12 research outputs found

    Individually differentiated organization of training stimulation at step aerobics classes with middle aged women

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    Different group fitness aerobics classes, that unite people of different ages with unequal physical fitness levels, are among the most popular forms of fitness training. This article presents an analysis of changes in the functional state of middle-aged women engaged in step aerobics with load dosed based on the heart rate at the level of individual anaerobic threshold. The individually-differentiated approach to dosing of exercises with regard to the parameters of the anaerobic threshold contributes to a significant increase of the functional capacities of the body, providing adaptation processes conditioned by exercises. The use of step aerobics as a fitness training along with dosing of exercises with regard to heart rate at the level of the individual anaerobic threshold has a good effect on the body of middle-aged women, which is proved by significant positive changes in the functional state of the body of the women engaged in the experimental group, compared with those in the control one. Dynamics of indicators indicates an improvement of physical working capacity of women of this age group, along with an increase of aerobic capacity and their physical fitness level. Formation of the effective activity of the body in the context of using individuallydifferentiated motor loads enhances the fitness level of women practicing step aerobics.В настоящей статье представлен анализ изменений функционального состояния организма женщин среднего возраста, занимающихся степ-аэробикой с дозированием нагрузки по частоте сердечных сокращений на уровне индивидуального порога анаэробного обмена. Индивидуально-дифференцированный подход к дозированию тренирующих воздействий с учётом параметров порога анаэробного обмена, способствует значительному повышению функциональных возможностей организма, обеспечивающих адаптационные процессы, развивающиеся в ответ на физическую нагрузку. Использование степ-аэробики в качестве оздоровительной тренировки в сочетании с дозированием нагрузки по частоте сердечных сокращений на уровне индивидуального порога анаэробного обмена приводит к положи-тельным эффектам в организме женщин среднего возраста. Свидетельством этого являются значительные позитивные изменения функционального состояния организма занимающихся экспериментальной групп, по сравнению с контрольной. Динамика показателей свидетельствует о росте физической работоспособности женщин данного возраста, повышении аэробной производительности и уровня их физической подготовленности. Формирование эффективной деятельности организма в условиях применения индивидуально-дифференцированных двигательных нагрузок способствует повышению уровня тренированности женщин, занимающихся степ-аэробикой

    Technology for improving aerobic classes in the process of physical education students

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    Представлена организация и содержание занятий со студентками оздоровительной аэробикой, разработанных с учетом биоритмики их организма. Технология проведения занятий дает возможность более полно использовать индивидуальный потенциал занимающихся, оказывает положительное воздействие на физическую работоспособность, позитивное изменение морфологических параметров, повышает степень мотивации девушек к регулярным занятиям физическими упражнениями и сформировывает устойчивую потребность в них.Represented the organization and content of lessons with students improving aerobic exercise, tailored to bioritmiki their body. Technology of the classes provides an opportunity to more fully use the potential of the individual involved has a positive effect on physical performance, positive change in morphological parameters, increases the motivation of girls to regular physical exercise and forms steady demand for them

    Conception of intuition: From the western philosophy, science, and religion to traditional Vietnamese philosophical thought

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    © 2020, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved. Intuition is one of the unique human powers to quickly and directly realize the truth of things without any rational analysis or logical thinking process. However, intuition has not really been properly stressed in Western rationalist philosophy. In this article, based on analyzing some conceptions on intuition in the history of Western philosophy, science and religion, we give some comparative interpretations on intuition from traditional Vietnamese philosophical thoughts, especially Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism… to show that (1) intuition is a universal term that is valid not only in Western philosophy but also in Eastern philosophy, particularly in Vietnamese philosophical thought; (2) intuition is understood in traditional Vietnamese philosophical thoughts mainly as irrational, mystical intuition, and (3) this view has certain similarities to some irrational conceptions in Western philosophy in the twentieth century and today. Since this topic has been scarcely discussed in the academic literature, especially in terms of East-West comparison, the aim of our study is to offer a comparative analysis of existing views and their historical roots


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    In this paper, it is proposed to use polymer-modified composite materials based on nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) as an alternative to organic fluorescent quantum dots traditionally used in medicine. A distinctive feature of nc-Si is a high absorption coefficient in the near UV and blue-violet range and the ability to transmit light in the visible region of the spectrum. The main advantage of silicon-based nanoparticles for in vivo use is their biodegradability and the absence of toxic properties. For hydrophilization of silicon nanoparticles, their surface was modified by amphiphilic biocompatible polymers: polyvinylpyrrolidone, a copolymer of maleic anhydride and 1-octadecene, cremophore, which is a polyoxyethylene derivative of hydrogenated castor oil. Silicon nanoparticles (nc-Si) with an average diameter of 4.5 nm, synthesized by annealing of SiO at 1150 °C, and functionalized with 1-octadecene photoluminescent in the red-infrared spectral region were used. The presence of the polymer shell on the surface of the nanoparticles was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. The sedimentation and aggregative stability of the particles in water were analyzed. It is shown that after the nc-Si polymer modification, the photoluminescent properties of nanoparticles are retained although the photoluminesce maxima were shifted to the blue region. Colorimetric MTT-assay of the cytotoxicity of the nanoparticles modified with polymers to monoclonal cells of human erythroleukemia K562 showed no toxicity for cells in culture at a particle concentration of up to 50 μg/ml. Subcellular localization of silicon nanoparticles into the human cervical carcinoma cell line HeLa was shown by means of fluorescence microscopy. The obtained polymer-modified nc-Si particles can be recommended for the purposes of bioimaging in in vitro and in vivo applications.В настоящей работе предложено использовать полимермодифицированные композитные материалы на основе нанокристаллического кремния (nc-Si) в качестве альтернативы органическим флуоресцентным меткам, традиционно применяемым в медицине. Отличительной особенностью nc-Si является высокий коэффициент поглощения в ближнем УФ и сине-фиолетовом диапазоне и способность пропускать свет в видимой области спектра. Основным преимуществом наночастиц на основе кремния для использования in vivo является их биодеградируемость и отсутствие токсических свойств. Для гидрофилизации наночастиц кремния проведена модификация их поверхности амфифильными биосовместимыми полимерами: поливинилпирролидоном, сополимером малеинового ангидрида и 1-октадецена, кремофором, представляющим собой полиоксиэтилированное гидрированное касторовое масло. В работе использовали фотолюминесцирующие в красно-инфракрасной области спектра наночастицы кремния (nc-Si) со средним диаметром 4,5 нм, синтезированные отжигом SiO при 1150 °C и функционализированные 1-октадеценом. Наличие полимерной оболочки на поверхности наночастиц подтверждали ИК-Фурье спекроскопией. Проведен анализ седиментационной и агрегативной устойчивости полученных частиц в воде. Показано, что после модификации nc-Si полимерами фотолюминесцентные свойства наночастиц сохраняются, хотя модификация приводит к сдвигу спектров фотолюминесценции в коротковолновую область. Анализ цитотоксичности модифицированных полимерами частиц нанокремния, проведенный с помощью колориметрического МТТ-теста с использованием моноклонизированных клеток эритролейкоза человека К562, показал отсутствие токсичности для клеток в культуре при концентрации частиц до 50 мкг/мл. С помощью флуоресцентной микроскопии показана субклеточная локализация наночастиц кремния с использованием клеточной линии карциномы шейки матки человека HeLa. Полученные полимермодифицированные частицы nc-Si могут быть рекомендованы для целей биоимиджинга в in vitro и in vivo приложениях

    Modification of nanocrystalline silicon by polymers for biomedical applications [МОДИФИКАЦИЯ НАНОКРИСТАЛЛИЧЕСКОГО КРЕМНИЯ ПОЛИМЕРАМИ ДЛЯ БИОМЕДИЦИНСКИХ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЙ]

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    In this paper, it is proposed to use polymer-modified composite materials based on nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si) as an alternative to organic fluorescent quantum dots traditionally used in medicine. A distinctive feature of nc-Si is a high absorption coefficient in the near UV and blue-violet range and the ability to transmit light in the visible region of the spectrum. The main ad-vantage of silicon-based nanoparticles for in vivo use is their biodegradability and the absence of toxic properties. For hydrophilization of silicon nanoparticles, their surface was modified by am-phiphilic biocompatible polymers: polyvinylpyrrolidone, a copolymer of maleic anhydride and 1-octadecene, cremophore, which is a polyoxyethylene derivative of hydrogenated castor oil. Silicon nanoparticles (nc-Si) with an average diameter of 4.5 nm, synthesized by annealing of SiO at 1150 °C, and functionalized with 1-octadecene photoluminescent in the red-infrared spectral region were used. The presence of the polymer shell on the surface of the nanoparticles was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. The sedimentation and aggregative stability of the particles in water were analyzed. It is shown that after the nc-Si polymer modification, the photoluminescent properties of nanopar-ticles are retained although the photoluminesce maxima were shifted to the blue region. Colori-metric MTT-assay of the cytotoxicity of the nanoparticles modified with polymers to monoclonal cells of human erythroleukemia K562 showed no toxicity for cells in culture at a particle concen-tration of up to 50 μg/ml. Subcellular localization of silicon nanoparticles into the human cervical carcinoma cell line HeLa was shown by means of fluorescence microscopy. The obtained polymer-modified nc-Si particles can be recommended for the purposes of bioimaging in in vitro and in vivo applications. © 2019, Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology

    Evaluation of the HIV-1 drug resistance to elsulfavirine and the effectiveness of it among Russian treatment-naïve patients [ОцЕНКА ЛЕКАРСТВЕННОЙ УСТОЙЧИВОСТИ ВИЧ-1 К ЭЛСУЛЬФАВИРИНУ И ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ЕГО ПРИМЕНЕНИя СРЕДИ РОССИЙСКИХ ПАцИЕНТОВ, РАНЕЕ НЕ ПОЛУЧАВШИХ АНТИРЕТРОВИРУСНЫЕ ПРЕПАРАТЫ]

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    The aim of the study: to analyze the prevalence of resistance mutations to elsulfavirine and to evaluate the effectiveness of it among HIV-infected treatment-na ve patients in real clinical practice. Materials and methods. The study included 578 patients with HIV infection, which divided into 3 groups. The first group is 354 HIV-infected treatment-na ve patients for whom HIV-1 nucleotide sequences were obtained as part of routine drug resistance testing. The second study group included 111 HIV-infected treatment-na ve patients, tested for drug resistance before the antiretroviral therapy containing elsulfavirine. The third study group included 113 HIV-infected treatment-na ve patients, each of whom was assigned a treatment regimen containing elsulfavirine without prior drug resistance testing. The observation period for patients of the second and third groups who received treatment was 24 weeks. To assess the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy in patients, viral load, CD4+ T-cell counts, and adherence to therapy were assessed. HIV-1 subtypes and drug resistance mutations were determined using the Stanford HIV Resistance Database (v. 8.9-1). To clarify the results of subtyping, phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences was carried out using the MEGA program (v. 6.0). Results. The prevalence of mutations associated with decreased susceptibility to elsulfavirine among HIV-infected treatment-na ve patients was 1.7% and 4.5% for the first and second groups of patients, respectively. All of the patients have only single resistance mutations which, according to the results of preclinical studies, cannot cause drug resistance. The use of elsulfavirine in real clinical practice among treatment-na ve patients has demonstrated good virological and immunological efficacy of the drug. As a result of 24 weeks of therapy in patients of the second group, no treatment ineffectiveness, and the development of drug resistance were observed. Among the patients of the third group, 6 patients (5.3%) have the virological failure of therapy associated with the resistance to the used drugs. All patients with virological failure had a resistance mutation profile associated with a high level of drug resistance to one of the drugs in the treatment regimen, lamivudine. Additionally, 1 patient had a combination of mutations that reduce susceptibility to elsulfavirine, and 4 patients had mutations that can reduce susceptibility to elsulfavirine in combination with other mutations. Conclusion. The low prevalence of mutations associated with a decrease in susceptibility to elsulfavirine and the absence of combinations of mutations make it possible to predict the successful use of this drug for Russian treatment-na ve patients. Reported cases of virological failure of antiretroviral therapy are difficult to interpret in the context of elsulfavirine due to the lack of an exact list of mutations and their combinations, and associations with the degree of resistance to it. This study describes for the first time the mutation profiles in patients with virological failure of therapy containing elsulfavirine and demonstrates the necessity of the further study of drug resistance profile to drug in vitro and in vivo. © 2021 Interregional public organization Association of infectious disease specialists of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region (IPO AIDSSPbR). All rights reserved


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    Objective. To evaluate the virologie efficiency of dual antiretroviral therapy (ART) [lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) + lamivudine (3TC)] in treatment-experienced HIV-1-infected patients in the routine clinical settings of the Russian Federation. Subjects and methods. The multicenter non-interventional study was conducted in 13 federal and republican centers for prevention and control of AIDS and communicable diseases in 12 regions of the Russian Federation. The inclusion criteria were an age 18 years or older, plasma HIV-1 RNA + T-cell counts at weeks 24 and 48. The safety assessment included HIV ART resistance testing, anthropometric measurements, blood chemistry evaluation, and the rates of serious and non-serious adverse events (AEs). The results were interpreted using descriptive statistics methods. Results. Between November 2015 and May 2017, the investigation enrolled 216 HIV-infected Caucasian male and female patients aged 20 to 69 years (mean age, 38.1 + 8.5 years; median age, 36.0 years); out of them, 202 (93.52%) patients completed the per-protocol study; 14 (6.48%) patients discontinued prematurely because of various reasons. The proportion of patients with an undetectable HIV-1 RNA level was 100% (95% Cl, 98.31-100.0) at Visit 1 (enrollment), 98.1 % (95% Cl, 95.17-99.48) at Visit 2 (week 12), 99.5%> (95% Cl, 9729-99.99) at Visit 3 (week 24), 100% (95% Cl, 98.21-100.0) at Visit 4 (week 36), and 100% (95% Cl, 98.18-100] at Visit 5 (week 48). At Visit 2 (week 12), VT + 50 copies/ml was recorded in 4 patients; in 2 of them, ineffective therapy (VT 3 400 copies/ml) was confirmed by repeated assays. One patient with a therapy failure was found to have a number of nucleoside and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor mutations. The СD4+ -lymphocyte cell counts increased significantly during ART versus at baseline; the mean week 48 increment in СD4+ -lymphocyte counts was 111.75 ± 184.48 cells/mm3(95% Cl, 86.15-137.34) or 1.43 ± 6.31% (95% Cl, 0.55-2.31). The patients well tolerated the TPV/r + 3TC regimen. There were no statistically significant changes in the mean anthropometric and laboratory values as compared to the baseline ones. Clinically significantly abnormal ATT, AST, blood glucose, and total cholesterol levels were recorded in 4 (1.9%) patients at weeks 24 and 48. The spontaneous reporting method showed that a total of 3 (1.4%) patients had 9 AEs. They all were non-serious and regarded by the attending physician as being unrelated to TPV/r + 3TC therapy. Six cases of AEs in 2 (1.9%) patients were related to gastrointestinal tract disorders (abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, and vomiting); 3 (1.4%) patients terminated their participation in the study early due to pregnancy. Conclusion. Switching treatment-experienced HIV-1 infected patients to the TPV/r + 3TC regimen ensured maintenance of virologie suppression and improvement of an immune response during the 48-week follow-up. The proposed therapy regimen showed a good tolerance and a favorable safety prof ile.Цель исследования. Оценка вирусологической эффективности двойной схемы антиретровирусной терапии (APT) [лопинавир/ритонавир (TPV/r) + ламивудин (ЗТС)] у ВИЧ-1-инфицированных пациентов, имеющих предшествующий опыт лечения, в рутинной клинической практике в Российской Федерации. Материалы и методы. Проведено неинтервенционное многоцентровое исследование на базе 13 федеральных и республиканских центров по профилактике и борьбе со СПИД и инфекционными заболеваниями в 12 регионах Российской Федерации. Критерии включения в исследование: возраст пациентов 18 лет и старше, уровень РНК ВИЧ-1 в плазме крови 50 копий/мл, у 2 из них по результатам повторных анализов была подтверждена неэффективность терапии (ВН > 400 копий/мл). У 1 пациента с неэффективностью терапии был выявлен ряд мутаций к НИОТ и ННИОТ. На фоне APT значительно увеличилось количество CD4+-лимфоцитов по сравнению с исходным уровнем: средний прирост на 48-й неделе составил 111,75 ± 184,48 клеток/мм3 [95% ДИ 86,15-137,34] или 1,43 ± 6,31%> [95% ДИ 0,55-2,31]. Пациенты хорошо переносили APT по схеме TPV/r + ЗТС. Не было выявлено статистически значимых изменений средних значений антропометрических и лабораторных показателей по сравнению с исходными. У 4 (1,9%) пациентов на 24-й и 48-й неделях были зарегистрированы клинически значимые отклонения от нормы уровней АЛТ, ACT, глюкозы крови и общего холестерина. Всего у 3 (1,4%) пациентов методом спонтанных сообщений были зарегистрированы 9 НЯ. Все они были несерьезными и расценены лечащим врачом как не связанные с терапией LPV/r + ЗТС. 6 случаев НЯ у 2 (1,9%) пациентов относились к нарушениям со стороны желудочно-кишечного тракта (боль в животе, диарея, диспепсия и рвота). 3 (1,4%) пациентки досрочно прекратили участие в исследовании в связи с беременностью. Заключение. Переключение ВИЧ-1-инфицированных пациентов с предшествующим опытом APT на режим LPV/r + ЗТС обеспечивало поддержание вирусологической супрессии и улучшение иммунного ответа на протяжении 48 нед. наблюдения. Отмечены хорошая переносимость и благоприятный профиль безопасности предложенной схемы терапии


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    Objective. To evaluate the virologie efficiency of dual antiretroviral therapy (ART) [lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) + lamivudine (3TC)] in treatment-experienced HIV-1-infected patients in the routine clinical settings of the Russian Federation. Subjects and methods. The multicenter non-interventional study was conducted in 13 federal and republican centers for prevention and control of AIDS and communicable diseases in 12 regions of the Russian Federation. The inclusion criteria were an age 18 years or older, plasma HIV-1 RNA + T-cell counts at weeks 24 and 48. The safety assessment included HIV ART resistance testing, anthropometric measurements, blood chemistry evaluation, and the rates of serious and non-serious adverse events (AEs). The results were interpreted using descriptive statistics methods. Results. Between November 2015 and May 2017, the investigation enrolled 216 HIV-infected Caucasian male and female patients aged 20 to 69 years (mean age, 38.1 + 8.5 years; median age, 36.0 years); out of them, 202 (93.52%) patients completed the per-protocol study; 14 (6.48%) patients discontinued prematurely because of various reasons. The proportion of patients with an undetectable HIV-1 RNA level was 100% (95% Cl, 98.31-100.0) at Visit 1 (enrollment), 98.1 % (95% Cl, 95.17-99.48) at Visit 2 (week 12), 99.5%> (95% Cl, 9729-99.99) at Visit 3 (week 24), 100% (95% Cl, 98.21-100.0) at Visit 4 (week 36), and 100% (95% Cl, 98.18-100] at Visit 5 (week 48). At Visit 2 (week 12), VT + 50 copies/ml was recorded in 4 patients; in 2 of them, ineffective therapy (VT 3 400 copies/ml) was confirmed by repeated assays. One patient with a therapy failure was found to have a number of nucleoside and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor mutations. The СD4+ -lymphocyte cell counts increased significantly during ART versus at baseline; the mean week 48 increment in СD4+ -lymphocyte counts was 111.75 ± 184.48 cells/mm3(95% Cl, 86.15-137.34) or 1.43 ± 6.31% (95% Cl, 0.55-2.31). The patients well tolerated the TPV/r + 3TC regimen. There were no statistically significant changes in the mean anthropometric and laboratory values as compared to the baseline ones. Clinically significantly abnormal ATT, AST, blood glucose, and total cholesterol levels were recorded in 4 (1.9%) patients at weeks 24 and 48. The spontaneous reporting method showed that a total of 3 (1.4%) patients had 9 AEs. They all were non-serious and regarded by the attending physician as being unrelated to TPV/r + 3TC therapy. Six cases of AEs in 2 (1.9%) patients were related to gastrointestinal tract disorders (abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, and vomiting); 3 (1.4%) patients terminated their participation in the study early due to pregnancy. Conclusion. Switching treatment-experienced HIV-1 infected patients to the TPV/r + 3TC regimen ensured maintenance of virologie suppression and improvement of an immune response during the 48-week follow-up. The proposed therapy regimen showed a good tolerance and a favorable safety prof ile.Цель исследования. Оценка вирусологической эффективности двойной схемы антиретровирусной терапии (APT) [лопинавир/ритонавир (TPV/r) + ламивудин (ЗТС)] у ВИЧ-1-инфицированных пациентов, имеющих предшествующий опыт лечения, в рутинной клинической практике в Российской Федерации. Материалы и методы. Проведено неинтервенционное многоцентровое исследование на базе 13 федеральных и республиканских центров по профилактике и борьбе со СПИД и инфекционными заболеваниями в 12 регионах Российской Федерации. Критерии включения в исследование: возраст пациентов 18 лет и старше, уровень РНК ВИЧ-1 в плазме крови 50 копий/мл, у 2 из них по результатам повторных анализов была подтверждена неэффективность терапии (ВН > 400 копий/мл). У 1 пациента с неэффективностью терапии был выявлен ряд мутаций к НИОТ и ННИОТ. На фоне APT значительно увеличилось количество CD4+-лимфоцитов по сравнению с исходным уровнем: средний прирост на 48-й неделе составил 111,75 ± 184,48 клеток/мм3 [95% ДИ 86,15-137,34] или 1,43 ± 6,31%> [95% ДИ 0,55-2,31]. Пациенты хорошо переносили APT по схеме TPV/r + ЗТС. Не было выявлено статистически значимых изменений средних значений антропометрических и лабораторных показателей по сравнению с исходными. У 4 (1,9%) пациентов на 24-й и 48-й неделях были зарегистрированы клинически значимые отклонения от нормы уровней АЛТ, ACT, глюкозы крови и общего холестерина. Всего у 3 (1,4%) пациентов методом спонтанных сообщений были зарегистрированы 9 НЯ. Все они были несерьезными и расценены лечащим врачом как не связанные с терапией LPV/r + ЗТС. 6 случаев НЯ у 2 (1,9%) пациентов относились к нарушениям со стороны желудочно-кишечного тракта (боль в животе, диарея, диспепсия и рвота). 3 (1,4%) пациентки досрочно прекратили участие в исследовании в связи с беременностью. Заключение. Переключение ВИЧ-1-инфицированных пациентов с предшествующим опытом APT на режим LPV/r + ЗТС обеспечивало поддержание вирусологической супрессии и улучшение иммунного ответа на протяжении 48 нед. наблюдения. Отмечены хорошая переносимость и благоприятный профиль безопасности предложенной схемы терапии