 soit 24%). Ajoutée à ce fait fut l'élévation de la VIP chez 3 sujets (8%), de la motiline chez 5 (13.5%) et de la substance P chez 3 (8%). Les phéochromocytomes bénins surrénaliens présentaient à la fois une élévation du taux de la SS et de la substance P. Les phéochromocytomes ectopiques en revanche présentaient seulement une élévation de la SS. Les phéochromocytomes malins pouvaient sécréter les 4 peptides ou plus d'un chez le même malade. En conclusion les phéochromocytomes peuvent secréter de multiples peptides vasoactifs et plus particulièrement lorsqu'ils sont malins. La SS est la substance qui est la plus souvent secrétée et elle est trouvée dans les tumeurs bénignes surrénaliennes ou ectopiques. Si plus d'une de ces substances est produite en excès les risques de malignité de la tumeur sont significativement plus importants. Los feocromocitomas generalmente son diagnosticados por los efectos del exceso de producción de catecolaminas pero hay características clínicas que no pueden ser atribuidas al exceso de catecolaminas y que pueden ser más bien manifestación de péptidos vasoactivos. Hemos establecido los niveles sanguíneos del péptido intestinal vasoactivo (VIP), de la sustancia P, de la somatostatina (SS), y de la motilina en 50 determinaciones en 37 pacientes con feocromocitomas; 21 malignos, 10 benignos intra-adrenales, y 6 ectópicos (5 paracardiales y 1 perirrenal). Se consideró que los niveles hormonales estaban elevados cuando el nivel era de más de 3 de desviación estandar sobre el valor promedio en 52 individuos normales. De 37 pacientes, 20 (54%) presentaron un valor anormal en 1 o más determinaciones del nivel de hormonas intestinales. La anormalidad más común fue la elevación de la SS en 9/37 (24%). Además de esto, sinembargo, otros 3 (8%) presentaban elevación de VIP, 5 (13.5%) elevación de sustancia P. Los adenomas suprarrenales benignos exhibieron niveles elevados de SS y de sustancia P. Los feocromocitomas ectópicos demostraron producción sólo de SS además de catecolaminas, pero los feocromocitomas malignos demostraron ser capaces de secretar todos los 4 péptidos, y más de 1 en el mismo paciente. Hemos llegado a la conclusión de que los feocromocitomas pueden secretar múltiples peptidos vasoactivos y que ésto tiende a ocurrir cuando son malignos. La SS es el péptido más frecuentemente secretado y se lo encuentra en los tumores suprarrenales benigno y ectópico (paracardiacos). Si se encuentran niveles elevados de más de 1 péptido, la posibilidad de malignidad aparece significativamente aumentada.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41274/1/268_2005_Article_BF01655534.pd

    Inventory of current EU paediatric vision and hearing screening programmes

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    Background: We examined the diversity in paediatric vision and hearing screening programmes in Europe. Methods: Themes relevant for comparison of screening programmes were derived from literature and used to compile three questionnaires on vision, hearing and public-health screening. Tests used, professions involved, age and frequency of testing seem to influence sensitivity, specificity and costs most. Questionnaires were sent to ophthalmologists, orthoptists, otolaryngologists and audiologists involved in paediatric screening in all EU fullmember, candidate and associate states. Answers were cross-checked. Results: Thirty-nine countries participated; 35 have a vision screening programme, 33 a nation-wide neonatal hearing screening programme. Visual acuity (VA) is measured in 35 countries, in 71% more than once. First measurement of VA varies from three to seven years of age, but is usually before the age of five. At age three and four picture charts, including Lea Hyvarinen are used most, in children over four Tumbling-E and Snellen. As first hearing screening test otoacoustic emission (OAE) is used most in healthy neonates, and auditory brainstem response (ABR) in premature newborns. The majority of hearing testing programmes are staged; children are referred after one to four abnormal tests. Vision screening is performed mostly by paediatricians, ophthalmologists or nurses. Funding is mostly by health insurance or state. Coverage was reported as >95% in half of countries, but reporting was often not first-hand. Conclusion: Largest differences were found in VA charts used (12), professions involved in vision screening (10), number of hearing screening tests before referral (1-4) and funding sources (8)


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