2 research outputs found
Pengaruh Teknik Relaksasi Otot Progresif Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Mahasiswa
Introduction: Sleep is one of the physiological needs of humans that function for the recovery process of the body. College students are one of the populations with a high prevalence of sleep problems.
Aims: knowing the influence of progressive muscle relaxation techniques on students' sleep quality.
Method: This research is a type of quasi-experiment with pretest and posttest with a control group design. The sampling technique is stratified proportional random sampling involving 64 respondents divided into 2 groups: the intervention group (conducting progressive muscle relaxation for 4 days) and the control group (performing standard intervention: listening to musical instruments) with 32 respondents each. Sleep quality is measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The significance level in the study was 95% (p<0.05).
Results: Showed significant differences in sleep quality before and after progressive muscle relaxation (p= 0.000). Showed no significant difference between the sleep quality of the intervention group and the control group after the post-test (p= 0.048).
Conclusion: That there is an influence of progressive muscle relaxation techniques on the sleep quality of students. Progressive muscle relaxation can activate the parasympathetic nerve to stimulate the hypothalamus to produce serotonin which can cause sleepPendahuluan: tidur adalah salah satu kebutuhan fisiologis manusia yang berfungsi untuk proses pemulihan tubuh. Mahasiswa adalah salah satu populasi dengan prevalensi tinggi masalah tidur.
Tujuan: mengetahui pengaruh teknik relaksasi otot progresif terhadap kualitas tidur mahasiswa.
Metode: penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian quasy experiment dengan pretest dan posttest with control group design.Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah stratified proportional random sampling yang melibatkan 64 responden yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok : kelompok intervensi (melakukan relaksasi otot progresif selama 4 hari) dan kelompok kontrol (melakukan intervensi standar : mendengarkan instrumen musik) dengan masing- masing 32 responden. Kualitas tidur diukur dengan Pitsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Tingkat signifikansi dalam penelitian ini adalah 95% (p<0,05).
Hasil; menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan kualitas tidur sebelum dan sesudah relaksasi otot progresif (p= 0,000). Menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kualitas tidur kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol setelah posttest (p= 0,048).
Kesimpulan; bahwa ada pengaruh teknik relaksasi otot progresif terhadap kualitas tidur mahasiswa. Relaksasi otot progresif dapat mengaktifkan saraf parasimpatik untuk merangsang hipotalamus memproduksi serotonin yang dapat menimbulkan tidu
The Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques on Sleep Quality Students
Introduction: Sleep is one of the physiological needs of humans that function for the recovery process of the body. College students are one of the populations with a high prevalence of sleep problems.
Aims: knowing the influence of progressive muscle relaxation techniques on students' sleep quality.
Method: This research is a type of quasi-experiment with pretest and posttest with a control group design. The sampling technique is stratified proportional random sampling involving 64 respondents divided into 2 groups: the intervention group (conducting progressive muscle relaxation for 4 days) and the control group (performing standard intervention: listening to musical instruments) with 32 respondents each. Sleep quality is measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The significance level in the study was 95% (p<0.05).
Results: Showed significant differences in sleep quality before and after progressive muscle relaxation (p= 0.000). Showed no significant difference between the sleep quality of the intervention group and the control group after the post-test (p= 0.048).
Conclusion: That there is an influence of progressive muscle relaxation techniques on the sleep quality of students. Progressive muscle relaxation can activate the parasympathetic nerve to stimulate the hypothalamus to produce serotonin which can cause slee