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    Detection Of Metabolic Syndrome Features Among Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Target To Prevent Disease

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    Along with the growing epidemic of obesity, the risk of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease morbidity, and mortality are increasing markedly. Several risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as visceral obesity, glucose intolerance, arterial hypertension, and dyslipidemia commonly cluster together as a condition currently known as metabolic syndrome. Thus far, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction are the primary events of the metabolic syndrome. Several groups have recommended clinical criteria for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in adults. Nonetheless, in what concerns children and adolescents, there are no unified definitions, and modified adult criteria have been suggested by many authors, despite major problems. Some pediatric disease states are at risk for premature cardiovascular disease, with clinical coronary events occurring very early in adult life. Survivors of specific pediatric cancer groups, particularly acute lymphocytic leukemia, central nervous system tumors, sarcomas, lymphomas, testicular cancer, and following bone marrow transplantation, may develop metabolic syndrome traits due to: hormonal deficiencies (growth hormone deficiency, thyroid dysfunction, and gonadal failure), drug or radiotherapy damage, endothelial impairment, physical inactivity, adipose tissue dysfunction, and/or drug-induced magnesium deficiency. 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    The Use Of Growth Hormone To Treat Endocrine-metabolic Disturbances In Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (aids) Patients [o Papel Do Hormônio De Crescimento No Tratamento Dos Distúrbios Endócrino-metabólicos Do Paciente Com A Síndrome Da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (aids)]

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    Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (Aids) was initially related to HIV-associated wasting syndrome, and its metabolic disturbances to altered body composition. After Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART ) was started, malnutrition has declined and HIV-associated lipodystrophy syndrome has emerged as an important metabolic disorder. Aids is also characterized by hormonal disturbances, principally in growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor 1 (GH/IGF-1) axis. The use of recombinant human GH (hrGH) was formerly indicated to treat wasting syndrome, in order to increase lean body mass. Even though the use of hrGH in lipodystrophy syndrome has been considered, the decrease in insulin sensitivity is a limitation for its use, which has not been officially approved yet. Diversity in therapeutic regimen is another limitation to its use in Aids patients. 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    Short Stature In Chronic Kidney Disease: Physiopathology And Treatment With Growth Hormone [baixa Estatura Na Doença Renal Crônica: Fisiopatologia E Tratamento Com Hormônio De Crescimento]

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    Growth failure is frequent and a clinically important issue in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Many factors contribute to impaired growth in these children, including abnormalities in the growth hormone (GH) - insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis, malnutrition, acidosis, renal bone disease and glucocorticoid associated treatment. The management of growth failure in children with CKD is complicated by the presence of other-disease related complications requiring medical intervention. Despite evidence of GH efficacy and safety in this population, this therapy is still underutilized. This review shows the impact, the causes and the treatment of growth failure in children with CKD. copyright© ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.525783791K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for chronic kidney disease: Evaluation, classification, and stratification (2002) Am J Kidney Dis, 39 (2 SUPPL. 1), pp. S1-266. , National Kidney FoundationChesney, R.W., Brewer, E., Moxey-Mims, M., Watkins, S., Furth, S.L., Harmon, W.E., Report of NIH task force on research priorities in chronic kidney disease in children (2006) Pediatr Nephrol, 21, pp. 14-25NAPRTCS Annual Report, , https://web.emmes.com/study/ped/annlrept/annlrept2005.pdf, acesso em 2005, Disponível emSeikaly, M.G., Salhab, N., Warandy, B.A., Stablein, D., Use o hrGH in children with chronic kidney disease: Lessons from NAPRTCS (2007) Pediatr Nephrol, 22, pp. 1195-1204Mahesh, S., Kaskel, F., Growth hormone axis in chronic kidney disease (2008) Pediatr Nephrol, 23, pp. 41-48Gorman, G., Frankenfield, D., Linear growth in pediatric hemodialysis patients (2008) Pediatr Nephrol, 23, pp. 123-127Ulinski, T., Cochat, P., Longitudinal growth in children following kidney transplantation: From conservative to pharmacological strategies (2006) Pediatr Nephrol, 21, pp. 903-909Vimalanchandra, D., Hodson, E.M., Willis, N.S., Craig, J.C., Cowell, C., Knight, J.F., Growth hormone for children with chronic kidney disease (Cochrane Review) (2006) Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 19. , CD003264Williams, R., Growth hormone underutilized in pediatric hemodialysis population (2006) Nat Clin Pract Nephrol, p. 2. , Disponível em: doi:10.1038/ncpneph0081Mahan, J.D., Warady, B.A., Assessment and treatment of short stature in pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease: A consensus statement (2006) Pediatr Nephrol, 21, pp. 917-930Lewis, M., Shaw, J., Reid, C., Evans, J., Webb, N., Verrier-Jones, K., Growth in children with established renal failure: A registry analysis (2007) Nephrol Dial Transplant, 22, pp. 76-180Tom, A., McCauley, L., Bell, L., Rodd, C., Espinosa, P., Yu, G., Growth during maintenance hemodialysis: Impact of enhanced nutrition and clearance (1999) J Pediatr, 134, pp. 464-471Roth, K.S., Duncan, L.L., Chan, J.C., The role of nutrition in chronic renal insufficiency of childhood: How much do we know? 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Unresolved problems concerning optimal therapy of puberty in children with chronic renal diseases (2001) J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab, 14 (SUPPL. 2), pp. 945-952Langman, C.B., Renal osteodystrophy: A pediatric perspective, 2005 (2005) Growth Horm IGF Res, 15 (SUPPL. 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    The Use Of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization In The Diagnosis Of Hidden Mosaicism: Apropos Of Three Cases Of Sex Chromosome Anomalies [o Uso Da Hibridação In Situ Com Fluorescência No Diagnóstico De Mosaicismo Oculto: A Propósito De Três Casos De Anomalias De Cromossomos Sexuais]

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    FISH has been used as a complement to classical cytogenetics in the detection of mosaicism in sex chromosome anomalies. The aim of this study is to describe three cases in which the final diagnosis could only be achieved by FISH. Case 1 was an 8-year-old 46,XY girl with normal female genitalia referred to our service because of short stature. FISH analysis of lymphocytes with probes for the X and Y centromeres identified a 45,X/46,X,idic(Y) constitution, and established the diagnosis of Turner syndrome. Case 2 was a 21-month-old 46,XY boy with genital ambiguity (penile hypospadias, right testis, and left streak gonad). FISH analysis of lymphocytes and buccal smear identified a 45,X/46,XY karyotype, leading to diagnosis of mixed gonadal dysgenesis. Case 3 was a 47,XYY 19-year-old boy with delayed neuromotor development, learning disabilities, psychological problems, tall stature, small testes, elevated gonadotropins, and azoospermia. FISH analysis of lymphocytes and buccal smear identified a 47,XYY/48,XXYY constitution. Cases 1 and 2 illustrate the phenotypic variability of the 45,X/46,XY mosaicism, and the importance of detection of the 45,X cell line for proper management and follow-up. In case 3, abnormal gonadal function could be explained by the 48,XXYY cell line. 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