31 research outputs found

    Incidence of brain injuries in a large cohort of very preterm and extremely preterm infants at term-equivalent age: results of a single tertiary neonatal care center over 10 years

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    OBJECTIVES Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) at term-equivalent age (TEA) can detect brain injury (BI) associated with adverse neurological outcomes in preterm infants. This study aimed to assess BI incidences in a large, consecutive cohort of preterm infants born < 32 weeks of gestation, the comparison between very (VPT, ≄ 28 + 0 to < 32 + 0 weeks of gestation) and extremely preterm infants (EPT, < 28 + 0 weeks of gestation) and across weeks of gestation. METHODS We retrospectively analyzed cMRIs at TEA of VPT and EPT infants born at a large tertiary center (2009-2018). We recorded and compared the incidences of BI, severe BI, intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), periventricular hemorrhagic infarction (PVHI), cerebellar hemorrhage (CBH), cystic periventricular leukomalacia (cPVL), and punctate white matter lesions (PWML) between VPTs, EPTs, and across weeks of gestation. RESULTS We included 507 preterm infants (VPT, 335/507 (66.1%); EPT, 172/507 (33.9%); mean gestational age (GA), 28 + 2 weeks (SD 2 + 2 weeks); male, 52.1%). BIs were found in 48.3% of the preterm infants (severe BI, 12.0%) and increased with decreasing GA. IVH, PVHI, CBH, cPVL, and PWML were seen in 16.8%, 0.8%, 10.5%, 3.4%, and 18.1%, respectively. EPT vs. VPT infants suffered more frequently from BI (59.3% vs. 42.7%, p < 0.001), severe BI (18.6% vs. 8.7%, p = 0.001), IVH (31.9% vs. 9.0%, p < 0.001), and CBH (18.0% vs. 6.6%, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION Brain injuries are common cMRI findings among preterm infants with a higher incidence of EPT compared to VPT infants. These results may serve as reference values for clinical management and research. CLINICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT Our results with regard to gestational age might provide valuable clinical insights, serving as a key reference for parental advice, structured follow-up planning, and enhancing research and management within the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. KEY POINTS Brain injury is a common cMRI finding in preterm infants seen in 48.3% individuals. ‱ Extremely preterm compared to very preterm infants have higher brain injury incidences driven by brain injuries such as intraventricular and cerebellar hemorrhage. ‱ Reference incidence values are crucial for parental advice and structured follow-up planning

    Bildgebung des Retinoblastoms : Aktueller Stand der Technik und Ausblick in die Zukunft

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    Hintergrund Das Retinoblastom ist der hĂ€ufigste bösartige Augentumor im Kindesalter und in bis zu 40 % der FĂ€lle mit einem TumorprĂ€dispositionssyndrom assoziiert (RB1-Mutation). Die Bildgebung ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der diagnostischen Evaluation von Kindern mit Retinoblastom zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose und im Follow-up. Ziel der Arbeit Diese Übersichtsarbeit soll den aktuellen Stand der Technik und wichtige diagnostische Aspekte der radiologischen Bildgebung von Kindern mit Retinoblastom aufzeigen mit einem kurzen Ausblick in die Zukunft. ZusĂ€tzlich wird ein Überblick ĂŒber die allgemeine klinische Diagnostik und die Therapiemöglichkeiten gegeben. Material und Methoden Basis der Arbeit ist die Recherche in verschiedenen Literaturdatenbanken sowie eigene Erfahrungen in der Bildgebung des Retinoblastoms. Schlussfolgerung Hochaufgelöste MRT-Bildgebung ist die BildgebungsmodalitĂ€t der Wahl bei Kindern mit Retinoblastomen zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose (AbklĂ€rung der Diagnose/möglicher Differenzialdiagnosen, Evaluation der Tumorausdehnung okulĂ€r und intrakraniell) und im Follow-up. CT-Untersuchungen sind trotz der charakteristischen Verkalkungen zur Diagnostik nicht mehr indiziert. Da Retinoblastome bis zu 40 % mit TumorprĂ€dispositionssyndromen assoziiert sind, sollte stets auch eine genetische AbklĂ€rung erfolgen. = Background Retinoblastoma is the most common malignant eye tumor in children and is associated with tumor predisposition syndrome (RB1 mutation) in up to 40% of cases. Imaging is an important part of the diagnostic workup of children with retinoblastoma both during the initial diagnosis and follow-up. Objectives The goal of this review is to present the current state-of-the-art regarding imaging of children with retinoblastoma, including technical background and diagnostic clues with a brief discussion of future prospects. In addition, we summarize the general clinical diagnostic workup and therapeutic options. Materials and methods Review of the literature and our own experience in the imaging of retinoblastoma. Conclusion High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the imaging modality of choice in children with retinoblastoma for diagnosis (estimation of diagnosis/differential diagnosis, evaluation of local and intracranial tumor extension) and during follow-up. Despite the characteristic calcifications, computed tomography (CT) examinations are no longer indicated in these patients. Due to the high association with tumor predisposition syndrome, genetic counselling is recommended

    Mutations in Influenza A Virus (H5N1) and Possible Limited Spread, Turkey, 2006

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    We report mutations in influenza A virus (H5N1) strains associated with 2 outbreaks in Turkey. Four novel amino acid changes (Q447L, N556K, and R46K in RNA polymerase and S133A in hemagglutinin) were detected in virus isolates from 2 siblings who died

    MRI-based assessment of the pineal gland in a large population of children aged 0-5 years and comparison with pineoblastoma: part I, the solid gland.

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    Differentiation between normal solid (non-cystic) pineal glands and pineal pathologies on brain MRI is difficult. The aim of this study was to assess the size of the solid pineal gland in children (0-5 years) and compare the findings with published pineoblastoma cases. We retrospectively analyzed the size (width, height, planimetric area) of solid pineal glands in 184 non-retinoblastoma patients (73 female, 111 male) aged 0-5 years on MRI. The effect of age and gender on gland size was evaluated. Linear regression analysis was performed to analyze the relation between size and age. Ninety-nine percent prediction intervals around the mean were added to construct a normal size range per age, with the upper bound of the predictive interval as the parameter of interest as a cutoff for normalcy. There was no significant interaction of gender and age for all the three pineal gland parameters (width, height, and area). Linear regression analysis gave 99 % upper prediction bounds of 7.9, 4.8, and 25.4 mm(2), respectively, for width, height, and area. The slopes (size increase per month) of each parameter were 0.046, 0.023, and 0.202, respectively. Ninety-three percent (95 % CI 66-100 %) of asymptomatic solid pineoblastomas were larger in size than the 99 % upper bound. This study establishes norms for solid pineal gland size in non-retinoblastoma children aged 0-5 years. Knowledge of the size of the normal pineal gland is helpful for detection of pineal gland abnormalities, particularly pineoblastoma

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Can Reliably Differentiate Optic Nerve Inflammation from Tumor Invasion in Retinoblastoma with Orbital Cellulitis

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    PURPOSE To investigate the prevalence and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) phenotype of retinoblastoma-associated orbital cellulitis. Additionally, this study aimed to identify postlaminar optic nerve enhancement (PLONE) patterns differentiating between inflammation and tumor invasion. DESIGN A monocenter cohort study assessed the prevalence of orbital cellulitis features on MRI in retinoblastoma patients. A multicenter case-control study compared MRI features of the retinoblastoma-associated orbital cellulitis cases with retinoblastoma controls. PARTICIPANTS A consecutive retinoblastoma patient cohort of 236 patients (311 eyes) was retrospectively investigated. Subsequently, 30 retinoblastoma cases with orbital cellulitis were compared with 30 matched retinoblastoma controls without cellulitis. METHODS In the cohort study, retinoblastoma MRI scans were scored on presence of inflammatory features. In the case-control study, MRI scans were scored on intraocular features and PLONE patterns. Postlaminar enhancement patterns were compared with histopathologic assessment of postlaminar tumor invasion. Interreader agreement was assessed, and exact tests with Bonferroni correction were adopted for statistical comparisons. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Prevalence of retinoblastoma-associated orbital cellulitis on MRI was calculated. Frequency of intraocular MRI features was compared between cases and controls. Sensitivity and specificity of postlaminar optic nerve patterns for detection of postlaminar tumor invasion were assessed. RESULTS The MRI prevalence of retinoblastoma-associated orbital cellulitis was 6.8% (16/236). Retinoblastoma with orbital cellulitis showed significantly more tumor necrosis, uveal abnormalities (inflammation, hemorrhage, and necrosis), lens luxation (all P &lt; 0.001), and a larger eye size (P = 0.012). The inflammatory pattern of optic nerve enhancement (strong enhancement similar to adjacent choroid) was solely found in orbital cellulitis cases, of which none (0/16) showed tumor invasion on histopathology. Invasive pattern enhancement was found in both cases and controls, of which 50% (5/10) showed tumor invasion on histopathology. Considering these different enhancement patterns suggestive for either inflammation or tumor invasion increased specificity for detection of postlaminar tumor invasion in orbital cellulitis cases from 32% (95% confidence interval [CI], 16-52) to 89% (95% CI, 72-98). CONCLUSIONS Retinoblastoma cases presenting with orbital cellulitis show MRI findings of a larger eye size, extensive tumor necrosis, uveal abnormalities, and lens luxation. Magnetic resonance imaging contrast-enhancement patterns within the postlaminar optic nerve can differentiate between tumor invasion and inflammatory changes

    Correlation of gene expression with magnetic resonance imaging features of retinoblastoma: a multi-center radiogenomics validation study

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    OBJECTIVES To validate associations between MRI features and gene expression profiles in retinoblastoma, thereby evaluating the repeatability of radiogenomics in retinoblastoma. METHODS In this retrospective multicenter cohort study, retinoblastoma patients with gene expression data and MRI were included. MRI features (scored blinded for clinical data) and matched genome-wide gene expression data were used to perform radiogenomic analysis. Expression data from each center were first separately processed and analyzed. The end product normalized expression values from different sites were subsequently merged by their Z-score to permit cross-sites validation analysis. The MRI features were non-parametrically correlated with expression of photoreceptorness (radiogenomic analysis), a gene expression signature informing on disease progression. Outcomes were compared to outcomes in a previous described cohort. RESULTS Thirty-six retinoblastoma patients were included, 15 were female (42%), and mean age was 24 (SD 18) months. Similar to the prior evaluation, this validation study showed that low photoreceptorness gene expression was associated with advanced stage imaging features. Validated imaging features associated with low photoreceptorness were multifocality, a tumor encompassing the entire retina or entire globe, and a diffuse growth pattern (all p < 0.05). There were a number of radiogenomic associations that were also not validated. CONCLUSIONS A part of the radiogenomic associations could not be validated, underlining the importance of validation studies. Nevertheless, cross-center validation of imaging features associated with photoreceptorness gene expression highlighted the capability radiogenomics to non-invasively inform on molecular subtypes in retinoblastoma. CLINICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT Radiogenomics may serve as a surrogate for molecular subtyping based on histopathology material in an era of eye-sparing retinoblastoma treatment strategies. KEY POINTS - Since retinoblastoma is increasingly treated using eye-sparing methods, MRI features informing on molecular subtypes that do not rely on histopathology material are important. - A part of the associations between retinoblastoma MRI features and gene expression profiles (radiogenomics) were validated. - Radiogenomics could be a non-invasive technique providing information on the molecular make-up of retinoblastoma

    MR Imaging of Adverse Effects and Ocular Growth Decline after Selective Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy for Retinoblastoma

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    This retrospective multicenter study examines therapy-induced orbital and ocular MRI findings in retinoblastoma patients following selective intra-arterial chemotherapy (SIAC) and quantifies the impact of SIAC on ocular and optic nerve growth. Patients were selected based on medical chart review, with inclusion criteria requiring the availability of posttreatment MR imaging encompassing T2-weighted and T1-weighted images (pre- and post-intravenous gadolinium administration). Qualitative features and quantitative measurements were independently scored by experienced radiologists, with deep learning segmentation aiding total eye volume assessment. Eyes were categorized into three groups: eyes receiving SIAC (Rb-SIAC), eyes treated with other eye-saving methods (Rb-control), and healthy eyes. The most prevalent adverse effects post-SIAC were inflammatory and vascular features, with therapy-induced contrast enhancement observed in the intraorbital optic nerve segment in 6% of patients. Quantitative analysis revealed significant growth arrest in Rb-SIAC eyes, particularly when treatment commenced ≀ 12 months of age. Optic nerve atrophy was a significant complication in Rb-SIAC eyes. In conclusion, this study highlights the vascular and inflammatory adverse effects observed post-SIAC in retinoblastoma patients and demonstrates a negative impact on eye and optic nerve growth, particularly in children treated ≀ 12 months of age, providing crucial insights for clinical management and future research

    Adjuvant therapy for children treated by enucleation at diagnosis of retinoblastoma

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    Introduction Advanced localized retinoblastoma can be cured by enucleation, but extraocular spread of retinoblastoma cells is associated with a high mortality. Risk-stratified adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy has been shown to reduce the risk for extraocular relapse in children with histopathological risk factors. Methods Data of 184 patients with retinoblastoma and primary enucleation were collected in a prospective, multicenter, observational study between 2013 and 2020. The clinical characteristics were evaluated as risk factors and progression-free and overall survival rates were compared. Results Seventy-one percent of 184 children with retinoblastoma treated with primary enucleation were diagnosed with low risk histopathological factors (pT1/pT2a) and received no adjuvant therapy. Children with intermediate risk (pT2b,pT3; 48 children, 26.0%) and high risk for metastasis (pT4; 5 children, 2.7%) received risk-stratified adjuvant treatment. None of the children with low risk or intermediate risk (pT1-pT3) relapsed, but two of five children with high-risk retinoblastoma (pT4) developed extraocular relapses and one deceased. The 2-year progression-free survival rate and 2-year overall survival rate was 100% for children with pT1-3 retinoblastoma. However, the 2-year progression-free survival rate and 2-year overall survival rate for children with pT4 was statistically notably reduced with 2 of 5 children developing progression and 1 death among the 5 children within 2 years after diagnosis. Conclusion Primary enucleation alone and with additional risk-stratified adjuvant chemotherapy treatment provides high cure rates in patients with pT1-3 retinoblastoma, but children with pT4 retinoblastoma remain at high risk to develop extraocular retinoblastoma. International prospective clinical trials are required to evaluate reduction of intensity of adjuvant chemotherapy in some risk groups (pT2, pT3) and intensification for pT4 retinoblastoma