19 research outputs found


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    Manusia terus berkembang dan mengalami perubahan (change over time) ke arah yang positif, menjadi hamba Allah yang bertaqwa dan husnul khatimah di akhir kehidupan masing-masing. Namun berbeda dengan orang dewasa yang hidup dalam masa konflik yang penuh dengan tekanan psikis dan cenderung mengalami trauma yang berkepanjangan. Bagaimana perkembangan psikis mereka pasca konflik di Aceh pasca damai 15 Agustus 2005? Usia dewasa sangatlah menarik untuk dikaji, pertama karena memasuki usia paling panjang dalam tahapan kehidupan manusia, kedua, menjalani tugas-tugas perkembangan yang berat dan kompleks dengan berbagai dinamika permasalahan fisik dan psikis sebagai dampak dari perkembangan sebelumnya, ketiga, usia yang matang dalam menyelesaikan tantangan kehidupan, keempat, Bagaimana konsep Islam memandang usia dewasa. Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang bagaimana setiap individu mampu menghadapi dan memasuki usia dewasa baik dewasa awal, madya dan akhir dengan baik. Mampu mempersiapkan fisik dan psikis yang sehat yang akan berdampak positif pada diri dan lingkungan. Metode penelitian dari artikel ini adalah kualitatif, menggunakan pendekatan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Artikel ini membahas konsep dari usia dewasa. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan meskipun usia dewasa pada korban konflik dapat tumbuh dan berkembang namun berbeda dengan usia dewasa lainnya, mereka kehilangan masa bermain, masa belajar, pada masa kanak-kanak, karena pada masa kanak-kanak mereka mengungsi ke desa lain dan hidup penuh kesulitan karena kehilangan orang yang mereka cintai pada tragedi pembunuhan masal (extrajudicial killing) tanggal 23 Juli 1999. Dampak kehilangan tahapan perkembangan masa kanak-kanak  mengalami gangguan psikis pada masa dewasa. 


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    The experience of posttraumatic stress is a sign of discomfort feeling and miserable situation especially for flood survivors. Being a first responder to the victims, the disaster volunteers are not only support providers for moral and psychological services, but also agents to reduce disaster-related-stress. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify the key experiences of volunteers as the first responder in using psychological debriefing intervention with disaster victims. There were 20 volunteers from different agencies involved in this study. The semi-structured interview sessions were utilized for data collection. Based on the thematic analysis process, the findings indicated that the volunteer’s resilience skill, emotional stability, and social altruism have been found to be the major volunteers’ attributes in conducting psychological debriefing intervention. Volunteers’ suggestions on implementation the psychological debriefing intervention for Malaysian context was also provide

    Psychological debriefing model: Post-disaster intervention

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    Efforts to minimize long-term psychological morbidity following natural disaster have resulted in calls for the psychological interventions for survivors. These calls are based on the assumption that the earlier intervention occurs, the less opportunity for maladaptive and disruptive cognitive and behavioral patterns. In response to these calls, many disaster’s first responders have used Psychological Debriefing (PD) intervention following this traumatic event. Even though PD is frequently discussed in Western studies, yet, it is not deliberately explain in Malaysian disaster literature. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss the importance of Psychological Debriefing Intervention and it implications on post disaster management in Malaysia. Different types of PD models are presented and several components that influence the process of psychological debriefing are discussed with emphasis on Malaysian cultural perspective. It is suggested that the continued exploration and discussion is critical in developing Psychological Debriefing Model that suitable for Malaysian culture

    Pencapaian perlaksanaan Program ODP di Malaysia (Achievement ODP Program Implementation in Malaysia)

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    Various approaches have been taken by the Malaysian Prisons Department as an institution specifically responsible for the rehabilitation of prisoners to assist in rebuilding themselves so that they can play a role again in society whether as wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, employees, and others. Among the approaches introduced by the Prisons Department is the Parole System which plays an important role in ensuring that prisoners released by Parole can return to society as someone who is useful to the country and complies with existing laws. Therefore, the article will discuss the extent to which the implementation of the implementation of the ODP program implemented by the Malaysian Prisons Department, especially in the Parole and Community Services Division based on the study conducted on Prison Officers (40 people sample) in that division. The results show that the level of effectiveness of the implementation of the ODP Program has a very positive impact on the ODP. However, although effective, there are also weaknesses and challenges in the implementation of the ODP program according to the respondents. Therefore, the prison must constantly make improvements to the Parole System from time to time in order to remain relevant to the changing times to be more comprehensive and efficient

    Application of cognitive and behaviour framework module in the treatment for mental games among Golf athletes: A study of UUM National Golf Academy

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    This article discusses the continued effects of using the counselling approach module, ABC Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (ABC REBT) in reducing the psychological problems of golf athletes, especially athletes who are facing problem especially mental game and yips. Symptoms of this problem include anxiety and loss of self-confidence, shown through sweating and clumsy conditions when putting and chipping in critical situations. As a result, athletes face low self-confidence especially during major championships. In identifying the effectiveness of the module,the study conducted on the same athlete in previous years as respondents. This study also uses qualitative approach, involving three golf athletes. The views of coach who train them full time are also taken to support any changes in the results of the study. The theme of analysis and content analysis has been used. The findings show that the using of ABC REBT module treatment to overcome the mental game and the yips of golf athletes is effective in the long run. The result of theme analysis and content analysis reinforces the effectiveness of the ABC REBT treatment module on respondents. The result of this study are important in expanding the scope of counselling services in sports, and also proves the effectiveness of counselling approaches to athletes. Therefore, involvement of counselling practitioners in sports is also recommended. The article also illustrates the potential of cognitive and behavioural counselling approaches in reducing the problem


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    Religious identity, self-concept, and resilience are considered the three main components that contribute to adolescents\u27 life developmental tasks. The purpose of the current study is to examine the effect of psycho-educational group intervention on religious identity, self-concept, and resilience among 94 Malaysian female orphan adolescents. Participants, aged between 14 and 17 years (early adolescence), were selected from four different orphanages in Malaysia. Using a quasi-experimental design, these participants completed two sets of pretests and post-tests on demographic information, the Muslim Religious Personality Inventory (MRPI), the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale-2 (TSCS-2), and the Singaporean Youth Resilience Scale (SYRESS). The data was analyzed using both Pearson Correlation and Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA). Findings found a positive relationship among three constructs--religious identity, self-concept, and resilience. Given the types of orphans in this study, there was no significant difference between true and social orphans on their religious identity, self-concept, and resilience scores. The results also showed that the psycho-educational group intervention did have a significant effect on the treatment group\u27s score of religious identity, self-concept, and resilience tasks over a four-week session. The change of religious identity, self-concept, and resilience suggests that this intervention group is sufficient to be effective in female orphans who are participating in this study while providing new perspectives for group worker practitioners, caregivers, institutional principals, and Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Malaysia (PEYATIM)


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    The impact of prolonged civil conflict in Aceh has caused lost family and mental disorder to the local community. One of the tragedy occurred during conflict in Aceh was the killing tragedy in Boarding School Babul 'Ala Nurillah, Blang Meurandeh village Beutong Blang Galang Nagan Raya Aceh Province Indonesia on July 23, 1999 and killed more than 50 man when they are in Boarding School ( Dayah) and learn Islamic knowledge.The peace agreement after conflict between Free Aceh Movement and Indonesia Goverment has 16 years ago since August 18, 2005. They are saw their husband killed by army, andmany women became widows and became poor life. The purpose of this study is to know how the traumatic post conflict and misdevelopment about the religious identity. The Method of this study used quantitative and qualitative method, used scale TSI (Trauma Syndrome Inventory) for trauma by Briere with 100 items and MRPI (Muslim Religious-Personality Inventory)  for scale religious identity. MRPI has 47 item. The sample in this research 25 Woman and 5 man who directly saw the extrajudicial killing, this sample technique used random assigned sampling.The result showed that the victims there are have traumatized is: high trauma 3, low trauma 3, and middle trauma 24 person . The result of this study is that there is a relationship between trauma and religious identity is low  r = -0,312. The correlation beetween trauma and Islamic worldview and spiritual is r = 0.312 (low), trauma with ritual r= 0.543 (medium), trauma with muamalat = 0.157 (very low). This meaning that although the victims feel traumatized but their ritual (hablun min Allah) still good in medium correlation, but the correlation between trauma and Islamic worldview and spiritual is low, and correlation between trauma and mu’amalat (hablun min an-naas) is very low, as well as in religious personality which is divided into Islamic worldview and spiritual, ritual (hablun minallah) and muamalat (hablun min an-naas). After twenty years ago they can to growth with their self and they want to forgotten the tragedy July 23 1999, and want to live in peace. And now they have the commitment to explore and learn Islamic knowledge again after twenty years ago they life without learning the Islamic knowledge in boarding school

    A solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) structured psychoeducational group module in improving skill of communication, coping and spiritual intelligence among married individuals

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    Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) has gained a significant influence and worldwide popularity in helping profession despite of its unconventional approach. In fact, wide growing body of research started focusing on evaluating its efficacy and effectiveness with diverse groups of clients and presenting issues. However, in Malaysia there are still lack of literature studies showing on the widely use of SFBT. Similarly in evaluating its effectiveness in working with diverse issues and clients. As such, this conceptual paper is presenting a psychoeducational group module using SFBT in improving skill of communication, coping and spiritual intelligence among married individuals. Communication, coping, and spiritual become the targeted skills due to the evidence-based research proving the essentiality of them in maintaining a good marital relationship. Furthermore, with the alarming divorce cases that keep rising year by year in Malaysia, action needs to be taken by many respective parties. As such, this module is design to help in this matter. On the other hand, since statistics divorce cases in Malaysia involve marriages below than ten years thus this module is targeted for married individuals whose marriage is below than ten years. Instruments that will be used to measure all the dependent variables are the Primary Communication Inventory (PCI) for communication skill, Dyadic Coping Inventory (DCI) for coping skill and Integrated Spiritual Intelligence Scale (ISIS) for spiritual intelligence skill. To evaluate the effectiveness of the module, an experimental method of pre and post will be conducted by comparing the result between the control and treatment groups

    Tingkah laku mencederakan diri sendiri dalam kalangan remaja: Satu kajian konseptual

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    Makalah ini membincangkan mengenai fenomena tingkah laku remaja mencederakan diri sendiri. Kes tingkah laku remaja mencederakan diri sendiri ini sememangnya wujud, dan jumlahnya semakin meningkat setiap tahun seiring laporan masalah kesihatan mental dalam kalangan kanak-kanan dan remaja yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia melalui laporan Statistik Tinjauan Kesihatan dan Morbiditi Kebangsaan. Fenomena ini perlu diberikan perhatian sewajarnya oleh semua pihak terutamanya guru bimbingan dan kaunseling di sekolah supaya Falsafah Pendidikan Negara dapat dicapai dan melahirkan pelajar yang mempunyai kesihatan mental yang baik serta berminda sihat. Oleh itu, makalah ini dihasilkan agar dapat membantu guru bimbingan dan kaunseling memahami fenomena mencederakan diri sendiri dengan lebih lanjut. Makalah ini juga membincangkan mengenai tingkah laku remaja yang mencederakan diri sendiri dan antara faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab kepada remaja mencederakan diri sendiri yang selalunya dikaitkan dengan pelbagai simptom psikiatri seperti simptom kemurungan, gangguan keresahan, faktor keluarga dan kehilangan

    Aplikasi teori kes kaunseling perkahwinan dan keluarga

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    Aplikasi Teori Kes Kaunseling Perkahwinan dan Keluarga merupakan sebuah buku yang membincangkan tentang kes-kes yang berlaku dalam institusi kekeluargaan dalam masyarakat Malaysia. Pendekatan teori-teori kaunseling perkahwinan dan keluarga diaplikasikan dalam setiap kes yang dikongsi bersama kaunselor. Perkongsian kes yang bijaksana ini boleh dijadikan sebagai panduan kepada kaunselor, lay counselor, penolong kaunselor, dan individu yang terlibat secara langsung dan tidak langsung dalam membantu isu keluarga dan perkahwinan.Buku ini telah ditulis secara sistematik bersesuaian dengan pelajar yang baru mempelajari kaunseling keluarga mahupun yang mempunyai sedikit pengetahuan berkaitan kaunseling untuk lebih memahami kes-kes keluarga dengan mengguna pakai teori-teori yang bersesuaian. Buku ini menghidangkan para pembaca dengan pelbagai resolusi berpandukan teori yang berkaitan dengan keluarga dan rumah tangga. Walau bagaimanapun, resolusi ilmiah ini bukanlah satu cara yang mutlak tetapi dipertimbangkan sebagai panduan kepada pihak yang berkaitan