33 research outputs found

    Bis(maltolato)oxovanadium(IV) Induces Angiogenesis via Phosphorylation of VEGFR2

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    VEGFR2 and VEGF-A play a pivotal role in the process of angiogenesis. VEGFR2 activation is regulated by protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), enzymes that dephosphorylate the receptor and reduce angiogenesis. We aim to study the effect of PTPs blockade using bis(maltolato)oxovanadium(IV) (BMOV) on in vivo wound healing and in vitro angiogenesis. BMOV significantly improves in vivo wound closure by 45% in C57BL/6JRj mice. We found that upon VEGFR2 phosphorylation induced by endogenously produced VEGF-A, the addition of BMOV results in increased cell migration (45%), proliferation (40%) and tube formation (27%) in HUVECs compared to control. In a mouse ex vivo, aortic ring assay BMOV increased the number of sprouts by 3 folds when compared to control. However, BMOV coadministered with exogenous VEGF-A increased ECs migration, proliferation and tube formation by only 41%, 18% and 12% respectively and aortic ring sprouting by only 1-fold. We also found that BMOV enhances VEGFR2 Y951 and p38MAPK phosphorylation, but not ERK1/2. The level of phosphorylation of these residues was the same in the groups treated with BMOV supplemented with exogenous VEGF-A and exogenous VEGF-A only. Our study demonstrates that BMOV is able to enhance wound closure in vivo. Moreover, in the presence of endogenous VEGF-A, BMOV is able to stimulate in vitro angiogenesis by increasing the phosphorylation of VEGFR2 and its downstream proangiogenic enzymes. Importantly, BMOV had a stronger proangiogenic effect compared to its effect in coadministration with exogenous VEGF-A

    Toll-like receptor-4 mediates cigarette smoke-induced cytokine production by human macrophages

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    Abstract Background The major risk factor for the development of COPD is cigarette smoking. Smoking causes activation of resident cells and the recruitment of inflammatory cells into the lungs, which leads to release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemotactic factors, oxygen radicals and proteases. In the present study evidence is found for a new cellular mechanism that refers to a link between smoking and inflammation in lungs. Methods Employing human monocyte-derived macrophages, different techniques including FACS analysis, Cytometric Bead Array Assay and ELISA were achieved to evaluate the effects of CS on pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion including IL-8. Then, Toll-like receptor neutralization was performed to study the involvement of Toll-like receptor-4 in IL-8 production. Finally, signaling pathways in macrophages after exposure to CS medium were investigated performing ELISA and Western analysis. Results We demonstrate that especially human monocytes are sensitive to produce IL-8 upon cigarette smoke stimulation compared to lymphocytes or neutrophils. Moreover, monocyte-derived macrophages produce high amounts of the cytokine. The IL-8 production is dependent on Toll-like receptor 4 stimulation and LPS is not involved. Further research resolved the cellular mechanism by which cigarette smoke induces cytokine production in monocyte-derived macrophages. Cigarette smoke causes subsequently a concentration-dependent phosphorylation of IRAK and degradation of TRAF6. Moreover, IκBα was phosphorylated which suggests involvement of NF-κB. In addition, NFκB -inhibitor blocked cigarette smoke-induced IL-8 production. Conclusion These findings link cigarette smoke to inflammation and lead to new insights/therapeutic strategies in the pathogenesis of lung emphysema.</p

    Inhibition of IL-1 Signaling by Antisense Oligonucleotide-mediated Exon Skipping of IL-1 Receptor Accessory Protein (IL-1RAcP)

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    The cytokine interleukin 1(IL-1) initiates a wide range of proinflammatory cascades and its inhibition has been shown to decrease inflammation in a variety of diseases. IL-1 receptor accessory protein (IL-1RAcP) is an indispensible part of the IL-1R complex that stabilizes IL-1/IL-1R interaction and plays an important role in the signal transduction of the receptor complex. The soluble form of IL-1RAcP (sIL-1RAcP) contains only the extracellular domain and serves as a natural inhibitor of IL-1 signaling. Therefore, increasing sIL-1RAcP levels might be an attractive therapeutic strategy to inhibit IL-1–driven inflammation. To achieve this we designed specific antisense oligonucleotides (AON), to redirect pre-mRNA IL-1RAcP splicing by skipping of the transmembrane domain encoding exon 9. This would give rise to a novel Δ9IL-1RAcP mRNA encoding a soluble, secreted form of IL-1RAcP, which might have similar activity as natural sIL-1RAcP. AON treatment resulted in exon 9 skipping both in vitro and in vivo. A single dose injection of 10 mg AON/kg body weight induced 90% skipping in mouse liver during at least 5 days. The truncated mRNA encoded for a secreted, soluble Δ9IL-1RAcP protein. IL-1RAcP skipping resulted in a substantial inhibition of IL-1 signaling in vitro. These results indicate that skipping of the transmembrane encoding exon 9 of IL-1RAcP using specific AONs might be a promising therapeutic strategy in a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases

    A Sensitive, Reproducible and Objective Immunofluorescence Analysis Method of Dystrophin in Individual Fibers in Samples from Patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

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    <div><p>Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is characterized by the absence or reduced levels of dystrophin expression on the inner surface of the sarcolemmal membrane of muscle fibers. Clinical development of therapeutic approaches aiming to increase dystrophin levels requires sensitive and reproducible measurement of differences in dystrophin expression in muscle biopsies of treated patients with DMD. This, however, poses a technical challenge due to intra- and inter-donor variance in the occurrence of revertant fibers and low trace dystrophin expression throughout the biopsies. We have developed an immunofluorescence and semi-automated image analysis method that measures the sarcolemmal dystrophin intensity per individual fiber for the entire fiber population in a muscle biopsy. Cross-sections of muscle co-stained for dystrophin and spectrin have been imaged by confocal microscopy, and image analysis was performed using Definiens software. Dystrophin intensity has been measured in the sarcolemmal mask of spectrin for each individual muscle fiber and multiple membrane intensity parameters (mean, maximum, quantiles per fiber) were calculated. A histogram can depict the distribution of dystrophin intensities for the fiber population in the biopsy. This method was tested by measuring dystrophin in DMD, Becker muscular dystrophy, and healthy muscle samples. Analysis of duplicate or quadruplicate sections of DMD biopsies on the same or multiple days, by different operators, or using different antibodies, was shown to be objective and reproducible (inter-assay precision, CV 2–17% and intra-assay precision, CV 2–10%). Moreover, the method was sufficiently sensitive to detect consistently small differences in dystrophin between two biopsies from a patient with DMD before and after treatment with an investigational compound.</p></div

    Antibody reagents for immunofluorescence detection of dystrophin and spectrin.

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    <p>Dilution of primary antibodies in PBS containing 0.05% Tween, 5% FBS: <sup>a</sup>1∶60,<sup> b</sup>1∶300, <sup>c</sup>1∶200.</p><p>Dilution of secondary antibodies in PBS containing 0.05% Tween: <sup>d</sup>1∶250,<sup> e</sup>1∶1000.</p><p>FBS, fetal bovine serum; Ig, immunoglobulin; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline.</p><p>Antibody reagents for immunofluorescence detection of dystrophin and spectrin.</p