11 research outputs found

    Global Research output on Eosinophilia Literature: A Scientometric Analysis

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    The study analyses that research output on eosinophilia from 1998-2017 on different parameters including the literature growth, year -wise cited records, number of authors & h-index. The relative growth rate (RGR) and doubling time (Dt), the time series analysis for articles, contribution of various subject fields, highest research productivity of journals and their citation with impact factor and keyword analysis. The higher numbers of publications 793 were published in 2016, the scientists most preferred journals are Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Journal of immunology, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. The high frequency keywords were: Eosinophilia (3175), Asthma (1365), Eosinophilic (1335) and Syndrome (1303). The Web of science database has been used to retrieve the data for 20 years (1998-2017) by searching different relevant keywords in its combined title, abstract and keywords fields

    Mucormycosis (Black Fungus) Maiming Covid Patients: Scientometrics analysis through prism of Biblioshiny

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    This study analyses the global level outlook of research publications on Mucormycosis output between the period of 1923 to 2021 (May) on different limitations including contribution of authors, communication channel, publications on Institutions, countries, Journals, cited articles and mode of languages. 4451 data was downloaded from core collection of Web of Science bibliographic database using the search term ‘Mucormycosis’ and limited the publications 1900 to 2021, first publication was started in 1923 onwards. 3798 institutions and 8562 different disciplines contributed and 2808 records are in Articles. 4451 records published by 17320 authors and 23552 collaborated authors, documents per author are 0.257, authors per document are 3.89 and co-authors per document are 5.29. First article in German language with two authored in 1923, single authored documents are 287 and 74 authors contributed a single article in this topic. Total records published in 1161 journals with 11 languages from 95 countries in the Globe and 1504 are open access and 12 articles are highly cited in this field

    Global Research output on Eosinophilia Literature: A Scientometric Analysis

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    The study analyses that research output on eosinophilia from 1998-2017 on different parameters including the literature growth, year -wise cited records, number of authors & h-index. The relative growth rate (RGR) and doubling time (Dt), the time series analysis for articles, contribution of various subject fields, highest research productivity of journals and their citation with impact factor and keyword analysis. The higher numbers of publications 793 were published in 2016, the scientists most preferred journals are Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Journal of immunology, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. The high frequency keywords were: Eosinophilia (3175), Asthma (1365), Eosinophilic (1335) and Syndrome (1303). The Web of science database has been used to retrieve the data for 20 years (1998-2017) by searching different relevant keywords in its combined title, abstract and keywords fields

    Authorship Patterns in Eosinophilia Research Literature: A Scientometric Analysis

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    The present study the examined the authorship patterns in the field of eosinophilia literature based on the publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection during the period from 1998 to 2017. Totally 70337 researchers have contributed 12118 publications produced over 1,797 journals in the subject of eosinophilia. Findings of the analysis revealed that the author’s productivity examines the trend in understanding the research process in any discipline of science; maximum records of 1625 publications produce by four authors. It is found that the degree of collaboration is an increasing and decreasing trend. This study includes an overview of co-authorship, efficiency and ranking of the researches, visualizing the co-authorship network; analysis of group author’s contribution in eosinophilia research and time series analysis for single authors and joint authors. The author “Rothenberg ME” has published 116 publications with 11662 citation scores; 49.88 average citations per paper, with 60 h-index values measured and it occupy the first rank

    Disaster Recovery System and Service Continuity of Digital Library

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    This paper will discuss catastrophe recovery and likelihood development for digital library structures. The article establishes a foundation for establishing Library continuity and disaster recovery strategies through the use of best practices. Library continuity development and catastrophe recovery are critical modules of the planning stage for a virtual digital library. Few institutions that experience a catastrophic disaster occurrence are powerless to recover always, but libraries can suggestively boost the possibility of long-term recovery of institutional digital resources by drafting a continuity and recovery strategy in preparation. This article is intended for system designers and administrators, as well as high-ranking library administration, who must strategy for unforeseen organisational disruptions. The document establishes a framework and outlines the process of establishing a library continuity and catastrophe recovery strategy

    Bats are the only flying Mammal: A Scientometric Analysis

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    Objectives: The paper explores five years of global research publications output on ‘Bats’. The research study includes retrievement of various types of publication, authorship pattern; most cited authors with their respective countries and Hirsch index, highly cited publications with total citations and author’s contribution, productivity and blow of leading institutions, identification of major participating countries contribution on bats and separated by continents Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Australia. Methods: The requisite data retrieved from a renowned bibliographic database “Web of Science” published by Clarivate Analytics from 2016 to 2020 by means of searching the keyword ‘bats’, which is united with full records with cited reference. To obtain the scientometric results with citations using the softwares Histcite, VoS viewer and Biblioshiny. Results: The global publications output on Bats research consisted of 10870 records during 2016 and 2020. The research publications inclined from 1778 published in 2016 to 2683 publications in 2020. There are 9826 institutions that contributed 2,585 journals from 162 countries published in 17 languages with a collaboration of 39655 authors. Most of the authors from China published multi authored papers and gained highest citations. Conclusion: Bats are considered as a prime reason to spread some virus diseases like Nipha, Epola etc. so it is very much essential to ascertain the research output on bats to alarm the departments of Research and Development towards the enhancement of research

    Mapping of Microbial Technology Research Output at the Global Level: A Scientometric Study

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    Using the Web of Science Bibliographic database, the present study tries to give a complete view of the evolution of the field of Microbial technology research output during the period from 1990 to 2018. The study presents the growth tendency and literature output in the field of Microbial Technology. The study shows that a total of 2968 articles were published during the period by the top authorship pattern, collaborative coefficient, doubling time key word co-occurrence, co-authorship pattern etc.,. some of those research articles have been produced by single authors while multiple authors have contributed articles in most other instances

    Digitization of Academic Libraries through Cloud Environment

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    Libraries may soon be able to establish and manage their own data centres. This paradigm would allow libraries to control the apps and data stores that include sensitive and private information about their users\u27 personal and financial information. The provisioning and management of infrastructure for a Web-based digital library present several complicated difficulties for library administrators. In this article, we address the challenges that digital libraries confront, and the efforts being made to solve those challenges. Infrastructure virtualization and cloud Environment are incredibly enticing options, but they are being challenged by the expansion of the indexed document collection, the addition of new features, and, most importantly, the increase in consumption. The study covers the current state of user service models in academic libraries to bring Cloud Environment to academic libraries soon. Then it advocated that Cloud Environment be used to enhance the present user service delivery paradigm. This study investigates some of the security challenges that arise in the context of data location, mobility, and accessibility. On the one hand, cloud Environment, technological interventions, curriculum overhaul, experiential learning, multi-disciplinary approaches, as well as continuous innovation and digitization are discussed in this paper as strategies that academic libraries can use to deal with emerging issues related to teaching and learning processes

    Authorship Patterns in Eosinophilia Research Literature: A Scientometric Analysis

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    The present study the examined the authorship patterns in the field of eosinophilia literature based on the publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection during the period from 1998 to 2017. Totally 70337 researchers have contributed 12118 publications produced over 1,797 journals in the subject of eosinophilia. Findings of the analysis revealed that the author’s productivity examines the trend in understanding the research process in any discipline of science; maximum records of 1625 publications produce by four authors. It is found that the degree of collaboration is an increasing and decreasing trend. This study includes an overview of co-authorship, efficiency and ranking of the researches, visualizing the co-authorship network; analysis of group author’s contribution in eosinophilia research and time series analysis for single authors and joint authors. The author “Rothenberg ME” has published 116 publications with 11662 citation scores; 49.88 average citations per paper, with 60 h-index values measured and it occupy the first rank

    Scientometric Analysis and Visualization of Astrovirus based on R-packages

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    We examined scientific production of the astroviruses study community done the past two decades in the worldwide. Scientometric methods, particularly the literature development models, Document types, Most Global Cited Documents, Most Frequent Words, Authors collaboration, Author Impact (h-index, g-index, m-index), Most Local Cited Authors, Relevant Countries by Corresponding Author, Most Cited Countries, Most Relevant Affiliations are identified. The results of this study confess that the scientific literature on astroviruses in worldwide had grown-up exponentially with an annual growth rate of about 8.86% during the above declared period. Journal of medical virology were the most productive journals contributing 71 articles of the total publications. Infection children, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, identification, astrovirus, rotavirus. The USA produced maximum number (222) of articles as it has highest frequency (0.20%), single country publication (165), multiple country publications (57) and ratio of multiple country publication (026%) ranked first. 24 number of papers published from single-authored documents and 4570 number of papers published from multi-authored documents. Kramer A has got the highest citation (994 and Total Citation per Year: 66.27%), average citations per documents 26.17 percentage and average citations per year per documents 2.64 of during period