85 research outputs found

    Aristotelian corporate governance

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    Chapter of a book about classical (Aristotle and Aquinas) corporate governanc

    El caso Madoff: hasta ahora el mayor, pero no el último fraude

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    Al hilo del fraude de Madoff, en el artículo se habla de la condición humana que lleva a elegir siempre la inversión que promete unos beneficios más altos, de modo que resulta innegable la posibilidad de que se repitan casos como el Madoff. Por esto se esbozan aquí unas ideas para evitar caer en este tipo de fraudes

    Book reviews

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    A review of: Thomas I. White, Business Ethics: A Philosophical Reader (MacMillan Publishing Co./Maxwell MacMillan Canada, New York/Toronto, 1993), 867 pages

    Integrated Risk Management and Global Business Ethics

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    Nowadays, Business Ethics requires a near-expert knowledge of Law, Economics, Business, Management, Information and Environmental Technologies, apart from Psychology, Sociology and Cultural Anthropology. Furthermore, its teaching demands certain expertise in the case-method. In on other are of Philosophy is theory more closely linked to practice

    El alma hambrienta (A review of Leon Kass, "The Hungry Soul", Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999)

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    Reseña del libro "The Hungry Soul", de Leon Kass, en el que se ofrecen una serie de reflexiones sobre el perfeccionamiento del ser humano mediante la cultura y la ritualización -también religiosa- de la comida

    Criterio moral

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    "Criterio moral", voz del Diccionario de Filosofía, editado por Ángel Luis González

    Tiempo y eternidad en la virtud

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    En el artículo se hace una reflexión acerca del doble carácter temporal y a la vez supratemporal del ser humano, para responder a la pregunta de cómo afecta la temporalidad a la virtud

    From CSR to Corporate Citizenship: Anglo-American and Continental

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    Beginning with the question of who constitutes the firm, this article seeks to explore the historical evolution of concepts such as corporate social responsibility, corporate accountability, corporate social responsiveness, corporate social performance, stakeholder theory, and corporate citizenship. In close parallel to these changes are differences in interpretation from AngloAmerican and Continental European perspectives. The author defends that the ultimate reasons behind these differences are of a philosophical nature, affecting both the anthropology and the political theory dominant in each of these cultures. Philosophically, anglo-american culture may be described as individualistic, legalistic, pragmatist and with an understanding of rights as freedom from state intervention. Continental European culture, on the other hand, is more community-oriented, more dependent on unwritten laws or customs, less resultsdriven or more appreciative of the intrinsic value of activities and with an understanding of rights as freedom to participate in social goods and decisions. In the end, a twist is introduced in the meaning of corporate citizenship: beyond referring to the firm as a citizen of the state, it now signifies and analyzes the rights and responsibilities of the different ―citizens comprising the corporate polity. This new proposal constitutes the author‘s normative response to the initial research query

    La economía no es un juego moral. ¿Qué es entonces?

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    En el artículo se refuta la afirmación de Paul Krugman en la que se sostiene que la economía de mercado no tiene significado moral