452 research outputs found

    Mechanical modes of 'amoeboid' cell migration

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    The morphological term 'amoeboid' migration subsumes a number of rather distinct biophysical modes of cellular locomotion that range from blebbing motility to entirely actin-polymerization-based gliding. Here, we discuss the diverse principles of force generation and force transduction that lead to the distinct amoeboid phenotypes. We argue that shifting the balance between actin protrusion, actomyosin contraction, and adhesion to the extracellular substrate can explain the different modes of amoeboid movement and that blebbing and gliding are barely extreme variants of one common migration strategy. Depending on the cell type, physiological conditions or experimental manipulation, amoeboid cells can adopt the distinct mechanical modes of amoeboid migration

    Detection of ubiquityl-calmodulin conjugates with a novel high-molecular weight ubiquitylprotein-isopeptidase in rabbit tissues

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    The selective degradation of many proteins in eukaryotic cells is carried out by the ubiquitin system. In this pathway, proteins are targeted for degradation by covalent ligation to ubiquitin, a highly conserved protein [1]. Ubiquitylated proteins were degraded by the 26S protea-some in an ATP-depended manner. The degradation of ubiquitylated proteins were controlled by isopeptidase cleavage. A well characterised system of ubiquitylation and deubiquitylation is the calmodulin system in vitro [2]. Detection of ubiquityl-calmodulin conjugtates in vivo have not been shown so far. In this article we discuss the detection of ubiquitin calmodulin conjugates in vivo by incubation with a novel high-molecular weight ubiquitylprotein-isopeptidase in rabbit tissues. Proteins with a molecular weight of ubiquityl-calmodulin conjugates could be detected in all organs tested. Incubation with ubiquitylprotein-isopeptidase showed clearly a decrease of ubiquitin calmodulin conjugates in vivo with an origination of unbounded ubiquitin. These results suggest that only few ubiquitin calmodulin conjugates exist in rabbit tissues

    β1 integrins: zip codes and signaling relay for blood cells

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    At least eight of the twelve known members of the β1 integrin family are expressed on hematopoietic cells. Among these, the VCAM-1 receptor α4β1 has received most attention as a main factor mediating firm adhesion to the endothelium during blood cell extravasation. Therapeutic trials are ongoing into the use of antibodies and small molecule inhibitors to target this interaction and hence obtain anti-inflammatory effects. However, extravasation is only one possible process that is mediated by β1 integrins and there is evidence that they also mediate leukocyte retention and positioning in the tissue, lymphocyte activation and possibly migration within the interstitium. Genetic mouse models where integrins are selectively deleted on blood cells have been used to investigate these functions and further studies will be invaluable to critically evaluate therapeutic trials

    Focal Adhesion-Independent Cell Migration.

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    Cell migration is central to a multitude of physiological processes, including embryonic development, immune surveillance, and wound healing, and deregulated migration is key to cancer dissemination. Decades of investigations have uncovered many of the molecular and physical mechanisms underlying cell migration. Together with protrusion extension and cell body retraction, adhesion to the substrate via specific focal adhesion points has long been considered an essential step in cell migration. Although this is true for cells moving on two-dimensional substrates, recent studies have demonstrated that focal adhesions are not required for cells moving in three dimensions, in which confinement is sufficient to maintain a cell in contact with its substrate. Here, we review the investigations that have led to challenging the requirement of specific adhesions for migration, discuss the physical mechanisms proposed for cell body translocation during focal adhesion-independent migration, and highlight the remaining open questions for the future

    A blue light receptor that mediates RNA binding and translational regulation

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    Sensory photoreceptor proteins underpin light-dependent adaptations in nature and enable the optogenetic control of organismal behavior and physiology. We identified the bacterial light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) photoreceptor PAL that sequence-specifically binds short RNA stem loops with around 20 nM affinity in blue light and weaker than 1 µM in darkness. A crystal structure rationalizes the unusual receptor architecture of PAL with C-terminal LOV photosensor and N-terminal effector units. The light-activated PAL–RNA interaction can be harnessed to regulate gene expression at the RNA level as a function of light in both bacteria and mammalian cells. The present results elucidate a new signal-transduction paradigm in LOV receptors and conjoin RNA biology with optogenetic regulation, thereby paving the way toward hitherto inaccessible optoribogenetic modalities

    The extracellular matrix of the spleen as a potential organizer of immune cell compartments

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    Until recently little information was available on the molecular details of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of secondary lymphoid tissues. There is now growing evidence that these ECMs are unique structures, combining characteristics of basement membranes and interstitial or fibrillar matrices, resulting in scaffolds that are strong and highly flexible and, in certain secondary lymphoid compartments, also forming conduit networks for rapid fluid transport. This review will address the structural characteristics of the ECM of the murine spleen and its potential role as an organizer of immune cell compartments, with reference to the lymph node where relevant

    MEK signalling tunes actin treadmilling for interstitial lymphocyte migration

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    Mediat. Inflamm.

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    There is increasing evidence that proteasomes have a biological role in the extracellular alveolar space, but inflammation could change their composition. We tested whether immunoproteasome protein-containing subpopulations are present in the alveolar space of patients with lung inflammation evoking the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) supernatants and cell pellet lysate from ARDS patients (n = 28) and healthy subjects (n = 10) were analyzed for the presence of immunoproteasome proteins (LMP2 and LMP7) and proteasome subtypes by western blot, chromatographic purification, and 2D-dimensional gelelectrophoresis. In all ARDS patients but not in healthy subjects LMP7 and LMP2 were observed in BAL supernatants. Proteasomes purified from pooled ARDS BAL supernatant showed an altered enzyme activity ratio. Chromatography revealed a distinct pattern with 7 proteasome subtype peaks in BAL supernatant of ARDS patients that differed from healthy subjects. Total proteasome concentration in BAL supernatant was increased in ARDS (971 ng/mL perpendicular to 1116 versus 59 perpendicular to 25; P < 0.001), and all fluorogenic substrates were hydrolyzed, albeit to a lesser extent, with inhibition by epoxomicin (P = 0.0001). Thus, we identified for the first time immunoproteasome proteins and a distinct proteasomal subtype pattern in the alveolar space of ARDS patients, presumably in response to inflammation