40 research outputs found

    A framework for adopting green information technology in Malaysia : case studies from government agencies, International Business Machines Sdn. Bhd. and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

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    Green IT has been widely reviewed by technical and administrative areas. Green IT as green and sustainable practices are practices in designing, manufacturing, using and disposing of IT technologies in order to reduce the energy consumption, carbon emission and electronic waste. A major gap that exists in the Green IT literature today is the lack of a propose framework. Such framework is actually able to be used to assist policy maker, organization such as public and private sector and other researcher in order to support Malaysia’s pledge towards global carbon emission reduction by the year 2020. As IT industry is one of the sectors that recognized as a constituent player in supporting a sustainable development, this study attempts to bridge the gap by proposing the framework which focus on factors rendered Green IT adoption and process involved in Green IT adoption by the public sector and the private sector. In this study, the researcher depicts the major factors rendered Green IT adoption, which consists of technological, organizational, environmental, regulatory support, competitive pressure, business opportunity, responsible business ecosystem, and cost. Besides, the researcher illustrates the process involved in Green IT adoption, which consists of plan phase, design phase, implement phase, and measure of the performance phase. At the end of the study, the researcher determined which factors drive the adoption of Green IT in Malaysia and the list of activities included in each process between public and private sector. In order to achieve the research objectives, qualitative method was applied through semi-structured interview with 23 respondents by using open-ended questions as a guideline. Furthermore, in realizing the objective of the propose framework, five organizations were chosen that comes from public sector and private sector, which are Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), Unit Pemodenan Tadbiran dan Perancangan Pengurusan Malaysia (MAMPU), GreenTech Malaysia, International-Business-Machines Sdn Bhd, and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. Therefore, the researcher believed by using the proposed framework, Green IT will widely spread to nationwide of Malaysia that start from public sectors which can be applied by the other public sector and the producers which will be able to produce Green IT products with purely Green

    Tinjauan awal penerapan elemen pembelajaran vark dalam teknik pembelajaran dan hafazan al-quran di Malaysia

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    Pengajian tahfiz kini menjadi pilihan ibu bapa bagi anak-anak mereka mendapatkan pendidikan. Kesedaran umat Islam mengenai kelebihan dan kebaikan yang diperolehi dari hafazan al-Quran mendorong ibu bapa untuk menempatkan anak-anak mereka ke sekolah-sekolah atau pusat-pusat tahfiz. Walau bagaimanapun mengambil aliran atau pengajian tahfiz tidak semudah yang disangkakan kerana proses penghafazan al-Quran memerlukan penumpuan dan disiplin yang tinggi. Lantaran itu, tidak sedikit pelajar tahfiz yang gagal menamatkan hafazan al-Quran mengikut tempoh yang telah ditetapkan. Oleh itu, pemilihan metod dan gaya pembelajaran pelajar sangat penting bagi memastikan proses menghafaz al-Quran dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan berkesan. Strategi pembelajaran yang bersesuaian dengan gaya pembelajaran pelajar boleh meningkatkan motivasi dan pencapaian prestasi pelajar. Strategi pembelajaran VARK misalnya terbukti dapat meningkatkan penguasaan pelajar terhadap sesuatu pelajaran termasuk dalam menghafaz ayat-ayat al-Quran. Justeru itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti elemen pembelajaran VARK dalam teknik pembelajaran dan hafazan alQuran yang diaplikasi di pusat-pusat atau sekolah-sekolah tahfiz di Malaysia. berdasarkan kepada kajian-kajian lepas. Kajian ini menggunakan metod kualitatif dalam menganalisis kajian-kajian lepas berkenaan isu ini. Berdasarkan analisis yang dibuat, kajian ini mendapati bahawa pusat dan sekolah tahfiz di Malaysia masih menerapkan teknik tradisional, meskipun begitu tiga elemen VARK turut diaplikasikan dalam teknik pembelajaran dan penghafazan al-Quran iaitu auditori, membaca dan menulis. Hasil kajian ini signifikan dalam membantu guru mengaplikasikan kaedah pembelajaran dan hafazan yang sesuai untuk memadankan gaya pembelajaran pelajar bagi meningkatkan keupayaan dan prestasi pelajar dalam menghafaz al-Quran. Dapatan kajian juga dapat digunapakai dalam meneruskan kajian susulan untuk memahami lebih mendalam pengaplikasian kaedah VARK dalam meningkatkan proses penghafazan ayat-ayat Al-Quran di pusat-pusat dan sekolah-sekolah tahfiz di Malaysia

    Resolving Arabic-language text reading errors among University students through project-based learning (PBL)

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    Foreign language learning is certainly accentuating on the mastery of basic skills including reading skills that need to be emphasized by every student in the early stages. Similarly, the same goes for Arabic language learning which is the third language or also recognized as a foreign language in the Malaysian community. One of the skills focused on this study is the focus on reading Arabic texts. The objective of this study is to identify the common reading mistakes that students often make while reading Arabic texts and to determine how well the Project Based Learning (PBL) method can overcome and reduce their reading errors. This study utilizes qualitative approach with the method of observation performed on students when they were reading texts during pre and post reading tests. The reduction of these mistakes was identified from before and after the PBL procedure was implemented. The study sample consisted of 69 students who registered for the 3rd level Arabic course in the 2019/2020 study session at Universiti Malaysia Sabah Labuan International Campus (UMS-LIC). The instrument used was a set of pre and post reading tests based on the KSSR (Primary School Curriculum Standards) guidelines set out by the MOE (Ministry of Education, 2015)

    Application of project-based learning in enhancing solid waste management and awareness

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    Solid waste is one of the regular issues of environmental management. As an effort to tackling the issue, Environmental education is one of the importa nt and relevant from year to year to enhance the management of the nature. There is an urgent need for the young generation to be educated on sustainable development to protect the earth for the future. Lack of knowledge and awareness of the scarcity of ou r nature means there is that our natural resources becoming scarce and we are facing all types of environmental consequences. This paper explores the application of project - based learning in one of the liberal courses, which related to the environment and being offered as elective subjects in one of the high education institute in Malaysia. The implementation of project - based learning in dealing with the environmental destruction while conserving the earth focusing on solid waste being discussed and presen ted. Also, this paper shows the value of the project - based approach by the respondents' reflection. It is proved that project - based learning has helped to breed a positive attitude towards the environment

    Rasch analysis and differential item functioning of STEM teachers instructional preparedness instrument for urban and rural teachers

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    STEM Teachers’ Instructional Preparedness instrument (STEMTIP) was developed in this study with of 40 items and consists of 5 main constructs. Using multistage cluster sampling, 252 teachers in Malaysia was selected as sample of the study. Rasch Model analyses the psychometric properties of the STEMTIP instrument. The results indicate that 40 items of the STEMTIP are well fitted to a latent unidimensional structure, as required by the Rasch Model. There are two items (ELA1 and EVA8) that show a psychometric properties of Differential Item Functioning in STEMTIP concerning school location. Finally, psychometric implications derived from the results of the present study are discussed and suggestions are provided for future investigations

    Dialect phonemes incorporated into the standard Kadazandusun language

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    The present study is an analysis of vocoid and contoid variation in Kadazandusun dialects and it has animplication for the teaching of standardized spelling and pronunciation of the Kadazandusun language in Malaysia. The study aims to analyze the phonemes of the Kadazandusun dialects in order to determine the phonemes and graphemes that have been incorporated into the standard Kadazandusun language. This paper uses the qualitative descriptive method of literature study. The sample comprises 10 dialects, namely (Tambunan), Murut Timugon, Murut Tagol, Tombonuo and Kolobuan. These dialects were selected from the three language families in Sabah, namely Dusunic, Murutic and Paitanic. A -dialectal analysis was performed on the segmental phonemic description and phonemes of each dialect to find common equation similarities that have provided a base for standardizing the phonemes and graphemes of the Kadazandusun language. The findings show that the Kadazandusun language has 36 phonemes comprising six vocals, seven diphthongs and 23 consonants. All the 36 phonemes are represented by 21 graphemes of Romanized letters. Other phonemes are denoted by diacritical signs and two vowel arrangement

    Application of electrical resistivity imaging technique in slope stability study in Banding Island, Perak

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    A landslide investigation using 2D electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) has been undertaken in the Banding Island, Perak. Banding Island is underlain by Baling Formation which consist of two main facies; namely Argillaceous Facie (eastern part) and Arenaceous Facie (western part). The eastern part of the island is relatively prone to landslide and slope failure. Detailed field resistivity imaging was carried on four lines along the eastern and western parts of the Banding Island. The inferred lithological depth sections based on electrical properties clearly differentiates between the different types of rocks

    Learning History Using Augmented Reality

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    Subject of history is one of the subject that must be passed in the SPM examination. Subjet of history is very important in our life as a guides and teaches us in how to progress and advance not making the same mistakes. We also must have deep knowledge about history of homeland so we can appreciate them and also make them all our idols. However, learning about history of homeland warrior can be challenging, especially for student who think that learning about history is boring and some student are less aware of the importance of studying history. For help teacher to teach and also attract student in learn about history, we are try to use Augmented Reality for make learning session fun. The research aims to design an application for learning history of homeland using Augmented Reality

    Travel to Southeast Asia: Learning About Southeast Asia through Augmented Reality

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    ‘Travel to Southeast Asia’ application is one of Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Learn about Southeast Asia is very important and has been emphasized in high schools. However, there are some students who are bored and not interested in learning geography especially related to foreign countries due to lack of exposure and information about it. So, the main purpose of this project is to develop an educational application based on Augmented Reality for students to interest them in learning about Southeast Asia. Students also can identify eleven countries in Southeast Asia by using this application and gain some knowledge related to the countries. Unity software is the main software to develop this Augmented Reality because Unity engine can support the high quality of audio and visual effects to ease the development of the project. This project developed by using ADDIE Model as a dynamic and flexible guideline for building effective training and performance support tools. This research was evaluated by among 15 students from Sultan Idris Education University who pursuing a Bachelor of Education (Geography) with Honor by using quantitative methods through online questionnaire. This questionnaire was distributed to the respondents for evaluation based on Usefulness, Satisfaction and Ease of Use (USE) questionnaire. As a result of the questionnaire, majority of respondents gave positive feedback and interested with ‘Travel to Southeast Asia’ application. Based on the research, learning about Southeast Asia using Augmented Reality provides better knowledge and understanding

    Learn Idioms Using Augmented Reality

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    English language is international language that are worldwide use and also one of the important language in communication and a main-medium of instruction in education in Malaysia. In order to become good in English we must learn since we were kids like since preschool and primary school and that show how important to learn English language. Then it need to help the students especially the pre-school and the primary school students to learn English in more effective and attractive ways so that they will not feel boring or lost interest in learning English language. Aim of this research is to find an interactive tool that can be used in learning an English idioms. This research use RAD Model to develop AR application and quantitative methods through questionnaires were implemented to evaluate the research that were developed. The research was evaluated by 10 teachers who teach English Language and evaluated based on usefulness, satisfaction and ease of use questionnaires