7 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this paper is to study factors affecting customer intention to adopt Online Grocery Shopping (OGS) technology. OGS is a service provided by supermarket which enables customers to purchase groceries online. While OGS services offer various benefits, the adoption in Indonesia is still low. The proposed model is developed by extending Technology Acceptance Model with compatibility, visibility, social influence and perceived risk. The model is evaluated using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) based on 108 valid data collected from supermarket customers. The findings show that the customers’ intention to adopt OGS is significantly affected by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Based on total effect analysis, it was found that the intention to adopt OGS is determined by compatibility, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social influence and perceived risk. Furthermore, the study proposes several recommendations for supermarket managers to improve the adoption of OGS.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor yang memengaruhi niat konsumen dalam mengadopsi layanan Online Grocery Shopping (OGS). OGS adalah layanan yang disediakan oleh toserba yang memungkinkan konsumen berbelanja kebutuhan sehari-hari secara daring melalui situs web. Meski layanan OGS menjanjikan banyak manfaat, tingkat penggunaannya masih belum memuaskan. Pengembangan model penelitian dilakukan dengan mengaplikasikan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) yang diekstensi dengan kompatibilitas, visibilitas, pengaruh sosial, dan risiko. Model penelitian diuji pada konsumen sebuah toserba yang telah memiliki layanan OGS namun kesulitan mencapai target jumlah penggunanya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei menggunakan kuesioner daring. 108 data digunakan untuk menguji model pengukuran dan model struktural berdasarkan metode PLS-SEM. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa niat adopsi layanan OGS secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh persepsi kemanfaatan dan persepsi kemudahan pakai. Berdasarkan analisis pengaruh total ditemukan bahwa niat adopsi dipengaruhi oleh kompatibilitas, persepsi kemanfaatan, persepsi kemudahan pakai, pengaruh sosial dan persepsi risiko. Penelitian ini juga merumuskan sejumlah rekomendasi bagi pengelola toserba untuk dapat meningkatkan jumlah konsumen yang mau menggunakan layanan OGS

    Penerapan Algoritma Consultant-Guided Search dalam Masalah Penjadwalan Job Shop untuk Meminimasi Makespan

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    This research uses the Consultant-Guided Search (CGS) algorithm to solve job shop schedulingproblems minimizing makespan. CGS is a metaheuristics inspired by people making decisionsbased on consultant’s recommendations. A number of cases from literatures is developed to evaluatethe optimality of this algorithm. CGS is also tested against other metaheuristics, namely GeneticAlgorithms (GA) and Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) for the same cases. Performance evaluationsare conducted using the best makespan obtained by these algorithms. From computational results,it is shown that CGS is able to find 3 optimal solutions out of 10 cases. Overall, CGS performs bettercompared to the other algorithms where its solution lies within 0 - 6,77% from the optimal solution,averaging only 2,15%. Futhermore, CGS outperforms GA in 7 cases and performs equally well inthe other 3 cases. CGS is also better than AIS in 8 cases and is equally well in only 2 cases

    Penerapan Algoritma Consultant-Guided Search dalam Masalah Penjadwalan Job Shop untuk Meminimasi Makespan

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    This research uses the Consultant-Guided Search (CGS) algorithm to solve job shop scheduling problems minimizing makespan. CGS is a metaheuristics inspired by people making decisions based on consultant’s recommendations. A number of cases from literatures is developed to evaluate the optimality of this algorithm. CGS is also tested against other metaheuristics, namely Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) for the same cases. Performance evaluations are conducted using the best makespan obtained by these algorithms. From computational results, it is shown that CGS is able to find 3 optimal solutions out of 10 cases. Overall, CGS performs better compared to the other algorithms where its solution lies within 0 - 6,77% from the optimal solution, averaging only 2,15%. Futhermore, CGS outperforms GA in 7 cases and performs equally well in the other 3 cases. CGS is also better than AIS in 8 cases and is equally well in only 2 cases

    Examining the Role of Usability, Compatibility and Social Influence in Mobile Banking Adoption in Indonesia

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    Adaptation to the internet and advances in mobile technology has become key to the survival of industries, including the banking industry. One of the latest electronic banking channels is mobile banking. While mobile banking offers various advantages, many banks in Indonesia are facing the problem of low adoption. This paper reports on the findings of our research project, which examines mobile banking adoption behavior in Indonesia from an interaction perspective. Specifically, the paper examines the role of usability, compatibility and social influence in explaining people’s intention to continue using mobile banking in Indonesia. Using an interaction perspective framework, a research model is proposed. Ten hypotheses are suggested, examining six constructs: satisfaction, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived learnability, compatibility and social influence. From a theoretical perspective, this paper is the first to combine usability, compatibility and social influence in a mobile banking adoption study. Data from 319 valid respondents were used to test the proposed model using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results show that all the hypotheses are supported, and it was found that people’s intention to continue using mobile banking is significantly affected by satisfaction, compatibility, perceived usefulness, perceived learnability and social influence


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    Lean manufacturing is well-known worldwide, and many businesses today use it as a production method. However, many companies seem failed in the implementation. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to assess lean performance in an Indonesian Aerospace Company and explore any factors that could drive and hinder the lean implementation from a holistic perspective. In essence, this research is rarely conducted in Indonesia, especially in the aerospace industry. LESAT (Lean Enterprise Self-Assessment Tools) V.2 questionnaire and methodology are adopted to assess lean implementation. The respondents were chosen with purposive sampling. The results showed that most of the evaluation activities related to the performance were done with an informal approach deployed in a few areas with varying degrees of effectiveness and sustainment. Furthermore, several factors are considered as driving and hindering to successful lean implementation. It was found that the driving factors for successful deployments are a good change agent, continuous improvement, involvement of suppliers in the supply chain, considerations of customer value, and evaluation of roles/programs for lean implementation. In comparison, the primary hinder factors are a lack of shared understanding of the company's condition among the managers and supervisor and between the other managers and directors, and culture

    Perancangan Sistem Penilaian Performansi Karyawan

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    Company X is one of the bakery companies that has several branch shops in Bandung. Over the past few years, the performance of its human resource was stagnant and undeveloped. Especially in the position of cashiers and salespersons who serve the consumers. Without a good human resource performance management, Company X will not be able to survive in the competition. One of the requirements of good human resource management performance is a good performance appraisal system. Performance assessment conducted by Company X is still generic, and involving the assessment criteria that are very common. Besides, this assessment is also used to measure all positions in the company. Sometimes, the assessment process was very subjective, which often causes employees with different performance get the same value. This research aims to design a performance appraisal system for the position of cashier and salesperson at Company X by using Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS). A performance appraisal system was design started from the identification of assessment criteria and the determination of the scale of assessment standards, and ends with a form design and assessment procedures. The study also designed a feedback system, in order to improve the performance of the cashiers and salespersons at Company X. The developed assessment system then tested in Company X to see how well the assessment able to distinguish employees performance, where employees with different performance obtain different values. Besides these trials also accomplished the objective of the proposed system, where the same employees have the same value relatively despite assessed by different people