217 research outputs found

    A fundamental approach to adhesion: Synthesis, surface analysis, thermodynamics and mechanics

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    The acid-base properties of titanium 6-4 plates (low surface area) were investigated after three different pretreatments, namely Turco, phosphate-fluoride and Pasa-Jell. A series of indicators was used and color changes were detected using diffuse reflectance visible spectroscopy. Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis was used to examine the indicator on the Ti 6-4 surface. Specular reflectance infra-red spectroscopy was used to study the adsorption of stearic acid from cyclohexane solutions on the Ti 6-4 surface

    An investigation of adhesive/adherend and fiber matrix interactions

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    Research during the report period focused on continued scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of lap shear samples and flatwise tensile specimens and on the surface characterization of TiO2, Ti 6-4, and Ti powders with particular emphasis on their interaction with primer solutions of both polyphenylquinoxaline and LaRC-13 polyimide. The use of SEM and XPS in the analysis of Ti 6-4 adherend surfaces is described as well as differences in Ti 6-4 surface composition after different chemical pretreatments. Analysis of fractured surfaces is used to established the failure mode. The surface acidity of Ti 6-4 coupons can be established by reflectance visible spectroscopy using indicator dyes

    A fundamental approach to adhesion: Synthesis, surface analysis, thermodynamics and mechanics

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    Several techniques were used to study pretreated Ti 6-4 surfaces including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron spectroscopy of chemical analysis (ESCA), and, reflectance visible spectroscopy. Each pretreatment type gave a characteristic surface morphology as seen by SEM. Elemental analysis of the Ti 6-4 surfaces was done using ESCA. Trace residual contaminants from particular chemical pretreatments were identified readily. Results indicate that reflectance visible spectroscopy using indicator dyes placed on Ti 6-4 surfaces appears to be a feasible approach to establish surface acidity. Differences in surface acidity were observed using bromthymol blue on Ti 6-4 surfaces pretreated by two different methods

    A fundamental approach to adhesion: Synthesis, surface analysis, thermodynamics and mechanics

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    Pretreated and primed Ti 6-4 surfaces were characterized by scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (SEM/EDAX) and electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA). Fractured lap shear bonded Ti 6-4 specimens were also characterized by SEM/EDAX and ESCA. A number of surface techniques were used to characterize Ti02 powders

    The Pitfalls of Central Clearing in the Presence of Systematic Risk

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    Through the lens of market participants' objective to minimize counterparty risk, we provide an explanation for the reluctance to clear derivative trades in the absence of a central clearing obligation. We develop a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and potential pitfalls with respect to a single market participant's counterparty risk exposure when moving from a bilateral to a clearing architecture for derivative markets. Previous studies suggest that central clearing is beneficial for single market participants in the presence of a sufficiently large number of clearing members. We show that three elements can render central clearing harmful for a market participant's counterparty risk exposure regardless of the number of its counterparties: 1) correlation across and within derivative classes (i.e., systematic risk), 2) collateralization of derivative claims, and 3) loss sharing among clearing members. Our results have substantial implications for the design of derivatives markets, and highlight that recent central clearing reforms might not incentivize market participants to clear derivatives