19 research outputs found


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    In article are stated some organizing and methodical problems connected with process of the development, introduction and realization of the models of the remote education


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    This article is devoted to the basical organizational problems of for mulation electronic information trends in educational process


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    The aim of this article is to determine possible problems and priority tendencies of forming human behaver system for student of distance reportment

    Nanosize Carbides Formation and Fatigue Life Increase of Stainless Steel by Electron Beam Treatment

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    Electron – beam treatment with 20 J/cm2 energy density of Fe-0.20C-23Cr-18Ni stainless steel increases fatigue life up to 2.1 times. Fracture surface investigations have been carried out by the methods of scanning and transmission diffraction electron microscopy and layer-by-layer analysis of structural phase states and defect substructure of steel subjected to the multicyclic fatigue tests, has been made as well. Nanosize (Cr,Fe)23C6 carbides formation and physical reasons of steel fatigue life increase by electron – beam treatment have been found out. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3480

    Noise spectra and dark current investigations in n⁺-p-type Hg₁₋xCdxTe (x ≈ 0.22) photodiodes

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    The dark current and noise spectra were investigated in Hg₁₋xCdxTe (x≅0.22) photodiodes at zero and low reverse bias voltages. The photodiodes were prepared by boron implantation into LPE films. The 1/f noise is proved to be correlated with tunneling current via the deep defect states in the gap at low reverse biases U≤0.1 V. In the photodiodes, where the tunneling current is found to be dominating, the 1/f noise is observed up to frequencies 10⁴ Hz. The decrease of tunneling current results in the decrease of 1/f noise

    Layer structure formation in Hg₁₋xCdxTe films after high-frequency sonication

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    Electrophysical parameters of Hg₁₋xCdxTe thin films grown by liquid-phase epitaxy and molecular-beam epitaxy were investigated before and after the high-frequency sonication ( fUS = 7.5 MHz, WUS ~ 10⁴ W/m²). It was determined that parameters of MBE-grown Hg₁₋xCdxTe thin films are stable to ultrasound effect, while for thin films grown by LPE the sonically stimulated change of the conductivity type was observed. The best agreement between experiment and calculation was obtained in the frame of the assumption about forming of the thin layer with another conductivity type. The possible nature of the observed effect was analyzed

    Psychologial components of the rehabilitation potential of specialists of low enforcement forces structures

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    To study the rehabilitation potential of law enforcement officers and the process of its development, a verbal-communicative diagnostic method was used to collect information about subjects with depressive disorders using "Google Form". The study was conducted on the social network Facebook during 2020-2021. The study involved 452 people from the Central, Southern and Eastern regions of Ukraine aged 20 to 49 years with depressive disorders of the neurotic spectrum and 182 subjects without affective disorders. Socio-demographic features of the subjects with depressive disorders of different genesis are analyzed. It was found that women (54.51%) and subjects aged 30-49 years (70.0%) predominated among the surveyed. The majority of respondents are city dwellers (58.51%), with incomplete higher education (33.33%), mostly working and having family (with neurotic depression (54.95% and 51.65% respectively) and organic depression) (51.16% and 55.81%, respectively) and mostly unemployed and single (with endogenous depression) (59.14% and 58.06%, respectively). It was determined that among the factors of mental trauma in subjects with neurotic depression factors related to family and personal relationships (DC=3.32) dominated, in organic depression – with their own health (DC=2.08), in endogenous depression – factors of socio-psychological nature (DC=2.75). It was found that such factors as young age (20-29 years), higher education, living in the city, having a family, can be favorable factors for the formation of the rehabilitation potential of people with depressive disorders of various genesis. It was also determined that according to many socio-demographic indicators, subjects with neurotic disorders coincided with the respondents of the control group, which may indicate a higher level of rehabilitation potential of people with neurotic depression

    Detection of IR and sub/THz radiation using MCT thin layer structures: design of the chip, optical elements and antenna pattern

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    Two-color un-cooled narrow-gap MCT (mercury-cadmium-telluride) semiconductor thin layers, grown by liquid phase epitaxy or molecular beam epitaxy methods on high resistivity CdZnTe or GaAs substrates, with bow-type antennas were considered both as sub-terahertz direct detection bolometers and 3...10-micrometer infrared photoconductors. Optical system with aspheric THz lenses were designed and manufactured. An antenna pattern of structures on the thick substrate was discussed, and sensitivity of detector in both IR and sub-THz regions was measured

    Noise in HgCdTe LWIR arrays

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    Mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) hybrid arrays for long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) applications with n+-p-diodes and n-channel charged coupled devices (CCD) silicon readouts were designed, manufactured and tested. Performance of these arrays at T 80 K is considered. The measurements of noise and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are the key issues to determine performance parameters to characterize IR-sensors. That puts certain requirements to the registration system and used methods of measuring signals. To find out and eliminate noise sources the spectral noise power of signals was analyzed. It allowed the possibility to implement actions for reducing of the registration system noise, and to define the software noise filters to be used

    In–HgCdTe–In structures with symmetric nonlinear I–V characteristics for sub-THz direct detection

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    This paper reports on the development and investigations of In–Hg1–xCdxTe–In structures with symmetric nonlinear I–V curves that are sensitive to sub-terahertz radiation. It is shown that at low currents photoresponse of the detectors based on these structures is due to the presence of potential barriers at the contacts. The dependences of the photoresponse as the function of the bias current are measured at the radiation frequency = 140 GHz in 77–300 K temperature range. The studied structures may be used as the detectors of sub-terahertz radiation at room temperature or under weak cooling. The calculated NEP of investigated In–n-Hg0.61Cd0.39Te–In detectors was 3.5•10–9 W/Hz1/2, if taking into account thermal and shot noise