5 research outputs found


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    The people of Piantus Village, Sejangkung Subdistrict, and Sambas District use rattan to make wickerwork, household furniture, and others. The use of rattan needs to be studied scientifically as a first step to obtaining further information on non-timber forest products (HHBK). The purpose of this research is to describe how the people of Piantus Village use rattan and describe the products of rattan produced by the people of Piantus Village Sejangkung Subdistrict Sambas District. This research uses a survey method. The collected data was collected using primary and secondary data. Preliminary data were obtained using interview techniques and a list of questions. The selection of respondents using the purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of interviews with respondents, there are five types of rattan used by the people of Piantus Village Sejangkung Subdistrict Sambas District. The local names of the rattan are seuti rattan with the local name runtian (Calamus ornatus Blume), branched rattan with the local name danan (Korthalsia flagellari), marau rattan with the local name marau (Korthalsia rigida Blume), sega rattan with the local name saga (Calamus caesius Blume), and babuai rattan with the local name all (Plectocomia elongate Martinus ex blume). The form of utilization of rattan produced by the people of Piantus Village there is 17 products. The crafts made by the people of the Piantus Village area are chairs, tables, baskets, drawers, caps, corner shelves, flower vases, pencil cases, baby stands, lampshades, serving hoods, plates, baskets, jars, bird cages, bats, pillows, and bags. Keywords: Piantus Village, Community, Ulilization, Rattan.AbstrakMasyarakat Desa Piantus Kecamatan Sejangkung Kabupaten Sambas memanfaatkan rotan menjadi anyaman, perabotan rumah tangga dan lain lain. Pemanfaatan rotan perlu dikaji secara ilmiah sebagai langkah awal untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai informasi lebih lanjut pada hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan cara masyarakat Desa Piantus dalam memanfaatkan rotan dan mendeskripsikan produk dari rotan yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat Desa Piantus Kecamatan Sejangkung Kabupeten Sambas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey. Pengumpulan data yang dikumpulkan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh menggunakan teknik wawancara dan daftar pertanyaan. Pemilihan responden menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan responden, terdapat 5 jenis rotan yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Desa Piantus Kecamatan Sejangkung Kabupaten Sambas. Nama lokal rotan-rotan tersebut yaitu rotan seuti dengan nama lokal runtian (Calamus ornatus Blume), rotan dahanan dengan nama lokal danan (Korthalsia flagellari), rotan marau dengan nama lokal marau (Korthalsia rigida Blume), rotan sega dengan nama lokal saga (Calamus caesius Blume), dan rotan babuai dengan nama lokal semuai (Plectocomia elongate Martinus ex blume). Bentuk pemanfaatan rotan yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat Desa Piantus terdapat 17 produk. Bentuk-bentuk kerajinan yang dibuat oleh masyarakat Desa Piantus yaitu, kursi, meja, keranjang, laci, peci, rak sudut, vas bunga, tempat pensil, dudukan bayi, kap lampu, tudung saji, piring, bakul, tempayan, sangkar burung, pemukul bantal, dan tas. Kata Kunci : Desa Piantus, Masyarakat, Pemanfaatan, Rota


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    This study aims to take an takean inventory of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) that used by the community to make handicrafts and obtains data on how to process non-wood forest products to make handicrafts by the community of Bagak Village, Manyuke District, Landak Regency. The research was conducted exploratory and used survey methods direct interviews, and questionnaires. Inteviews were conducted 37 respondents who were determined by snowball sampling. This research was conducted in January until February 2019 and obtained results that the non-timber forest products were used as a raw material to make handicrafts by the community in Bagak village. Such as bamboo banna, tamaran bark, uwe or rattan, and sekek formed into various kinds of handicraft products. Uwe or rattan is a species of plant that has the highest use value of the 3 other types of NTFPs with 1.62 use value. Processing of NTFPs that used by the community is still in the form of traditional process, where people still take NTFP raw materials directly from the nature. However, the majority of have not to conserve and cultivate NTFPs in their gardens or land. There are 27 respondents or 73% and the other 10 respondents or 27% of all respondents already aware to conserve and cultivate species NTFP types for handicraft in their gardens and fields. The handicrafts produced aregenerally made for personal use and will be sold if there is an order.Keywords: handicrafts, non-timber forest, rattan, utilization,  AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat untuk kerajinan tangan dan memperoleh data tentang cara pengolahan hasil hutan bukan kayu untuk kerajinan tangan oleh masyarakat Desa Bagak, Kecamatan Manyuke, Kabupaten Landak. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksplorasidan menggunakan metode survey, wawancara langsung, dan kuisioner. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap 37 responden yang ditentukan dengan snowball sampling. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari hingga Febuari 2019 dan diperoleh hasil berupa HHBK yang biasanya diolah masyarakat sebagai bahan baku kerajinan tangan terdiri dari 4 jenis, diantaranya bambu banna, kulit kayu tamaran, uwe atau rotan, dan sekek. Uwe atau rotan merupakan jenis spesies tumbuhan yang memiliki nilai kegunaan tertinggi dari 3 jenis HHBK lainnya dengan nilai kegunaan sebesar 1,62. Pengolahan jenis HHBK yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat masih dalam bentuk pengolahan tradisional dimana masyarakat masih memngambil bahan baku HHBK untuk kerajinan tangan dari alam. Namun, sebagian besar responden belum memiliki kesadaran untuk melakukan konservasi dan membudidayakan HHBK untuk kerajinan tangan di kebun atau lahan mereka yaitu sebanyak 27 orang atau 73%, sisanya sebanyak 10 orang atau 27% dari keseluruhan responden sudah memiliki kesadaran untuk melakukan konservasi dan membudidayakan jenis-jenis HHBK untuk kerajinan tangan di kebun dan lahan mereka. Kerajinan tangan yang dihasilkan umumnya dibuat untuk keperluan pribadi dan akan dijual jika ada pesanan.Kata kunci: hasil hutan bukan kayu, kerajinan tangan, pemanfaatan, rotan.


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    Teakwood is one of the favourite wood due to its strength, durable and beauty. The quality of teakwood was influenced by plantation site, season and geographic. This study attempts to expose some characteristic of teakwood which is produced from thinning plantation with 1 and 2 hours heat treatments at 170oC also densification 17% and 25% at the same temperature. The result shows that both heat and densification treatments increase the hardness value of teakwood surface. The higroscopisity of teakwood is also increased after heat treatment. On the contrary, the treatment has not influence to the density of teakwood. The colour of teakwood is darker after 1 hour heat treatment. The anatomy character of teakwood is appear being flat due to the pressing process. Key words: Teakwood, spacing plantation, heat treatment, densificatio

    Kajian Etnobotani Tumbuhan Obat Etnis Melayu di Desa Sungai Baru dan Desa Sempadian Kabupaten Sambas

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the species of medicinal plants and how to use and processing by the Malay ethnic communities in the Sungai Baru village and Sempadian village Sambas Regency. The method used in the study were interviews that emic approach. The selection of respondents was done by using snowball sampling as many as 19 respondents. Results of interviews with people in the Sungai Baru village and Sempadian village Sambas Regency, earned as many as 73 species of medicinal plants and 41 families were used by the community. Of the 73 species of medicinal plants are 39 species (53.42%) were herbs, 49 species (67.12%) used are leaf, 41 species (56.16%) processing by means of ground, 41 species (56.16 %) the use of taped manner, 44 species (60.27%) are single herb types, 53 species (72.60%) to treat the disease, 37 species (50.68%) the result of cultivation and 66 species (90.41%) were the plants are easy to find. Keywords : Medicinal plants, Malay ethnic, Sambas Regenc

    UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK ETANOL KULIT BATANG MANGGA KWENI (Mangifera odorata Griff) TERHADAP Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 DAN Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923

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    The aims of this research are to determine the secondary metabolite content found in the ethanol extract of kweni mango bark (Mangifera odorata Griff) and analyze its potency as a natural antibacterial against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The research was started by maceration process using 96% ethanol solvent, then evaporated at 40-50oC and obtain yield of 20,61% with powder content of 8,34%. Furthermore, phytochemical screening was performed qualitatively to determine the secondary metabolite of the extract. The results showed that ethanol extract of M. odorata Griff bark contained secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, terpenoids and phenolics. In this study antibacterial activity was carried out using disc diffusion method in Plate Count Agar media and incubated for 24-48 hours. The results showed that the largest diameter of inhibitory zones formed at a concentration of 15 mg/ml for S. aureus was 12,33 mm with strong classified and for E. coli bacteria with a concentration of 200 mg/ml of 23,67 mm with very strong classified, and almost equal with the result shown by 30 µg tetracycline as positive control, which is 25 mm. The results of this study it can be concluded that the ethanol extract of the kweni mango bark (M. odorata Griff) is bacteriostatic.Keywords: antibacterial activity, Mangifera odorata Griff, phytochemical screening, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus