112 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Decision Tree-based Inference System for Liver Disease Diagnosis

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    Medical diagnosis can be challenging because of a number of factors. Uncertainty in the diagnosis process arises from inaccuracy in the measurement of patient attributes, missing attribute data and limitation in the medical expert’s ability to define cause and effect relationships when there are multiple interrelated variables. Given this situation, a decision support system, which can help doctors come up with a more reliable diagnosis, can have a lot of potential. Decision trees are used in data mining for classification and regression. They are simple to understand and interpret as they can be visualized. But, one of the disadvantages of decision tree algorithms is that they deal with only crisp or exact values for data. Fuzzy logic is described as logic that is used to describe and formalize fuzzy or inexact information and perform reasoning using such information. Although both decision trees and fuzzy rule-based systems have been used for medical diagnosis, there have been few attempts to use fuzzy decision trees in combination with fuzzy rules. This study explored the application of fuzzy logic to help diagnose liver diseases based on blood test results. In this project, inference systems aimed at classifying patient data using a fuzzy decision tree and a fuzzy rule-based system were designed and implemented. Fuzzy decision tree was used to generate rules that formed the rule-base for the diagnostic inference system. Results from this study indicate that for the specific patient data set used in this experiment, the fuzzy decision tree-based inferencing out performed both the crisp decision tree and the fuzzy rule-based inferencing in classification accuracy

    SunSat Design Competition 2013-2014 First Place Winner – Team Rajiv Gandhi University: HelioAstra

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    HelioAstra is a creative design and visualization of an advanced Space Solar Power system. Its concept is validated by a credible science and engineering approach and an innovative business plan. The space and ground receiving segments are made up of high efficiency Fresnel lens concentrator quantum dot solar cells. The solar array in space is sized at 933 m2. It delivers 1 MW (1000 kW) of perennial, clean and eco-friendly solar electric power at the bus-bars on the ground. A solid state laser system containing Neodymium doped Yttrium Aluminium garnet (Nd: Y3Al5O12) will accurately and efficiently transmit power. A ground receiving station with 70m diameter rectifying antenna will collect the power delivered in the form of a laser signal and energize the Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Desalination plant located in the Bay of Bengal near the Indian costal metropolitan city of Vishakhapatnam in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Two Ku band transponders with uplink signal - of intelligent design – will continuously track the HelioAstra SunSat and respond as per Motion Control Facility (MCF) instructions. Being placed in Geostationary orbit helps the satellite maintain a fixed beam footprint on the earth’s surface around the clock. An innovative marketing strategy will enable value addition by a factor of 80 times based on the sale of solar electric power delivered from the HelioAstra solar power spacecraft and sale of 1.734 million litres/day (MLD) of fresh water produced by an SWRO desalination plant. The HelioAstra SSP System Efficiency Chain and the integrated HelioAstra–Aqua (SSP-SWRO) overall System, Mission Efficiency and Performance Chains are presented using open-source published values of component efficiencies. The cost of space segment and ground segment (including ground power receiver and salt water reverse osmosis plant) and annual revenue flow are estimated based on a sensitivity analysis on Excel spread sheet. Revenue value-addition by use of SWRO for production and sale of fresh water and use of the advanced Falcon 9 (Reusable) space launch vehicle are required to enable acceptable system specific costs within a mission-investment payback period of 7 years. Advisors: Mr. Joseph Bland, Air Cmde R Gopalaswami [Retd], Dr. MYS Prasad, Sri Somana Vishwanatham Click here to view the Team video: Team HelioAstra - 2014 International SunSat Design Competition Visualizatio


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    The axial-flow compressor constricts its working liquid by first accelerating the fluid and then diffusing it to obtain a compression increase. Now a day research and developmental efforts in the scope of axial flood compressors for gasoline turbine application are object to improving its at work(predicate) range without oblate efficiency. An axial flow compressor is one in which the glide share the compressor in an axial oversight (parallel with the axis of rotation), and exits from the gas turbine, also in an axial direction. An increase in gaze rate (the ratio of blade height to chord length) has been observed to have an adverse performance on the act of weak-stage pivotal current compressors. In this thesis, an axial flow compressor will be propose and sculptural in 3D modeling software Pro/Engineer. The deliver designs will be adapt by veer the countenance ratios. The present used weighty is Chromium Steel; it will be replaced with Titanium alloy and Nickel fineness. Structural analysis will be done on all the compressor fashion using steel, titanium allay and nickel allay to verify the strength of the compressor worn definable element analysis software Ansys. CFD analysis will also be done to determine the fluid behavior in Ansys Fluent

    Expert system for insect pests of agricultural crops

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    Insect pests are one of the major constraints in agricultural production, processing and storage. The damage caused by insect pests in agriculture is substantial and farmers have to incur huge monetary losses. Management of insect pests is therefore the only solution to save the crops and other valuable inputs that goes into agricultural production. Vast information on insect pests of different crops and their management is available at different sources. Based on this knowledge, a rule based expert system for insect pests of different agricultural crops was developed. The system is supported by a database containing information about 15 crops with a total of 95 insect pests affecting those crops. The expert system was evaluated following the conventional expert system evaluation methodology. This system provides information and solutions to farmers, scientists, extension workers involved in agriculture development and education. Using this system one can identify the pest and diagnose the problem for speedy and effective decision making in pest management to avoid losses

    Awake intradural spinal tumour resection

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    Background Meningioma is a common slow growing spinal tumour with a predilection for intradural occurrence. Patients usually present with pain followed by ataxia and sensory and sphincter problems. The gold standard treatment in these cases is gross total microsurgical resection under general anaesthesia. However, there exist high anaesthetic risk patients unsuitable for general anaesthesia. Performing spinal surgeries under local anaesthesia and sedation has been reported albeit rarely for mostly minimally invasive procedures but not for open intradural pathologies. Case description We report a 63-year-old woman with critical aortic stenosis, coronary artery disease and severe chronic obstructive airways disease (COAD) who presented with ten months’ history of worsening back pain and bilateral leg pains, ataxia, hyperreflexia in lower limbs as well as altered lower limb sensation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a contrast enhancing intradural lesion at T6/7 with severe spinal cord compression. However, the patient was ASA class IV and her cardiac disease was not amenable to intervention. She underwent thoracic laminectomy and excision of the tumour under local anaesthesia and sedation with no significant complications and clinical improvement. Conclusion Our illustrative case and literature review suggest that utilising local anaesthesia and sedation to perform spinal surgeries including intradural tumours is possible even in high-risk patients with good outcome. Our ASA class IV patient tolerated the surgery well with gross total tumour resection and subsequent resolution of the symptoms

    Expert system for dairy cattle management

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    India is basically an agriculture country and the dairy sector plays a significant role in supplementing family income and generating employment in the rural areas, particularly among the landless, small and marginal farmers and farm women, besides providing cheap and nutritious food to millions of people. In India, the total milk production is extremely poor in terms of productivity in the world due to lack of proper extension system. Even though, information on various aspects of dairy cattle management is available, they are not reaching the required area of the farm units / farmers. To address this problem, a rule based expert system for dairy cattle management was developed with user friendly menus. This system interacts with users in two ways. As a decision support tool, the user can interact with the system using some arranged rules which are collection of if / then rules, collected from experts in the veterinary field. Using these rules, a knowledge base was designed for the expert system and programming codes were writeen in VB. Net. The proposed expert system provides instant access of the required knowledge on selected parameters, viz. feeding, breeding, diseases, cattle shed management, milking, fodder cultivation and health management. This expert system is useful as an online guide to the users who are involved in animal husbandry and dairy management

    Electrical cortical stimulation can impair production of the alphabet without impairing counting

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    Neurosurgery has the potential to cure patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy, but carries the risk of permanent language impairment when surgery involves the dominant hemisphere of the brain. This risk can be estimated and minimized using electrical stimulation mapping (ESM), which uses cognitive and linguistic tasks during cortical ESM to differentiate "eloquent" and "resectable" areas in the brain. One such task, counting, is often used to screen and characterize language during ESM in patients whose language abilities are limited. Here we report a patient with drug-resistant epilepsy arising from the language-dominant hemisphere using fMRI. Our patient experienced loss of the ability to recite or write the alphabet, but not to count, during ESM of the dominant left posterior superior temporal gyrus. This selective impairment extended to both spoken and written production. We suggest the need for caution when using counting as a sole means to screen language function and as a method of testing low functioning patients using ESM

    Postanoxic alpha, theta or alpha-theta coma: Clinical setting and neurological outcome

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    Aim The aim of this study was to determine the prognosis of 26 consecutive adults with alpha coma (AC), theta coma (TC) or alpha-theta coma (ATC) following CRA and to describe the clinical setting and EEG features of these patients. Methods We retrospective analyzed a prospectively collected cohort of adult patients diagnosed as having AC, TC or ATC after CRA between January 2008 and June 2016. None of patients included in this analysis underwent therapeutic hypothermia (TH). Neurological outcome was expressed as the best score 6 months after CRA using the five-point Glasgow-Pisttsburgh Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC) Results Twenty-six patients were identified with a diagnosis of postanoxic AC, TC or ATC coma. There were 20 (77%) men and 6 (23%) women. The mean age was 63?±?16?years. The most frequent EEG pattern was TC (21 patients, 80%), followed by AC (3 patients, 12%) and ATC (2 patients, 8%). The cardiac rhythm as primary origin of the CRA was ventricular fibrillation (VF) in 16 patients (61.5%), asystole in 8 patients (34.6%) and ventricular tachycardia (VT) in one patient (3.8%). The presence of EEG reactivity was present in 8 patients (30%). The mortality rate was 85%. Of the 4 surviving patients, two (3.8%) had moderate disability (CPC 2), one (3.8%) had severe disability (CPC 3) and one (3.8%) reached a good recovery. The age was significantly lower in survivors 46.2?±?10.8 versus nonsurvivors 63.3?±?15.5 (p?=?0.04). There was increased association of EEG reactivity with survival (p?=?0.07). Conclusion Hypoxic-ischemic AC, TC and ATC are associated with a poor prognosis and a high rate of mortality. In younger patients with AC, TC and ATC and incomplete forms showing reactivity on the EEG, there is a greater probability of clinical recovery
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