3 research outputs found

    Secondary Distribution of HIV Self-Testing Kits to Social and Sexual Networks of PLWH in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. A Brief Report

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    Background: To reach 95% of persons living with HIV (PLWH) knowing their HIV status, alternative testing approaches such as HIV self-testing (HIVST) and secondary HIVST kit distribution are needed. We investigated if secondary HIVST kit distribution from male and female PLWH in South Africa would successfully lead to their contacts testing for HIV and linking to care if positive. / Methods: Male and female PLWH participating in an HIV treatment trial between July and November 2018 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were offered participation as "HIVST kit distributors" in a pilot of secondary distribution of HIVST kits to give to sexual partners and social networks. Univariate descriptive statistics were used to describe the characteristics of volunteer distributors, proportion of HIVST recipients who reported their results, and linkage to care among those who tested positive using HIVST were assessed. / Results: Sixty-three participant kit distributors accepted kits to disperse to contacts, of whom 52% were female, median age was 34 years (IQR 26-42.5), 84% reported 1 sexual partner and 76% did not know their partner's HIV status. HIVST kit distributors took 218 kits, with 13/218 (6%) of kits reported to be intended to be given to a sexual partner. A total of 143 HIVST recipients reported their HIVST results; 92% reported their results were negative, 11 recipients reported positive results and 1 HIVST-positive recipient was linked to HIV care. / Conclusion: Secondary distribution of HIVST to social networks and sexual partners from South African PLWH is feasible, with two thirds of contacts reporting use of the HIVST kits. Additional support is necessary to facilitate linkage to care

    Protocol: Implementation evaluation of a combination intervention for sustainable blood pressure control in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (IMPACT BP): A three-arm, unblinded, parallel group individually randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Hypertension is the primary risk factor for stroke and heart disease, which are leading causes of death in South Africa. Despite the availability of treatments, there is an implementation gap in how best to deliver hypertension care in this resource-limited region. Methods: We describe a three-arm parallel group individually randomized control trial to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of a technology-supported, community-based intervention to improve blood pressure control among people with hypertension in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The study will compare three strategies: 1) standard of care (SOC arm) clinic-based management, 2) home-based blood pressure management supported by community blood pressure monitors (CBPM arm) and a mobile health application to record blood pressure readings and enable clinic-based nurses to remotely manage care, and 3) an identical strategy to the CBPM arm, except that participants will use a cellular blood pressure cuff, which automatically transmits completed readings over cellular networks directly to clinic-based nurses (eCBPM+ arm). The primary effectiveness outcome is change in blood pressure from enrollment to 6 months. The secondary effectiveness outcome is the proportion of participants with blood pressure control at 6 months. Acceptability, fidelity, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness of the interventions will also be assessed. Conclusions: In this protocol, we report the development of interventions in partnership with the South Africa Department of Health, a description of the technology-enhanced interventions, and details of the study design so that our intervention and evaluation can inform similar efforts in rural, resource-limited settings

    Population health impact, cost-effectiveness, and affordability of community-based HIV treatment and monitoring in South Africa: A health economics modelling study.

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    Community-based delivery and monitoring of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV has the potential to increase viral suppression for individual- and population-level health benefits. However, the cost-effectiveness and budget impact are needed for public health policy. We used a mathematical model of HIV transmission in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, to estimate population prevalence, incidence, mortality, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) from 2020 to 2060 for two scenarios: 1) standard clinic-based HIV care and 2) five-yearly home testing campaigns with community ART for people not reached by clinic-based care. We parameterised model scenarios using observed community-based ART efficacy. Using a health system perspective, we evaluated incremental cost-effectiveness and net health benefits using a threshold of 750/DALYaverted.Inasensitivityanalysis,wevariedthediscountrate;timehorizon;costsforclinicandcommunityART,hospitalisation,andtesting;andtheproportionofthepopulationreceivingcommunityART.Uncertaintyranges(URs)wereestimatedacross25best−fittingparametersets.By2060,communityARTfollowinghometestingaverted27.9750/DALY averted. In a sensitivity analysis, we varied the discount rate; time horizon; costs for clinic and community ART, hospitalisation, and testing; and the proportion of the population receiving community ART. Uncertainty ranges (URs) were estimated across 25 best-fitting parameter sets. By 2060, community ART following home testing averted 27.9% (UR: 24.3-31.5) of incident HIV infections, 27.8% (26.8-28.8) of HIV-related deaths, and 18.7% (17.9-19.7) of DALYs compared to standard of care. Adolescent girls and young women aged 15-24 years experienced the greatest reduction in incident HIV (30.7%, 27.1-34.7). In the first five years (2020-2024), community ART required an additional 44.9 million (35.8-50.1) annually, representing 14.3% (11.4-16.0) of the annual HIV budget. The cost per DALY averted was 102(85−117)forcommunityARTcomparedwithstandardofcare.Providingsix−monthlyrefillsinsteadofquarterlyrefillsfurtherincreasedcost−effectivenessto102 (85-117) for community ART compared with standard of care. Providing six-monthly refills instead of quarterly refills further increased cost-effectiveness to 78.5 per DALY averted (62.9-92.8). Cost-effectiveness was robust to sensitivity analyses. In a high-prevalence setting, scale-up of decentralised ART dispensing and monitoring can provide large population health benefits and is cost-effective in preventing death and disability due to HIV