103 research outputs found

    The development of model and measuring tool for specialists accreditation in area of public health services

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    © Authors. The main purpose of the paper is to present some theoretical approaches and some methods providing assessment optimization in specialists' accreditation in area of public health services. The results of research presented in this paper, include the model of multistage adaptive measurements and two methods for reliability and validity analysis, providing high justice decisions in accreditation and corresponding to requirements in High-Stakes Testing procedures. The assessment optimization intends for minimization time of assessment and for reliability and validity data increasing. For optimization the special model of measurements based on multistage adaptive testing is offered. The using of offered model in assessment design allows to realize the advantages of traditional adaptive testing and linear testing, while minimizing their disadvantages. So, this model is recommended as dominating for assessment in accreditation. For validity increasing in assessment in accreditation the approach based on Structural Equation Modeling is offered. This method allows to analyze the significance of relations between observed and latent variables that have any interpretation as causal effects, and to construct the model of their relations. The example of model of casual relations between disciplines, latent variables (competencies) and factors is offered. The model helps to increase construct and content validity of measuring tool using in public health services accreditation. The methods of reliability estimation in multistage measurements, offered in paper, has innovative character. It has branching structure as the value of reliability in multistage measurements depends not only on reliability of separate stages, but also from correlations between them. The presented approaches allow to increase validity and reliability of decisions in public health services specialists' assessment or in other spheres of assessment during accreditation

    Business digital transformation effects on entrepreneurial vocational map in Russia

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    Relevance: The relevance of the study is designated by the development of digital technologies which are increasingly being used to optimize business processes. At the current stage of entrepreneurial development transformation of companies is being observed and representatives of digital businesses achieve the greatest capitalization. Employees of banking organizations are replaced by bots and artificial intelligence. In this regard, the requirements for entrepreneurs and mercenary managers are changing. This requires the search for new educational approaches to training of specialists. Purpose: to develop an author model of digital business transformation on the results of a survey (research method) conducted among the students of the Faculty of Engineering Business and Management of the Bauman State University and from Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. To reflected the modern vision of future entrepreneurs and managers for a new concept of skills mix vital for business development in the cause of digital transformation and competitive sustainability and to identify both positive and negative aspects of start-up entrepreneurs’ performance in digital economy. Methods and methodological units of research: comparative content analysis, empirical study, polling. The main results: Contradictions of digital business through an entrepreneur prism and consumer position were revealed. The conclusion is drawn that digital economy, on the one hand, is boiled to self-reliance of subsystems (state, business, society) of the system (digital economy). On the other hand, the state, business and society are premised on the scope of competencies, as far as the role of a human in digital economy may be minimized but no completely abandoned. The key factors that affect digital transformation were defined: process optimization, data, business models, infrastructure and tools, people and competencies, culture and interaction. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the author’s concept, according to which the key role in the digital economy era is assigned to the state (state as a platform), business (digital platforms, ecosystems, radical business models), society as a key factor in digitalization. In this regard, an assessment of the digital transformation is provided through the lens of a positive, critical and pragmatic view of society (experts and respondents). Practical relevance: The research results can be used by higher educational institutions to adapt their educational programs to the interests of economists and entrepreneurs, taking into account the growing informatization and digitalization of business processes

    Translation initiation and its deregulation during tumorigenesis

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    Regulation of protein synthesis at the level of translation initiation is fundamentally important for the control of cell proliferation under normal physiological conditions. Conversely, misregulation of protein synthesis is emerging as a major contributory factor in cancer development. Most bulk protein synthesis is initiated via recognition of the mRNA 5′ cap and subsequent recognition of the initiator AUG codon by a directional scanning mechanism. However, several key regulators of tumour development are translated by a cap-independent pathway. Here we review eukaryotic translation initiation, its regulation and the ways in which this regulation can break down during tumorigenesis

    Identification of Protein Networks Involved in the Disease Course of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis

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    A more detailed insight into disease mechanisms of multiple sclerosis (MS) is crucial for the development of new and more effective therapies. MS is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. The aim of this study is to identify novel disease associated proteins involved in the development of inflammatory brain lesions, to help unravel underlying disease processes. Brainstem proteins were obtained from rats with MBP induced acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a well characterized disease model of MS. Samples were collected at different time points: just before onset of symptoms, at the top of the disease and following recovery. To analyze changes in the brainstem proteome during the disease course, a quantitative proteomics study was performed using two-dimensional difference in-gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) followed by mass spectrometry. We identified 75 unique proteins in 92 spots with a significant abundance difference between the experimental groups. To find disease-related networks, these regulated proteins were mapped to existing biological networks by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA). The analysis revealed that 70% of these proteins have been described to take part in neurological disease. Furthermore, some focus networks were created by IPA. These networks suggest an integrated regulation of the identified proteins with the addition of some putative regulators. Post-synaptic density protein 95 (DLG4), a key player in neuronal signalling and calcium-activated potassium channel alpha 1 (KCNMA1), involved in neurotransmitter release, are 2 putative regulators connecting 64% of the identified proteins. Functional blocking of the KCNMA1 in macrophages was able to alter myelin phagocytosis, a disease mechanism highly involved in EAE and MS pathology. Quantitative analysis of differentially expressed brainstem proteins in an animal model of MS is a first step to identify disease-associated proteins and networks that warrant further research to study their actual contribution to disease pathology

    Peroxiredoxin 6 in human brain: molecular forms, cellular distribution and association with Alzheimer’s disease pathology

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    Peroxiredoxin 6 is an antioxidant enzyme and is the 1-cys member of the peroxiredoxin family. Using two-dimensional electrophoresis and Western blotting, we have shown for the first time that, in human control and brain tissue of patient’s with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), this enzyme exists as three major and five minor forms with pIs from 5.3 to 6.1. Using specific cellular markers, we have shown that peroxiredoxin 6 is present in astrocytes with very low levels in neurons, but not detectable in microglia or oligodendrocytes. In control brains, there was a very low level of peroxiredoxin 6 staining in astrocytes that was confined to a “halo” around the nucleus. In AD, there were marked increases in the number and staining intensity of peroxiredoxin 6 positive astrocytes in both gray and white matter in the midfrontal cortex, cingulate, hippocampus and amygdala. Confocal microscopy using antibodies to Aβ peptide, tau and peroxiredoxin 6 showed that peroxiredoxin 6 positive astrocytes are closely involved with diffuse plaques and to a lesser extent with neuritic plaques, suggesting that plaques are producing reactive oxygen species. There appeared to be little astrocytic response to tau containing neurons. Although peroxiredoxin 6 positive astrocytes were seen to make multiple contacts with tau positive neurons, there was no intraneuronal colocalization. In brain tissue of patients with AD, many blood vessels exhibited peroxiredoxin 6 staining that appeared to be due to the astrocytic foot processes. These results suggest that oxidative stress conditions exist in AD and that peroxiredoxin 6 is an important antioxidant enzyme in human brain defenses

    Methanocella conradii sp. nov., a Thermophilic, Obligate Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen, Isolated from Chinese Rice Field Soil

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    BACKGROUND: Methanocellales contributes significantly to anthropogenic methane emissions that cause global warming, but few pure cultures for Methanocellales are available to permit subsequent laboratory studies (physiology, biochemistry, etc.). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By combining anaerobic culture and molecular techniques, a novel thermophilic methanogen, strain HZ254(T) was isolated from a Chinese rice field soil located in Hangzhou, China. The phylogenetic analyses of both the 16S rRNA gene and mcrA gene (encoding the α subunit of methyl-coenzyme M reductase) confirmed its affiliation with Methanocellales, and Methanocella paludicola SANAE(T) was the most closely related species. Cells were non-motile rods, albeit with a flagellum, 1.4-2.8 µm long and by 0.2-0.3 µm in width. They grew at 37-60 °C (optimally at 55 °C) and salinity of 0-5 g NaCl l(-1) (optimally at 0-1 g NaCl l(-1)). The pH range for growth was 6.4-7.2 (optimum 6.8). Under the optimum growth condition, the doubling time was 6.5-7.8 h, which is the shortest ever observed in Methanocellales. Strain HZ254(T) utilized H(2)/CO(2) but not formate for growth and methane production. The DNA G+C content of this organism was 52.7 mol%. The sequence identities of 16S rRNA gene and mcrA gene between strain HZ254(T) and SANAE(T) were 95.0 and 87.5% respectively, and the genome based Average Nucleotide Identity value between them was 74.8%. These two strains differed in phenotypic features with regard to substrate utilization, possession of a flagellum, doubling time (under optimal conditions), NaCl and temperature ranges. Taking account of the phenotypic and phylogenetic characteristics, we propose strain HZ254(T) as a representative of a novel species, Methanocella conradii sp. nov. The type strain is HZ254(T) ( = CGMCC 1.5162(T) = JCM 17849(T) = DSM 24694(T)). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Strain HZ254(T) could potentially serve as an excellent laboratory model for studying Methanocellales due to its fast growth and consistent cultivability

    Enhancement of carotenoids biosynthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by nuclear transformation using a phytoene synthase gene isolated from Chlorella zofingiensis

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    The isolation and characterization of the phytoene synthase gene from the green microalga Chlorella zofingiensis (CzPSY), involved in the first step of the carotenoids biosynthetic pathway, have been performed. CzPSY gene encodes a polypeptide of 420 amino acids. A single copy of CzPSY has been found in C. zofingiensis by Southern blot analysis. Heterologous genetic complementation in Escherichia coli showed the ability of the predicted protein to catalyze the condensation of two molecules of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) to form phytoene. Phylogenetic analysis has shown that the deduced protein forms a cluster with the rest of the phytoene synthases (PSY) of the chlorophycean microalgae studied, being very closely related to PSY of plants. This new isolated gene has been adequately inserted in a vector and expressed in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The overexpression of CzPSY in C. reinhardtii, by nuclear transformation, has led to an increase in the corresponding CzPSY transcript level as well as in the content of the carotenoids violaxanthin and lutein which were 2.0- and 2.2-fold higher than in untransformed cells. This is an example of manipulation of the carotenogenic pathway in eukaryotic microalgae, which can open up the possibility of enhancing the productivity of commercial carotenoids by molecular engineering