19 research outputs found

    Toplumun radyasyon farkındalığı ve radyasyonla ilgili bilgi düzeyi

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    Giriş: Son dönemlerde sıkça gündeme gelen radyasyon konusunda toplumun bilgi seviyesini ölçmek, radyasyon ile ilgili bilgi, tutum, davranış ve genel kültür seviyesini tespit etmek ve bu konuda eğitim taleplerinin olup olmadığını öğrenmek amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Toplumda radyasyon farkındalığı ve bilgi düzeylerini saptamaya yönelik 22 soruluk bir anketi hazırladık. Anket formu; yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim durumu, mesleği ve radyasyon sebepleri, radyasyondan korunma yöntemleri, radyasyon farkındalığı ile ilgili sorular içermekteydi. İstatistiki analizlerde Ki kare testi kullanılmıştır.

    Incremental effects of restless legs syndrome on nocturnal blood pressure in hypertensive patients and normotensive individuals

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    WOS: 000311106200002PubMed: 23111555Background Few studies have evaluated the role of restless legs syndrome (RLS) in the development of nondipping 24 h blood pressure (BP) patterning/sleep-time hypertension, which has been shown to be an independent predictor of cardiovascular risk. These were indirect studies that had reported the relation between BP and RLS attacks during polysomnographic investigations in the lab. The aim of the present study was to assess the relationship between RLS, which was diagnosed clinically, and night-time BP patterns in a relatively large young cohort who had not been treated before. Patients and methods After applying the exclusion criteria, this cross-sectional study included 230 consecutive patients with never-treated hypertension who presented to our institution for initial evaluation of hypertension. RLS was assessed using a self-administered questionnaire based on the International Restless Legs Study Group criteria. The questions on RLS were completed by 214 patients and ambulatory BP monitoring was carried out for all patients. Results In the study group, 133 patients were diagnosed as hypertensive (53.4% nondippings) and 81 patients as normotensives (54.3% nondippings). RLS was present in 61 patients (28.5%) in the total sample. The prevalence of RLS, overall, was significantly higher in nondippings compared with dippings (34.7 vs. 21.2%, respectively; P = 0.028). Logistic regression analysis showed that the RLS is an independent determinant for both hypertension (odds ratio = 0.43, 95% confidence interval = 0.21-0.83; P = 0.013) and the nondipping BP patterns (odds ratio = 1.96, 95% confidence interval = 1.05-3.67; P = 0.035). Conclusion We have shown that clinically diagnosed RLS was associated with the nondipping pattern, which has been shown to be an independent predictor of cardiovascular risk. Blood Press Monit 17:231-234 (C) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2012, 17:231-23

    Evaluation of physical and mental health of sexual assault cases applied to forensic medicine department

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    Objective: In the present study, to assess the sexual assault victims considering sociodemographic and forensic psychiatry who were examined by our Board of Physical and Mental Health was aimed. Methods: The cases who were examined in Board of Physical and Mental Health in Forensic medicine Department of Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine were assessed retrospectively in terms of age, gender, marital status, education level, relation of the victim with the accused, presence of penetration and disruption of physical and mental health. Results: Among 258 cases, who referred to our board, 196 were female and 62 were male. The age range of the victims was 2 to 50 and average age was detected as 13.1 ± 5.9 years. It was determined that 227 (88%) cases were under 18 years and 31 cases (12%) were above 18 years. Vaginal and anal penetration was claimed in 48 and 61 cases, respectively; oral + anal penetration was claimed in 11 cases; both vaginal and oral penetration was claimed in two cases. Among 258 cases, 144 cases had no physical and mental disruption; 49 cases were diagnosed with mental and physical health disruption and 65 cases were followed by issuing a preliminary report. Conclusion: As a result of our study any significant relation is not found between impairment in psychological health and sex, marital status, educational level of the victim, age groups, the age difference between the victim and the defendant. Therefore, it is understood that either men or women, married or single, educated or uneducated people are affected emotionally as bad as from sexual assault. This supports the idea that, especially in cases that any findings cannot be obtained with genital and physical examination, psychological evaluation may be important

    Determination of nursing students’ self-efficacy belief levels in anatomy lectures

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    The Anatomy is the most basic lecture of the departments that give health education. The human anatomy is need to be comprehended to success in nursing field. Anatomy subjects are taught independently in each committee in Nursing Department that is in School of Health in Kocaeli University. The aim of our study is assessment of the impact of the Anatomy lectures on Anatomy Self-Efficacy Beliefs of nursing students. Totally 95 students (mean of ages 19,13 ± 1,595) who are 25 boys (%26,3) and 70 girls (%73,7) attended to our research. Anatomy Self-Efficacy Belief (ASEB) scale and personal information survey(age, gender, the geographical region that he/she came from, the place that he/she resides) are applied to these students. Statistically, when the relation between ASEB levels of the students and their residences was assessed, it is found that there is a significant difference on between the ASEB levels of the students who reside in dormitory and that of the students who reside at home (p<0.05). This outcome makes think that the residences of students can be effective on their success levels on the lectures. Due to the fact that dormitories that are in campus are close to the university, the attendances of lectures of students who reside in dormitory are more than the others and it shows that these students are able to study better than the others

    Determination of nursing students’ self-efficacy belief levels in anatomy lectures

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    The Anatomy is the most basic lecture of the departments that give health education. The human anatomy is need to be comprehended to success in nursing field. Anatomy subjects are taught independently in each committee in Nursing Department that is in School of Health in Kocaeli University. The aim of our study is assessment of the impact of the Anatomy lectures on Anatomy Self-Efficacy Beliefs of nursing students. Totally 95 students (mean of ages 19,13 ± 1,595) who are 25 boys (%26,3) and 70 girls (%73,7) attended to our research. Anatomy Self-Efficacy Belief (ASEB) scale and personal information survey(age, gender, the geographical region that he/she came from, the place that he/she resides) are applied to these students. Statistically, when the relation between ASEB levels of the students and their residences was assessed, it is found that there is a significant difference on between the ASEB levels of the students who reside in dormitory and that of the students who reside at home (p<0.05). This outcome makes think that the residences of students can be effective on their success levels on the lectures. Due to the fact that dormitories that are in campus are close to the university, the attendances of lectures of students who reside in dormitory are more than the others and it shows that these students are able to study better than the others

    A rapid method for determination of the origin of meat and meat products based on the extracted fat spectra by using of Raman spectroscopy and chemometric method

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    Raman spectroscopy and the principal component analysis (PCA) were successfully applied to differentiate the origin of the meat and meat products based on their extracted fat samples in the present study. A total of 132 extracted fat samples that were obtained from different meat species (cattle, sheep, pig, fish, poultry, goat and buffalo) and their salami products were examined based on their Raman measurements. Then, the collected Raman data were analyzed with a four-stage PCA method. Seven meat species and their salami products were successfully differentiated from each other according to their origin. The results of this study showed that the Raman spectroscopy with a chemometric method can be used to detect the origin of the meat species in a very short analysis time (30 s) after fat extraction, without requiring complicated chromatographic, immunologic or genetic methods and instruments as well as trained personnel