53 research outputs found

    Analysis of the incompatibility of the product with fluorescent method

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    The aim is to analyze the surface of the product (posterior bearing housing) with using the fluorescent method and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the sequence application like the fluorescent method and instruments of the quality management to analyze the incompatible of the product. In the production enterprise, during the fluorescent penetration test, the incompatibility was identified on the product (posterior bearing housing), i.e. the porosity cluster. The effective of the used the sequence containing the fluorescent method, the Ishikawa diagram and the 5Why method in order to identify incompatibility, and next the source cause was demonstrated. The analyze, the sequence of the methods and the proposed improvement actions can be used in other companies to analyze quality problems

    The effects of temperature on the kinetics of aluminium evaporation from the Ti-6Al-4V alloy

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    In the paper, results of the study on temperature effects on the rate of aluminium evaporation from the Ti-6Al-4V alloy during smelting in a vacuum induction furnace are presented. During smelting at 1 973 – 2 023 K, 10 Pa and 100 Pa, up to 26 % reduction in the aluminium content in the alloy compared to the initial value is observed. The determined values of overall mass transport coefficient are 1,48∙10-5 m∙s sup>-1 – 1,95∙10 sup>-5m∙s sup>-1

    Silver recovery from the waste materials by the method of flotation process

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    During the leaching process of zinc concentrates, the waste materials rich in various metals such as eg. silver are produced. So far no attempts of silver recovery from the mentioned waste materials have been made due to the lack of any method which would be both effective and beneficial. The paper presents some possibilities of application of flotation process in silver recovery form waste materials generated during zinc production

    Silver recovery from the waste materials by the method of flotation process

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    During the leaching process of zinc concentrates, the waste materials rich in various metals such as eg. silver are produced. So far no attempts of silver recovery from the mentioned waste materials have been made due to the lack of any method which would be both effective and beneficial. The paper presents some possibilities of application of flotation process in silver recovery form waste materials generated during zinc production

    Effect of hydrostatic pressure on degradation of CdTe/CdMgTe heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs substrates

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    We have shown that external hydrostatic pressure leads to the creation of structural defects, mainly in the vicinity of the II-VI/GaAs interface in the CdTe/Cd{sub 1-x}Mg{sub x}Te heterostructures grown by the molecular beam epitaxy method on GaAs substrates. These defects propagating across the epilayer cause permanent damage to the samples from the point of view of their electrical properties. In contrast, photoluminescence spectra are only weakly influenced by pressure. Our results shed light on the degradation process observed even without pressure in II-VI-based heterostructures

    The analysis of the solution of the problem of incompatible products with using the 8D method

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    Organizations should be able to define what is a problem, be able to quickly find the cause of its occurrence and then decide on its elimination. It is the basis of the organization's functioning and development. The aim of the study is analyze the often solution problem with a large number of nonconforming products. The analysis was conducted in PZL Sędziszów company with using the 8D method. Analyzed the solution of the problem of incompatibility of products such as car bearing baskets. The analysis showed that changes in product inspection were necessary, as well as proved the importance of employee training and their liability for product and its quality. The conclusions of the analysis can be used in any organization wishing to improve its products.Organizacje powinny umieć zdefiniować, co jest problemem, potrafić w szybki sposób odnajdywać przyczyny jego wystąpienia i dopiero wówczas podejmować decyzje o jego eliminacji. To podstawa funkcjonowania i rozwoju organizacji. Celem artykułu jest przeanalizowanie sposobu rozwiązania często spotykanego problemu niezadowalająco dużej liczby wyrobów niezgodnych. Analizę przeprowadzono w przedsiębiorstwie PZL Sędziszów z wykorzystaniem metodyki 8D. Dokonano analizy rozwiązania problemu niezgodności wyrobów, jakim były koszyki łożysk samochodowych. Analiza wykazała konieczność wprowadzenia zmian w kontrolach produkowanych wyrobów, a także udowodniła jak istotne są szkolenia pracowników i uświada-mianie im odpowiedzialności za produkt i jego jakość. Wnioski płynące z analizy można wykorzystać w dowolnych organizacjach pragnących doskonalić swoje wyroby

    Analysis of the problem of noncompatible products with the use of quality management instruments

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    Celem artykułu jest przeanalizowanie sposobu rozwiązywania problemu jakościowego związanego z dostarczeniem produktów do klienta bez zatwierdzonej specyfikacji (SCR – wniosku o zmianę). Problem powstał w przedsiębiorstwie produkującym filtry, w celu jego rozwiązania sporządzono raport zgodnie z metodyką 8D. W części teoretycznej omówiono metodę 8D oraz wybrane narzędzia zarządzania jakością. Część praktyczna zawiera analizę sposobu rozwiązywania problemu z wykorzystaniem raportu 8D. Na podstawie przeanalizowanych danych wyciągnięto wnioski, które mogą być przydatne w każdej organizacji, która pragnie w skuteczny sposób rozwiązywać pojawiające się problemy jakościowe.The purpose of this article is to analyze how to solve a quality problem related to the delivery of products to the customer without an approved specification (SCR – application for change). The problem arose in the company producing filters, in order to solve it, a report was prepared in accordance with the 8D methodology. The theoretical part discusses the 8D method and selected quality management tools. The practical part contains an analysis of how to solve the problem using the 8D report. Based on the data analyzed, conclusions have been drawn that may be useful in any organization that wants to effectively solve emerging quality problems