84 research outputs found

    Analisis Anggaran Pemerintah (APBN Dan APBN-P) Dalam Perspektif Demokrasi Multipartai Dan Koalisi

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    Government Budget Analysis in Perspective Democracy Multiparty and CoalitionDemocratic system change in Indonesia resulted in a change of political system and economy of Indonesia. Changes in the political system was also followed by the country\u27s financial sector reform (or budget) in the process of change towards prosperity residents better. Using time series data from 1982 to 2011, this study found that the coalition is formed to have a positive and significant effect on the level of budget revenues in the state budget approval and the state budget, as well as the approval of the budget at the level of state budget. The Coalition does not have influence on the level of approval signifkan budget on state budget. The number of political parties only aect the level of budget revenues in the state budget approval. The level of tax agreements have a significant impact on the level of state budget approval and the state budget. Revenue budget approval rate has a significant influence on the level of approval of both the state budget expenditures and state budget

    The Effect of Using Multiple Intelligence Strategy on Students\u27 Achievement in Writing Narrative Texts

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    This study was conducted to find out the effect of using multiple intelligence strategy on students\u27 achievement in writing narrative texts. The population was the students of grade XI SMA SWASTA KATOLIK 2 Kabanjahe. There were 142 students and 60 of them were taken as the sample based on random sampling technique. Thirty students were taken as control group and others as experimental group (taught by using MI strategy). The instrument used to collect the data was a written test. The data were analyzed by using t-test to show the effect of MI Strategy on students\u27 achievement in writing narrative text. The results of the analysis showed that t-value 2.73 was higher than t-table 1.67 at the level of significance 0.05 and the degree of freedom (df) 58. It means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted. In other words, it is obvious that MI Strategy can cause significant effect on students\u27 achievement in writing narrative text

    Implementasi Penukaran Uang Rupiah dengan Menggunakan Algortima Greedy

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    Perkembangan teknologi saat ini semakin mempermudah setiap penggunanya dalam mengakses maupun mempercepat pekerjaan dengan sistem Aplikasi yang diciptakan. Aplikasi inilah memberikan kemudahan kepada pengguna dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan dengan cepat dan mudah. Terutama sistem untuk penukaran uang menjadi pecahan melalui proses optimasi. Pada penelitian ini dibangun suatu sistem penerapan algoritma greedy untuk penukaran uang rupiah. Aplikasi yang dihasilkan memberikan kemudahan dalam penukaran uang rupiah menjadi pecahan. Khususnya dapat mempermudah pekerjaan dalam dunia perbankan untuk menukarkan uang nasabahnya dengan mengambil hasil yang paling optimal


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    The experience in managing articles to be published in some journals indicates, many writers do not meet the requirements for scientific or academic writings. Some of the articles must be returned to the writers to be reorganized and rewritten based on the house style of the journal. This surely takes time and delays the publishing process.This article therefore discusses the requirements for an article to be published in a journal, including the techniques how to write the title, abstract and structure of the article in general. For the house style of each journal, the writer is suggested to follow the writing guides issued by the journal which is intended to publish the article


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    Kemajuan pendidikan suatu bangsa dapat diukur antara lain dari kemajuan industri buku yang dimilikinya. Pendidikan yang maju didukung oleh industri buku yang maju pula. Akan tetapi kemajuan industri buku di Indonesia belum berkembang dengan baik. Secara jumlah dan mutu, pengarang/penulis, penerbit, percetakan, penyalur/distributor buku serta masyarakat pembaca, belum memadai di bandingkan dengan negara-negara maju bahkan antar negara di kawasan Asean sendiri. Buku baru yang diterbitkan di Indonesia mencapai rata-rata 6000 judul buku termasuk di dalamnya hasil terjemahan. Oleh karena itu tidak mengherankan kalau buku-buku baru terbitan Indonesia tidak banyak terlihat di perpustakaan di Indonesia. Banyak siswa, mahasiswa, guru, dosen, dan peneliti mengalami kesulitan menemukan buku-buku terbitan Indonesia sebagai referensi


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    Paradigm shift in education has made significant change in the roles of teacher and student in teaching and learning process. In the new paradigm the student become the axis of teaching and learning process. The student makes the choice in learning objective, learning materials, and learning resources based on his/her learning style. The teacher acts more as a learning designer, learning manager, and tutor. The learning theory development tends to provide the learner with learning skills to enable them to be independent learners to life-long learning. However, the learning theories are mostly discussed in the formal eduacation situation, though the theories are also apllicable for nonformal education. This article discusses how the current learning theories can be implemented in nonformal education. The discussion is limited on the application of learning resources development in early childhood education and learning community centers. The discussion ends with a strong conclusion that resources based learning theory are potential and need to apply in nonformal education under a condition that there should be some changes in the roles of teachers/instructors, learners, and the nonformal institution


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    Printed materials such as books are still used as the main resources in instructional process in formal and non-formal education. Books are also used to disseminate many kinds of information for various purposes. The intellectual advancement of a nation can be measured from its book industry development. The book industry in Indonesia has a low product and can not compete against other countries even in the Southeast Asia. It faces a lot of obstacles in the aspects of manuscript provision, printing, publishing, distributing, and marketing. This article discusses the urgent need of book regulations to develop book industry in Indonesia. It believes that the appropriate book regulations followed by law enforcement will be able to stimulate the book industry development in Indonesia. Many problems concerning the authorship, publishing, printing, distribution, and marketing can be solved with national book regulations.&nbsp

    Analisis Cluster terhadap Tingkat Pencemaran Udara pada Sektor Industri di Sumatera Selatan

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    Analisis cluster merupakan suatu teknik yang dipergunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan objek ke dalam kelompok yang relatif homogen. Analisis cluster terbagi atas dua metode, hirarki dan non-hirarki. Penelitian ini dibahas pengelompokan 10 jenis industri yang ada di Sumatera Selatan berdasarkan jenis polutan yang dihasilkan dan mengetahui ciri-ciri setiap kelompok industri. Berdasarkan hasil analisis cluster metode hirarki, ada 3 kelompok industri (cluster). Cluster pertama yaitu industri karet, industri sawit, industri pengalengan ikan, industri listrik, industri pertambangan dan industri semen. Cluster kedua terdiri dari industri migas, industri minyak goreng dan industri makanan. Cluster ketiga yaitu industri pupuk. Pada metode non-hirarki, cluster pertama yaitu industri yang memiliki rata-rata polutan yang lebih besar dari pada cluster kedua, dapat digolongkan menjadi kelompok industri dengan tingkat pencemaran tinggi. Anggotanya adalah industri migas, industri minyak goreng, industri makanan dan industri pupuk. Cluster kedua yaitu industri yang memiliki rata-rata polutan yang lebih kecil dari pada cluster pertama, dapat digolongkan menjadi kelompok industri dengan tingkat pencemaran rendah. Anggotanya adalah industri karet, industri sawit, industri pengalengan ikan, industri listrik, industri pertambangan dan industri semen
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