2,347 research outputs found

    Securing Internet Protocol (IP) Storage: A Case Study

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    Storage networking technology has enjoyed strong growth in recent years, but security concerns and threats facing networked data have grown equally fast. Today, there are many potential threats that are targeted at storage networks, including data modification, destruction and theft, DoS attacks, malware, hardware theft and unauthorized access, among others. In order for a Storage Area Network (SAN) to be secure, each of these threats must be individually addressed. In this paper, we present a comparative study by implementing different security methods in IP Storage network.Comment: 10 Pages, IJNGN Journa

    Immune function and parasite resistance in male and polymorphic female Coenagrion puella

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    Background: Colour polymorphisms are widespread and one of the prime examples is the colour polymorphism in female coenagrionid damselflies: one female morph resembles the male colour (andromorph) while one, or more, female morphs are described as typically female (gynomorph). However, the selective pressures leading to the evolution and maintenance of this polymorphism are not clear. Here, based on the hypothesis that coloration and especially black patterning can be related to resistance against pathogens, we investigated the differences in immune function and parasite resistance between the different female morphs and males. Results: Our studies of immune function revealed no differences in immune function between the female morphs but between the sexes in adult damselflies. In an experimental infection females infected shortly after emergence showed a higher resistance against a fungal pathogen than males, however female morphs did not differ in resistance. In a field sample of adult damselflies we did not find differences in infection rates with watermites and gregarines. Conclusion: With respect to resistance and immune function 'andromorph' blue females of Coenagrion puella do not resemble the males. Therefore the colour polymorphism in coenagrionid damselflies is unlikely to be maintained by differences in immunity

    Manipulation of entanglement sudden death in an all-optical setup

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    The unavoidable and irreversible interaction between an entangled quantum system and its environment causes decoherence of the individual qubits as well as degradation of the entanglement between them. Entanglement sudden death (ESD) is the phenomenon wherein disentanglement happens in finite time even when individual qubits decohere only asymptotically in time due to noise. Prolonging the entanglement is essential for the practical realization of entanglement-based quantum information and computation protocols. For this purpose, the local NOT operation in the computational basis on one or both qubits has been proposed. Here, we formulate an all-optical experimental set-up involving such NOT operations that can hasten, delay, or completely avert ESD, all depending on when it is applied during the process of decoherence. Analytical expressions for these are derived in terms of parameters of the initial state's density matrix, whether for pure or mixed entangled states. After a discussion of the schematics of the experiment, the problem is theoretically analyzed, and simulation results of such manipulations of ESD are presented

    Infinite dimensional stochastic differential equations of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type

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    We consider the operator \sL f(x)=\tfrac12 \sum_{i,j=1}^\infty a_{ij}(x)\frac{\del^2 f}{\del x_i \del x_j}(x)-\sum_{i=1}^\infty \lam_i x_i b_i(x) \frac{\del f}{\del x_i}(x). We prove existence and uniqueness of solutions to the martingale problem for this operator under appropriate conditions on the aij,bia_{ij}, b_i, and \lam_i. The process corresponding to \sL solves an infinite dimensional stochastic differential equation similar to that for the infinite dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

    An IOT Appliance for Controlling the Fan Speed and Accessing the Temperature through Cloud Technology using DHT11 Sensor

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    In day to day, there are various necessities of common man. Internet of Things is going to play a vital role in applications such as smart home, smart cities, Industrial internet, healthcare systems etc. In this paper, we are presenting the module developed for controlling fan speed based on room temperature and also accessing temperature remotely through cloud. Temperature of the room can be sensed by using DHT11 temperature sensor. If the temperature is low then fan rotates slowly and vice-versa. Temperature of a particular room can be found from anywhere using DHT11 sensor and hosting on cloud. The proposed approach is accurate in terms of processing time, less circuit size, no external clock required and programming an arduino is easy when compared to 8051 micro processor. The developed approach is benefited in terms of preventing the waste of energy when it is not hot enough to use a fan and assist the disabled to switch on or off fan automatically. Experimental evaluation shows that the proposed approach is accurate and also takes less time

    Analyzing the Optimal Performance of Pest Image Segmentation using Non Linear Objective Assessments

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    In modern agricultural field, pest detection is a major role in plant cultivation. In order to increase the Production rate of agricultural field, the presence of whitefly pests which cause leaf discoloration is the major problem.  This emphasizes the necessity of image segmentation, which divides an image into parts that have strong correlations with objects to reflect the actual information collected from the real world. Image processing is affected by illumination conditions, random noise and environmental disturbances due to atmospheric pressure or temperature fluctuation. The quality of pest images is directly affected by atmosphere medium, pressure and temperature. The fuzzy c means (FCM) have been proposed to identify accurate location of whitefly pests. The watershed transform has interesting properties that make it useful for many different image segmentation applications: it is simple and intuitive, can be parallelized, and always produces a complete division of the image. However, when applied to pest image analysis, it has important drawbacks (over segmentation, sensitivity to noise). In this paper, pest image segmentation using marker controlled watershed segmentation is presented. Objective of this paper is segmenting the pest image and comparing the results of fuzzy c means algorithm and marker controlled watershed transformation. The performance of an image segmentation algorithms are compared using nonlinear objective assessment or the quantitative measures like structural content, peak signal to noise ratio, normalized correlation coefficient, average difference and normalized absolute error. Out of the above methods the experimental results show that fuzzy c means algorithm performs better than watershed transformation algorithm in processing pest images
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