602 research outputs found
Bankruptcy problems with interval uncertainty
In this paper, bankruptcy situations with interval data are studied. Two classical bankruptcy rules, namely the proportional rule and the rights-egalitarian rule, are extended to the interval setting. It turns out that these bankruptcy interval rules generate elements in the interval core of a related cooperative interval game.
Outcomes of brain damage in term neonates with severe hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
Study is to describe clinical and neuroimaging data of term newborns admitted to neonatal
NICU, who presented clinical-neurological alterations and encephalomalacic lesions whose
presence was documented by ultrasonography or pathologic-anatomical conclusions. Stationary cards 18 full-term infants who were treat in NICU studied. In all infants a selective neuronal necrosis and diffuse necrosis of neurons, Subcortical Leukomalacia were diagnoses
Clinical Manifestation Of The Carious Process In Children Between 0 And 5 Years Of Age Diagnosed With Nephrotic Syndrome
Заболяването нефротичен синдром се среща предимно във възрастта от 1 до 6 години. Отличава се с висок риск от рецидиви и се повлиява благоприятно от имуносупресивни средства. Съществен параклиничен показател е намаление на концентрацията на серумния калций за сметка на белтъчносвързания. Касае се за продължително заболяване, криещо потенциални опасности от евентуални усложнения, произлизащи както от естеството на самото заболяване, така и на лечението. Оценяването на риска от кариес допуска преценка на вероятността от появата на нови кариозни лезии или кариозни петна в рамките на определен период. По-уязвими се оказват децата на по-малка възраст, тези страдащи от общи заболявания с хроничен ход, както и тези с ограничен достъп до комплексни, пълноценни дентални грижи. Високият риск от кариес във възрастовия диапазон от 0 до 5 години корелира с регистриране минимум на една от следните характеристики: детето е с повече от една кариозни, липсващи или обтурирани зъбни повърхности; детето е с активни лезии тип „бяло петно” или емайлови дефекти; детето е със завишено микробно число на Streptococcus Mutans в устната кухина. Целта на настоящото проучване е да се установи клиничната манифестация на кариозния процес при деца от 0 до 5-годишна възраст с диагностициран нефротичен синдром. Обект на изследване са участници с временно съзъбие. Най-голям брой кариозни лезии, а именно 10, е отчетен сред 25% от принадлежащите към групата деца с нефротичен синдром. Максималният брой кариозни петна, а именно 10, е констатиран също сред 25% от изследваните представители на групата. Регистрираните патологични находки налагат необходимостта от регулярни посещения при дентален медик, с оглед реализиране на професионални орално-хигиенни процедури, съчетани с програми за мотивация и ремотивация.Nephrotic syndrome affects predominantly children between 1 and 6 years of age. The disease is characterized with high level of risk of recurrence. Symptoms can be overcome and controlled by application of immunosuppressive therapy. Reduction of the serum concentration of calcium at the expense of the protein-connected compounds of calcium is an essential paraclinical finding. The nephrotic syndrome is a prolonged excretory system disorder, marked by potentials of eventual complications, related to the nature of the disease and specifics of treatment. Caries risk evaluation ensures precise registration of newly occurring carious lesions or white spots of demineralization for a specific period of time. It has been established that more susceptible to carious lesions are children of younger age, these suffering from chronic common health disorders, as well as these with limited access to complex, adequate to the individual needs, dental care. The high risk of caries in the interval between 0 and 5 years of age correlates to the registration of a minimum of one of these traits: children with more than one decayed, missing or filled tooth surfaces; children with active lesions of the type “white spot” or enamel defects; children with increased concentration of Streptococcus mutans in the oral cavity. The aim of this study concerns the assessment of the clinical manifestation of the carious process in children up to the age of 5 with the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome. The subject of the investigation are patients with primary dentition. The greatest number of carious lesions, equal to 10, has been recorded among 25% of all the included patients with kidney disorder. The maximum number of “white spots”, namely 10, has been established in 25% of all the children involved with common health disorder of nephrotic syndrome. The persisting pathological findings correspond to the necessity of regular dental visits for performance of professional oral hygiene procedures, combined with programs for motivation and re-motivation
Variations of carbohydrate nutrition and impact upon oral health in children with excretory system disorders
The frequent consumption of sugar-containing foods and drinks stimulates and intensifies the progression of caries in the different periods of childhood. In the context of the ecological plaque hypothesis the initiation of carious process is related to a disturbance of the homeostasis in the oral cavity and metabolic disorder of resident microbial flora. It is associated with abnormal accumulation of plaque upon tooth surfaces, uncontrolled sugar intakes, and dynamic fluctuations and decrease of salivary pH. The onset and progression of the general health, including with location along excretory system, correlate with the necessity of frequent hospitalizations. The efforts of physicians, parents and children are concentrated solely on the somatic disorder. Patients are overburdened with trying to cope with specific medication programs and the restrictions of the dietary regime. As a consequence, drastic deterioration of the oral health status can occur. The aim of the study is to analyze variations of carbohydrate nutrition and their impact on oral health in children suffering from kidney disorders. Subject of the research are children with diagnosed pyelonephritis and nephrotic syndrome, as well as a control group of healthy children. We implemented clinical, para-clinical, sociological and statistical methods in the study. Children with diagnosed nephrotic syndrome are characterized by the greatest number of non-cavity and cavity carious lesions, as well as with the lowest value of salivary pH. Among these participants are recorded the highest levels of indicators of gingival status, respectively.In our investigation among children with kidney diseases, particularly these with nephrotic syndrome, the limiting of protein consumption is compensated by high frequency of sugar intake, including such rich in starch. Complex carbohydrates are characterized by a considerable potential for adhesion on tooth surfaces, especially into interdental spaces and gingiva. This is related to a very high risk of tooth decay. We should not neglect also the harmful effects of interactions between saccharides and compound sugars in order to ensure efficient maintenance of oral health in conditions of kidney disorders
Investigation of the interrelation between plaque level and tooth decay in children with nephrotic syndrome in the period of mixed dentition
The early onset of carious destruction of hard teeth tissues definitely increases the risk of caries at older age. The insufficient level of oral hygiene around a tooth affected by caries induces the corresponding effect of gingival inflammation. Primary teeth affected by caries carry the potential risk of developmental and structural disturbances of their permanent successors.The aim of this study is characterization of the interrelation between dental plaque levels and tooth decay in children with nephrotic syndrome in the period of mixed dentition.In the investigation are included children with diagnosed nephrotic syndrome and a control group of healthy participants. Implemented clinical methods, epidemiological research and graphics design have been used. In 16.85% of the children with mixed dentition and diagnosed renal disorders the epidemiological index of dft varies in the range between 86% to 100%, at the expense of afflicted by caries and complicated carious lesions primary teeth, as well as, already treated deciduous teeth. Among children suffering from nephrotic syndrome from 6 to 12 years old established a minimum value of PLI=1.32 and maximum level of PLI= 2.68 are established. We have registered a minimum level of the gingival index GI equal to 0.91 and a maximum value of GI=2.05. Concerning children without common health disorders a minimum rate of PLI=0.14 and maximum level of PLI=2.14 are registered. These participants are characterized with fluctuations of the index of GI in the range between 0.00 and 1.68. Optimization of oral hygiene procedures in domestic conditions is related to intensive, thorough and profound training of parents and children by dental medicine doctors. There is a great necessity of performance of motivation programs in the context of oral health promotion
« ... alors que nous, Québécois, nos femmes sont égales à nous et nous les aimons ainsi » : La patrouille des frontières au nom de l’égalité de genre dans une « nation » en quête de souveraineté
Cet article étudie la manière dont le discours de l’égalité-de-genre-et-des-libertés-sexuelles, qui a acquis un statut central dans les débats sur la citoyenneté et l’intégration en Occident, est amené à travailler la définition des frontières du « nous/non-nous » dans le contexte des récentes controverses autour des accommodements religieux au Québec. Alors que l’État-nation constitue le cadre le plus saillant dans lequel les frontières ethnoculturelles sont produites, le Québec, avec son ambigüité quant à la dominance ethnique et son projet irréalisé mais encore actuel de définition nationale et de souveraineté politique (sa séparation du Canada), s’avère un cas intéressant pour l’étude des processus de définition de frontières. L’examen des arguments relatifs à l’égalité de genre présents dans la couverture du débat sur les accommodements religieux proposée par la presse révèle des pratiques discursives de patrouille de frontières (boundary patrolling), comme le ravalement des conceptions minoritaires sur la féminité, la masculinité, le mariage et la sexualité au rang d’archaïsmes ou de pathologies. Non seulement ces pratiques discursives contribuent-elles à délégitimer les idéaux et les accommodements multiculturels, mais elles présentent le Québec, qui se qualifie lui-même de « tard-venu de la modernité », comme un promoteur de l’égalité de genre et des libertés sexuelles dont le statut exemplaire doit être protégé contre l’altérité religieuse.This article examines the workings of gender-equality-and-sexual-freedoms discourse, which has become pivotal to western citizenship and integration debates, in the shaping of “us”/”not-us” boundaries within recent Quebecois controversy over religious accommodation. As nation-state formation is the most salient context in which ethnocultural boundaries are produced, Quebec, with its deep-rooted ambiguity on dominant group and ongoing project of national definition and political sovereignty (separation from Canada), proves relevant for studying boundary processes. Examining gender-related arguments in the press coverage of religious accommodation debate reveals discursive practices of boundary patrolling, such as deprecating minority conceptions of femininity, masculinity, marriage and sexuality as archaic or pathological, which not only help delegitimizing multicultural accommodation and ideals, but also construct Quebec, a self-proclaimed latecomer into modernity, as the privileged site of gender equality and sexual freedoms that must be protected against religious others.Este artículo estudia la manera como el discurso de la igualdad de género y de las libertades sexuales, que ha adquirido un estatus central en los debates acerca de la ciudadanía y la integración en Occidente, es utilizado para trabajar la definición de las fronteras del “nosotros”/ “no-nosotros” en el contexto de las recientes controversias alrededor de los acomodamientos religiosos en Quebec. Mientras que el Estado-nación constituye el más destacado marco en el que son producidas las fronteras etnoculturales, Quebec, con su ambigüedad en cuanto a la dominación étnica y su proyecto inalcanzado pero aún actual de definición nacional y de soberanía política (su separación de Canadá), resulta un caso interesante para el estudio de los procesos de definición de fronteras. El examen de los argumentos relativos a la igualdad de género presentes en el cubrimiento que la prensa realizó acerca del debate sobre los acomodamientos religiosos, revela prácticas discursivas de patrulla de fronteras (boundary patrolling), como el revestimiento de las concepciones minoritarias acerca de la feminidad, la masculinidad, el matrimonio y la sexualidad, en el rango de arcaísmos o de patologías. Estas prácticas discursivas contribuyen no solamente a deslegitimar los ideales de los acomodamientos multiculturales, sino que además presentan a Quebec, que se califica asimismo como atrasado de la modernidad, como un promotor de la igualdad de género y de libertades sexuales, cuyo estatus ejemplar debe ser protegido contra la alteridad religiosa
Interrelationship between Various Factors and Multi-Focal Caries at Different Childhood Periods
Introducton. Indiscriminate consumption of sugar-containing foods and drinks, unsatisfactory oral hygiene, lacking or insufficient intake of topical fluorides as a form of exogenous fluoride prophylaxis are some of the most significant factors leading to the initiation and progression of dental caries.Aim. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the impact of various factors on the clinical manifestation of multi-focal caries in children.Materials and methods. Children without common health disorders are included in the study. Clinical and epidemiological indicators and environmental factors are implemented for the evaluation of the caries process.Results. The prevailing participants in the study about childhood tooth decay are families of average socio-economic status. The higher frequency of carious lesions among children is associated with poor oral hygiene and uncontrolled carbohydrate intake, often combined with gingival inflammation.Conclusion. The results confirm the behavioral nature of tooth decay
The Effects of Precocious Puberty on Oral Health: A Case Report
Introduction. The elevated rate of steroid sexual hormones during puberty affects the inflammatory response of the gingival tissue. Complex biological reactions performed at that level cause exaggerated gingival inflammation, not corresponding to the relatively small amount of dental plaque.Aim. Estimation of the oral-dental status of a child diagnosed with precocious puberty.Materials and methods. A clinical case of a female at the age of 10 diagnosed with precocious puberty. Epidemiological and clinical indicators are applied.Results. Based on the results of the three clinical parameters obtained (PLI, GI, and PBI), we have concluded that it is a case of moderately generalized plaque-associated gingival inflammation, which is clinically manifested in conditions of precocious puberty.Conclusion. Oral health optimization necessitates complex care delivered through an interdisciplinary approach
Significance of non-clinical parameters for the clinical manifestation of non-cavitated carious lesions in children with nephrotic syndrome
Introduction: Recently the scientific interest towards the impact of socioeconomic conditions and environmental specifics upon the level of health-related culture of parents, efficiency of the implemented health care for the oral-dental status of their children, oral health promotion on individual and social level has been increasing considerably.Aim: The aim of this article is to investigate the significance of non-clinical parameters for the clinical manifestation of D1b non-cavitated carious lesions in children with nephrotic syndrome.Materials and Methods: The study has used a clinical method of recording the non-cavitated clinically manifested D1b carious lesions of each participant from both of the examined groups – children with nephrotic syndrome and clinically healthy children. Using the documentary method of an enquiry data about the socioeconomic status of the family, educational qualification of parents, frequency of dental visits of children, and frequency of dental visits of parents were acquired. Conclusion: The obtained results confirm the role and significance of non-clinical parameters and the common health status for the initiation of the carious process
Municipal Reform on the Island of Montreal: Tensions Between Two Majority Groups in a Multicultural City
For several years now, many cities across the world have undergone, for administrative and political reasons, mergers that have considerably reduced the number of municipalities on a given territory. This tendency affects various urban contexts, as evidenced by recent mergers in Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax (Canada), Baltimore (United States), and in other countries such as Scotland, Australia and England. Quebec has not escaped this trend, and since January 1st 2002, six major urban areas were created. While mergers now constitute a familiar occurrence, the processes they entail differ considerably from site to site, questioning existing power structures, administrative procedures, and modes of belonging. In Quebec, the case of Montreal stands out, because of its strategic economic position, and also because of the historical and often conflictual relations between its diverse ethnic and linguistic collectivities. This paper examines how the merger of twenty-nine municipalities on the island of Montreal into a single city now composed of twenty-seven boroughs, modifies the relations between the two dominant majorities and, more specifically, the capacity of English Canadians to control their institutions and daily affairs. Does this transformation, which involves the disappearance of municipalities, some of which were governed by English Canadians and other Anglophones, follow the trend observed in Quebec since the sixties, involving a loss in the latter’s institutional completeness, organizational capacity, and spheres of autonomy?Municipal Reform, Conflict, Tension, Multiculturalism
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