14 research outputs found

    Literature Study of Cross-Cultural Size Comparisons Against Personality Traits

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    After more than a century of research at the university, personality traits have been fully studied and measured, thanks to the work of many researchers. The Big Five is one of the most popular personality tests. It was created using an ethical approach, which says that personality traits should be measured in the same way in all cultures. But as the effects of different cultures grow and researchers learn more, ethical approaches to measuring personality are increasingly questioned. In anthropological research, emic approaches emphasizing the importance of specific cultural methods have been studied. This method is used to create the Big Six and Big Seven scales below. These measurements have been tested and found to be more accurate and valid for measuring personality traits in the right group of people. So, this study is intended to provide a literature review that summarizes how personality traits are defined, the specific content and development of such measurements using ethical and emic approaches, measurement problems based on relevant research, and several other things to think about. About when assessing personality traits using an etic and EMIC approach

    Model predicting social acceptance behavior to implement ELV policy: Exploring the role of knowledge toward ELV policy on social acceptance in Malaysia

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    Effective management of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) represents a sound strategy to mitigate global climate change. ELVs are contaminants that pollute water, air, soil, and landscape. This waste flow must be adequately treated, but no proper rule oversees the disposal of ELV waste in Malaysia. This study aims to determine the extent of implementing the ELV policy and the social readiness in implementing environmentally friendly ELV disposal in Malaysia. The questionnaire seeks public input on critical ELV concerns such as public perception of the phenomena, environmental and safety standards, and recycling and treatment facilities. This research uses a cross-sectional design with 448 respondents in the survey. Fit models in structural equation modeling are evaluated using a variety of goodness-of-fit indicators to ensure an actual hypothesis. This study's advantages include the availability of representative samples and allowing for comparable and generalizable conclusions to larger communities throughout Malaysia. It is found that personal experience is significantly correlated with social readiness. The cause of ELV vehicles knowledge was the vital mediator, along with recycling costs knowledge. Thus, knowledge regarding ELV management costs is the most decisive mediation variable to predict public acceptance. The recommended strategy to reduce resentment and rejection of ELV policy is to disseminate information about the negative ELV impact on environmental and social sustainability


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    Coronavirus disease (2019) or what we usually call COVID-19 has had a significant impact on all sectors, including the education sector. The transition from traditional or face-to-face teaching to an online teaching system. Has given a lot of homework for teachers, they have to work hard to be able to adapt quickly to the changes. In addition, this online learning process places a heavy burden on teachers. This makes teachers stressed and affects teacher performance. This study aims to describe the problems faced by teachers seen from the teacher's self-efficacy during teaching using the online method. 40 teachers participated in this study, where they were asked to fill out a teacher self-efficacy scale (TSE) to measure their self-efficacy. The results showed that there was a significant decrease in the self-efficacy of senior teachers when teaching using the online metho

    School Well-being in Terms of Self-Determination and Patience in Vocational High School Students

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    This study is significant since it aims to uncover two elements influencing school well-being: self-determination and patience.   This study used quantitative methods with multiple linear regression analysis. The population in this study was students of classes X, XI, and XII at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta, amounting to 672 students. The sampling technique employed in this study was cluster-random sampling with a sample of 178 students. The results showed the F-value of 27.182 with an absolute significance level (p-value) of 0.01, so it can be stated that the major hypothesis was accepted. The self-determination and patience variables simultaneously (together) could affect school well-being. The effect of self-determination on school well-being was 20%, while patience only contributed 3.67%. This research concludes that (1) there was a positive influence of self-determination and patience on the well-being of vocational school students, (2) there was a positive effect of partial self-determination on school well-being, meaning that partial self-determination could predict school well-being, and (3) there was no partial positive effect of patience on school well-being, indicating that partial patience could not predict school well-being

    Advanced strategies for cognitive and emotional coping among high school students

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    Adolescence represents a pivotal stage in human development marked by numerous challenges and stressors. This research delves into the cognitive-emotional coping strategies deployed by adolescent girls and boys, with a particular focus on gender disparities. Our study aligns with prior research, affirming substantial gender-based distinctions in coping strategies. Adolescent girls predominantly employ maladaptive strategies, notably catastrophizing and rumination, underscoring a proclivity for negative thought patterns amidst stressors. Conversely, boys demonstrate a more equitable distribution of coping mechanisms, encompassing both maladaptive and adaptive strategies, implying heightened coping versatility. Engaging in a scholarly debate, we discuss the implications of this gender divergence in coping strategies. While diverse coping repertoires, as seen in boys, may contribute to resilience, the noteworthy prevalence of maladaptive strategies among adolescents, regardless of gender, raises concerns regarding emotional well-being. This study not only advances our comprehension of adolescent coping but also holds implications for mental health interventions

    End-of-Life Vehicles Initiatives in the Middle East

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    Many of the governments in the Middle East have overlooked recycling end-of-life vehicles (ELV) for far too long. This is probably because ELV activities are not in line with the governments' strategic short-term objectives. This research evaluates Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and selected countries in the Middle East such as Egypt and Iran's standard operating procedures (SOP) for disposing of the cars and method in keeping unroadworthy-cars off the road. The elements studied here regarding ELV are relevant acts, emission control initiatives, and the disassembly of car procedure. The methods used here are desktop benchmarking and analysis of statistics regarding registered and deregistered cars which include surveys to users and relevant government officials. It is found that generally the governments in the Middle East are lacking in implementing clear directions to ensure sustainable and environmentally friendly ELV as compared with East Asian nations such as Japan, Taiwan and Malaysia. Among the Middle Eastern countries, Qatar provides much more clear directions regarding their ELV methods. The outcome here sheds some light on the entire procedures taken via these nations in managing ELV initiatives and public awareness. This study will benefit the nations as the governments can implement ELV initiatives, as in Europe and East Asian countries

    End-of-Life Vehicles Initiatives in the Middle East

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    Many of the governments in the Middle East have overlooked recycling end-of-life vehicles (ELV) for far too long. This is probably because ELV activities are not in line with the governments' strategic short-term objectives. This research evaluates Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and selected countries in the Middle East such as Egypt and Iran's standard operating procedures (SOP) for disposing of the cars and method in keeping unroadworthy-cars off the road. The elements studied here regarding ELV are relevant acts, emission control initiatives, and the disassembly of car procedure. The methods used here are desktop benchmarking and analysis of statistics regarding registered and deregistered cars which include surveys to users and relevant government officials. It is found that generally the governments in the Middle East are lacking in implementing clear directions to ensure sustainable and environmentally friendly ELV as compared with East Asian nations such as Japan, Taiwan and Malaysia. Among the Middle Eastern countries, Qatar provides much more clear directions regarding their ELV methods. The outcome here sheds some light on the entire procedures taken via these nations in managing ELV initiatives and public awareness. This study will benefit the nations as the governments can implement ELV initiatives, as in Europe and East Asian countries

    Kesadaran, Persepsi dan Tindakan Cyberbullying Oleh Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    Saat ini dunia sedang bergeser ke arah dunia modern dimana segala sesuatu dapat dilakukan secara online, terutama bagi anak-anak dan remaja untuk belajar menggunakan internet. Cyberbullying adalah salah satu pelanggaran yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan mental dan gaya hidup mereka yang di-bully, dan dalam banyak kasus korbannya mengalami depresi, takut pada masyarakat dan, dalam kasus terburuk, berakhir dengan ide bunuh diri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui  persepsi, persepsi dan perilaku siswa tentang cyberbullying agar dapat menemukan cara untuk mencegah cyberbullying di masa depan. Survei ini menggunakan survei potong lintang, yaitu data yang dikumpulkan pada tahun 2021 dari delapan SMP Negeri Samarinda. Kami menggunakan uji chi-kuadrat untuk membandingkan perbedaan antara kelompok. Dari 300 siswa, kami menemukan bahwa siswa laki-laki lebih kecil kemungkinannya untuk terlibat dalam cyberbullying dan siswa perempuan lebih mungkin untuk terlibat dalam cyberbullying. Survei juga menemukan bahwa siswa yang tinggal bersama orang tua mereka lebih mungkin tidak terlibat dalam cyberbullying. Penyebab paling umum dari cyberbullying adalah untuk mengganggu target orang. Korban cyberbullying yang paling umum adalah mengirim pesan yang konyol atau menegur. Solusi paling populer untuk mengambil tindakan melawan cyberbullying-adalah berteman yang menerima siapa Anda, tanpa meninggalkan jejak di media sosial. Hasil kami menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar pelaku cyberbullying tidak menyadari bahwa tindakan mereka  memiliki konsekuensi serius dan hanya memilih keluar dari cyberbullying karena mereka ingin merayu korban. Ini adalah informasi yang berguna untuk pusat solusi cyberbullying, guru dan orang tua untuk menemukan cara untuk membuat siswa mereka sadar akan dampak cyberbullying pada korban merek

    Kajian Literatur terhadap Manfaat Keterampilan Kepemimpinan dan Management Penjualan di dalam Perusahaan

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    The leadership model is considered by many to be decisive in improving the performance of the sales team in a company. In this case we will discuss in detail the effect of the situational leadership model on improving the performance of the sales team. There are four leadership styles in this model which we will discuss in detail. in our paper. In the end we try to conclude the most effective leadership style that can be used to improve the performance of the sales team in the field. Finding and maintaining good resources in the field of sales leadership and able to work effectively in increasing sales targets is a very difficult task. difficult. Most businesses today are results-oriented; They only make demands to be productive and capable of being a good leader. Failure to consider the nature of sales leadership during the selection process has a great opportunity to present challenges in carrying out sales tasks. In addition, providing development training is also a waste of training given to resources that are not available. not exactly

    Modelling Possible Household Uses of Grey Water in Poland using Property Fitting Analysis

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    One of the most important methods of optimising water consumption is grey water recycling. From a technological point of view, the treatment of grey water guarantees that it can be reused for domestic or corporate purposes, but it raises the issue of the social acceptance of the use of such water. This study aimed to assess the possibility of using grey water in households in Poland. The originality of this research study lies in the application of the PROFIT method for the separate construction of models of the benefits of grey water according to user groups. Four groups were identified, differentiated by gender and age; age and possession of an irretrievable water meter; gender and place of residence; place of residence and possession of an irretrievable water meter. To answer the formulated research questions, a diagnostic survey method was used, in which 807 randomly selected respondents from all over Poland were surveyed. The results of the survey indicate that homeowners perceive the potential use of grey water as beneficial, pointing most often to the following factors: rebuilding groundwater levels, reduced extraction of drinking water from rivers and other water bodies, and increased vegetation growth. On the other hand, they are concerned about the need to reconstruct the existing water and sewerage systems in order to produce drinking water from grey water as well as about the high cost and parameter stability of drinking water produced from grey water. Furthermore, men and older people attribute less importance to measures related to the introduction of good practices based on the reuse of recycled water in water management. Women, on the other hand, appreciate almost all opportunities to use grey water to a greater extent than men