3,964 research outputs found


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    This project is about the performance of different acids with various formulations for sandstone formation. The objective of this project is to find the most suitable acid formulation for sandstone formation. Sands from Pangkor Island are used as sample for experiment. Matrix acidizing is done to remove damage near wellbore area by dissolving unwanted or blocking material inside the pore. This operation can be very beneficial if proper planning and appropriate acid formulation is used. (Acidizing Oil and Gas Reservoir:Current Practice and Applications of the Arcasolve Acidizing Process) To find the most suitable acid for sandstone formation experimental work must be done. After obtain sample from Pangkor Island, the sand grains are converted into sand compacted core to measure porosity and permeability before and after acid treatment is made. The change in porosity and permeability will be tabulated then the result will be observe and analyze. Trial and error method will be used to gain the most suitable acid formulation for sandstone

    A Study of User's Performance and Satisfaction on the Web Based Photo Annotation with Speech Interaction

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    This paper reports on empirical evaluation study of users' performance and satisfaction with prototype of Web Based speech photo annotation with speech interaction. Participants involved consist of Johor Bahru citizens from various background. They have completed two parts of annotation task; part A involving PhotoASys; photo annotation system with proposed speech interaction and part B involving Microsoft Microsoft Vista Speech Interaction style. They have completed eight tasks for each part including system login and selection of album and photos. Users' performance was recorded using computer screen recording software. Data were captured on the task completion time and subjective satisfaction. Participants need to complete a questionnaire on the subjective satisfaction when the task was completed. The performance data show the comparison between proposed speech interaction and Microsoft Vista Speech interaction applied in photo annotation system, PhotoASys. On average, the reduction in annotation performance time due to using proposed speech interaction style was 64.72% rather than using speech interaction Microsoft Vista style. Data analysis were showed in different statistical significant in annotation performance and subjective satisfaction for both styles of interaction. These results could be used for the next design in related software which involves personal belonging management.Comment: IEEE Publication Format, https://sites.google.com/site/journalofcomputing

    Radiation safety based on the sky shine effect in reactor

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    In the reactor operation, neutrons and gamma rays are the most dominant radiation. As protection, lead and concrete shields are built around the reactor. However, the radiation can penetrate the water shielding inside the reactor pool. This incident leads to the occurrence of sky shine where a physical phenomenon of nuclear radiation sources was transmitted panoramic that extends to the environment. The effect of this phenomenon is caused by the fallout radiation into the surrounding area which causes the radiation dose to increase. High doses of exposure cause a person to have stochastic effects or deterministic effects. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure the radiation dose from sky shine effect that scattered around the reactor at different distances and different height above the reactor platform. In this paper, the analysis of the radiation dose of sky shine effect was measured using the experimental metho

    Powder Metallurgy of Iron-based Matrix Composite with Silicon Carbide (SiC) Reinforcement

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    Fe-based composites are found to be a promising material for automotive, process and chemical industries but little attention has been given to the study of their properties. This project aimed to study the influences of reinforcement ratios and sintering temperatures on particulate type composite. Pure iron and composite specimens containing 5, 10 and 15 wt.% of SiC particles are fabricated by powder metallurgy technique. The powders are compacted by Auto-Pelletizer equipment at 500MPa and then are sintered in Argon atmosphere for 45 minutes with heating and cooling rates of 5°C/min and 10°C/min, respectively

    Analisis Manajemen PAUD Berbasis Standar Akreditasi PAUD dan PNF di Kutai Kartanegara

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    Achieving the objectives of Early Childhood Education is needed by an institution that deserves good quality and educational services. Then a quality assessment is needed in the feasibility of conducting education in an education unit called accreditation. The aim of the study was to describe PAUD management based on the National Accreditation Agency Standards in Kutai Kartanegara (Standard Levels of Achievement of Development, Content Standards and Process Standards). The methodology of this research uses qualitative research methods based on postpositivism philosophy or interpretive, naturalistic qualitative research methods whose processes are inductive, the data obtained are qualitative data, which will later be interpreted so that the meaning is understood. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that Mutiara Bunda Kindergarten was considered very Complete for Standard-based administration of the National Accreditation Agency, from 3 (three) standards, namely Standards for Achieving Child Development, Content and Process Standards, almost all documents owned. From the results of this study Mutiara Bunda Kindergarten has run its management management based on PAUD and PNF National Accreditation Standards as it should, from the 3 (three) standards it can be proved the administrative completeness of Mutiara Bunda Kindergarten so that it deserves A level of accreditation given by PAUD and PNF National Accreditation Agency in 2016. It is appropriate for the administration of documents from planning, implementation to evaluation to be carried out continuously not only at any time so that all management of the institution can be carried out professionally with the achievement of the level of development of students who are very good

    Kinship and modernisation : an analysis of a Cham community of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia

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    This study addresses the issue of the nature of contemporary kinship relationships among the Cham Muslim community of migrants from Cambodia, now settled in Malaysia. The study was conducted in 2006 in Pulau Keladi Village, a Cham settlement on the East Coast of peninsula Malaysia, and employed an ethnographic research approach combining traditional participant observation with simple survey techniques.The study is primarily concerned with how modernization has affected kinship relations among the Cham. Modernization is used here to designate the processes of involvement in the commercial relations of a market-based society. In the case of the Cham, the transition to such relations was intertwined with the process of movement from their country of origin, i.e. Cambodia, to another country. With the process of movement and resettlement, this community confronted real challenges and had to develop new ways of life in a new milieu. From traditional forms of farming and fishing, which had been their main sources of economic support in Cambodia, these people utilized a similar physical environment to develop commercially-oriented economic activities in their new settlement. The degree of cooperation in the village helps producers to produce and market larger quantities than if everyone operated as an isolated unit. The spirit of mutual help which pervades this community, and which is interrelated with kinship, is an important aspect of this study. Through the way in which they responded to their new milieu and the cultural challenges which it provided, the Cham managed to re-establish strong kinship networks and to assemble a large group of kin in a single place.Through examining the kinship structure and ideology of the Cham, their marriage patterns, relations between parents, adult children and adult siblings, the role of kinship in life course transitions and ceremonies, the utilisation of kinship in economic activities and the interplay of migration, ethnic identity and kinship, the study identifies the significance of kinship to Cham social organisation and explores the elements of continuity and change.Over the last three decades, these people have undergone significant transformation due to the modernization process and resettlement. The data of this study suggests that changes have taken place in some aspects of their lives. However, compared to western communities, the resilience of kinship ties is clearly transparent. While there are more elements of freedom for the younger generation in many areas of life, they still accept considerable guidance from older family members, and the range of kin who are recognised and who meet regularly to celebrate family events, the preference for working with kin, the patterns of financial and emotional assistance, the relatively high levels of arranged marriages and of cousin marriage, the exceptionally low rates of divorce and remarriage, and the close relations between parents and adult children and between adult siblings, all illustrate the importance that the Cham attach to the bonds of kinship and their efforts to protect kinship from the eroding influence of modernisation. Finally, the study suggests that important contributing factors to the continuing strength of kinship are the historical and contemporary efforts of a minority group to maintain their identity, persecution under the Khmer Rouge and the subsequent migration and resettlement, which have all both accentuated the importance of kinship as protection and resource, and deepened the attachment of the Chain to a collective identity - now in the form of Orang Kemboja - which kinship plays an important role in maintaining

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Moral di Taman Kanak-Kanak Al Ihsan Bontang

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    The research background is to find out the implementation of moral learning developed in the curriculum of Taman Kanak-kanak Al Ihsan Bontang on moral development of children and school competitiveness. The research objective is to describe the effort in the implementation of moral learning of the children at Taman Kanak-kanak Al Ihsan Bontang. The research methodology is using qualitative research method based on post positivism or interpretive philosophy, the naturalistic qualitative research methods that are inductive, the data obtained is qualitative data, which later will be interpreted so that the meaning is understood. The data collection techniques are interview, observation, and documentation. The research result shows that the implementation of moral learning at TK Al Ihsan Bontang has been planned to run properly, curriculum that is compiled until the birth of habituation activities is implemented to the students in daily implementation; such as pray for each other, Friday sharing, queued up in various things, care for each other, etc. make the atmosphere of learning and playing there becomes so good, the children seem to know their respective responsibilities and there is no rough treatment of friends his age, under him or to those who are more mature than his age. The teacher easily organizes the students and almost no students are unruly. Thus the desired achievement will not be difficult to be achieved and guided curriculum on Permendikbud no. 137 and no. 146 Year 2014 with 6 (six) aspects of development, will be easily achieved when the aspects of development to be achieved have been established for the activities that support the habituation so that children are unconsciously easily and with self-awareness applying and carrying out praiseworthy qualities


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    ABSTRAK— Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler merupakan bagian dari kegiatan pengembangan diri yang di rancang sekolah guna memenuhi kebutuhan belajar siswa. Salah satu kegiatan esktrakurikuler yang layak diterapkan adalah hand painting. Hand painting ini bisa membantu serta menambah keterampilan siswa tentang teknik menghias khususnya pada busana pelengkap busana maupun lenan rumah tangga. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan antara lain: (1) Membuat modul pelatihan hand painting untuk ekstrakurikuler di SMK. (2) Mendiskripsikan kelayakan modul pelatihan Hand painting untuk ekstrakurikuler di SMK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan Research and Development (RnD) menggunakan metode pengembangan Borg & Gall. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menguji validitas modul yang akan dibuat. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu skor tertinggi adalah aspek pendahuluan dengan skor mean 4,5 dengan keterangan sangat baik. Selanjutnya pada aspek pembelajaran mendapatkan nilai skor mean 3,9 dengan keterangan baik. Pada aspek isi mendapatkan skor mean 3,6 dan dengan keterangan baik. Kemudian aspek tugas mendapatkan skor mean 4,1 dengan keterangan sangat baik. Yang terakhir adalah aspek tugas dengan skor mean 3,9 mendapatkan keterangan baik. Untuk uji coba modul mendapatkan rata-rata 92% dikategorikan sangat baik dan modul layak digunakan. Kata Kunci: modul, hand painting, pelatihan   ABSTRACT— Extracurricular activities are part of self-development activities designed by schools to meet student learning needs. One of the extracurricular activities that is worth implementing is hand painting. This hand painting can help and increase students' skills in decorating techniques, especially in complementary clothing and household linen. This study has the following objectives: (1) Creating a Hand painting training module for extracurricular activities at SMK. (2) Describe the feasibility of the Hand painting training module for extracurricular activities at SMK. The type of this research is Research and Development (RnD) which used Borg & Gall development method. The method used is descriptive quantitative by testing the validity of the module to be made. The result of this study is that the highest score is the preliminary aspect with a mean score of 4.5 with very good information. Furthermore, in the learning aspect, the mean score is 3.9 with good information. In the content aspect, the mean score is 3.6 and with good information. Then the task aspect gets a mean score of 4.1 with very good information. The last one is the aspect of the task with a mean score of 3.9 that gets good information. The module trials got an average of 92%, it was categorized as very good, therefore the module was proper to use. Keywords: module, hand painting, trainin

    Securities for bankers advances in Malaysia / Siti Nor Husin

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    The question of Banker’s securities becomes important in the course of a bank's lending operation. Before a loan can be advanced by a bank, a bank must satisfy itself that repayment would be made within the period specified. And that in the event of any default by the borrower, recourse can be had either against property or person to realize any outstanding amount. Securities are in fact, a kind of insurance against default in payment of a loan or interest or when the loan is regarded as bad. The legal requirements relating to bankers securities as well as requirement as to their documentation must be stringently observed. This need to be done to ensure that no problems will arise in relation to the enforcement of the securities later on

    Basic of Fault Tree (FT) method

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    A fault tree described the logical relationship between events and causes. This method shows significant success in analyzing the root cause of an accident. This paper will review the basics of the Fault Tree (FT) method including the structure, factors that contribute and FT application
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