289 research outputs found

    Electron cyclotron mass in undoped CdTe/CdMnTe quantum wells

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    Optically detected cyclotron resonance of two-dimensional electrons has been studied in nominally undoped CdTe/(Cd,Mn)Te quantum wells. The enhancement of carrier quantum confinement results in an increase of the electron cyclotron mass from 0.099m0m_0 to 0.112m0m_0 with well width decreasing from 30 down to 3.6 nm. Model calculations of the electron effective mass have been performed for this material system and good agreement with experimental data is achieved for an electron-phonon coupling constant α\alpha =0.32


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    A balanced socio-economic development of any country is closely related to the efficiency of the system of intergovernmental relations, which should be aimed at optimizing the process of fiscal decentralization and clear definition of the powers of local government. Interbudgetary regulation in Ukraine reflects processes of the national and political importance and is of great importance in the composition of intergovernmental fiscal relations, which priority is growing in terms of decentralization reforms. Purpose. The main objectives of this study are: to summarize a complex task that is resolved in the process of budgetary control; to analyze the dynamics of revenues of the consolidated budget of Ukraine in 2007-2016 and the proportion of own local revenues in GDP; to distinguish formation features of Ukrainian local budgets by region; to analyze volumes of local budgets per capita in terms of area; to highlight the leverage rate of local budgets; to analyze the share of interbudget transfers in total local budgets. Results. The study is a synthesis of the complex challenges that must be resolved in the process of budgetary control, such as: balancing the budget; foster the interest of local governments in the maximum revenue mobilization; reallocation of existing budgetary resources, taking into account local features. The dynamics of the revenues of the consolidated budget of Ukraine in 2007-2016 was analyzed and concluded that the proportion of own local revenues in GDP tended to decrease with a simultaneous increase in the share of the interbudget transfers from the state budget. Abovementioned resulted in the ensuring of a stable share of local budgets in the GDP structure (at 14-15%). As a result of the intergovernmental fiscal decentralization reform by the results of 2016 the share of own revenues of local budgets Ukraine in GDP rose to 7.2%, or 1.1% compared to 2015 with a simultaneous decrease in the interbudget transfers share from the state budget to 8.2% (0.6% compared to 2015). Analyzed the share interbudget transfers in total local budgets, which for a long period tended to increase (from 47.2% in 2007 to 53.4% in 2016), which is contrary to the basic principles of fiscal decentralization. Conclusion. Grounded features of Ukrainian local budget revenues by region and proved that the unevenness of income between regions of Ukraine are often equivalent to the level of industrial production. Analyzed volumes of local budgets per capita in terms of area. Presented the list of influence instruments on local budgets indexes of incomes, including the increase in the minimum wage, inflation, continuing reform of the budget system in the direction of fiscal decentralization and transfer volumes.Представлен комплекс задач, который должен решаться в процессе межбюджетного регулирования, проанализирована динамика доходной части сводного бюджета Украины в 2007-2016 гг. и удельный вес собственных доходов местных бюджетов в структуре ВВП, выделены особенности формирования доходов местных бюджетов Украины по регионам. Проанализированы объемы доходов местных бюджетов на душу населения в разрезе территорий, освещены рычаги влияния на показатель доходов местных бюджетов, проведен анализ удельного веса межбюджетных трансфертов в общей структуре местных бюджетов.Узагальнено комплекс завдань, що має вирішуватись у процесі міжбюджетного регулювання, проаналізовано динаміку дохідної частини зведеного бюджету України у 2007–2016 рр. та питому вагу власних доходів місцевих бюджетів в структурі ВВП, виокремлено особливості формування доходів місцевих бюджетів України за регіонами. Проаналізовано обсяги доходів місцевих бюджетів на душу населення у розрізі територій, висвітлено важелі впливу на показник доходів місцевих бюджетів, здійснено аналіз питомої ваги міжбюджетних трансфертів у загальній структурі місцевих бюджетів

    The effect of wave-particle interactions on low energy cutoffs in solar flare electron spectra

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    Solar flare hard X-ray spectra from RHESSI are normally interpreted in terms of purely collisional electron beam propagation, ignoring spatial evolution and collective effects. In this paper we present self-consistent numerical simulations of the spatial and temporal evolution of an electron beam subject to collisional transport and beam-driven Langmuir wave turbulence. These wave-particle interactions represent the background plasma's response to the electron beam propagating from the corona to chromosphere and occur on a far faster timescale than coulomb collisions. From these simulations we derive the mean electron flux spectrum, comparable to such spectra recovered from high resolution hard X-rays observations of solar flares with RHESSI. We find that a negative spectral index (i.e. a spectrum that increases with energy), or local minima when including the expected thermal spectral component at low energies, occurs in the standard thick-target model, when coulomb collisions are only considered. The inclusion of wave-particle interactions does not produce a local minimum, maintaining a positive spectral index. These simulations are a step towards a more complete treatment of electron transport in solar flares and suggest that a flat spectrum (spectral index of 0 to 1) down to thermal energies maybe a better approximation instead of a sharp cut-off in the injected electron spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted by ApJ

    Stabilizing effect of nuclear quadrupole interaction on the polarization of electron-nuclear spin system in a quantum dot

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    Nuclear quadrupole interaction extends the limits imposed by hyperfine interaction on the spin coherence of the electron and nuclei in a quantum dot. The strain-induced nuclear quadrupole interaction suppresses the nuclear spin flip and makes possible the zero-field dynamic nuclear polarization in self-organized InP/InGaP quantum dots. The direction of the effective nuclear magnetic field is fixed in space, thus quenching the magnetic depolarization of the electron spin in the quantum dot. The quadrupole interaction suppresses the zero-field electron spin decoherence also for the case of non-polarized nuclei. These results provide a new vision of the role of the nuclear quadrupole interaction in nanostructures: it elongates the spin memory of the electron-nuclear system.Comment: 18 pages including 3 figures. Shortened version has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Динаміка морфофункціональних зрушень підшлункової залози та рівень цитокинів у потомства щурів внаслідок дії хронічного стресу = The dynamics of the morphofunctional changes of the offspring-rats’ pancreases and level of cytokinins resulting from an action of the chronic stress

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    Nikolayeva O., Pavlova E., Sirenko V., Kovaltsova M., Sulhdost I. Динаміка морфофункціональних зрушень підшлункової залози та рівень цитокинів у потомства щурів внаслідок дії хронічного стресу = The dynamics of the morphofunctional changes of the offspring-rats’ pancreases and level of cytokinins resulting from an action of the chronic stress. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(6):279-290. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.55416http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3578 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 05.05.2016. Revised 25.05.2016. Accepted: 10.06.2016. УДК 616.37–091.8–092.9:613.24/.25:613.65:612.015.11 ДИНАМІКА МОРФОФУНКЦІОНАЛЬНИХ ЗРУШЕНЬ ПІДШЛУНКОВОЇ ЗАЛОЗИ ТА РІВЕНЬ ЦИТОКИНІВ У ПОТОМСТВА ЩУРІВ ВНАСЛІДОК ДІЇ ХРОНІЧНОГО СТРЕСУ О. В. Ніколаєва, О. О. Павлова, В. А. Сіренко, М. В. Ковальцова, І. О. Сулхдост Харківський національний медичний університет. Харків. Україна  The Dynamics Of The Morphofunctional Changes Of The Offspring-Rats’ Pancreases and Level Of Cytokinins Resulting From An Action Of The Chronic Stress O. Nikolayeva, E. Pavlova, V. Sirenko, M. Kovaltsova, I. Sulhdost Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkov, Ukraine Introduction. The pathology of the pancreas caused by the stress is an actual problem of medicine. The purpose of the study was describe of characteristics morphofunctional state of the pancreas of babe-rats’ and to analyzed pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines balance. Materials and Methods. We studied morphological changes of pancreas of offspring-rats’ using histological, cytochemical, cytomorphometric and biochemical methods. We studied immunological status using biochemical methods. We studied the level of interleukin-12 and interleukin-4 in the blood. The core group of mother-rats was exposed to chronic stress immobilization. The comparison group consisted of animals that led ordinary life. For the rats, the experiment was stopped immediately after the birth of offspring in compliance with the ethical principles. Results. Stress during pregnancy in rats affects the morphology and function of the pancreas in the offspring. Symptoms of morphofunctional disorders are obvious even in the pancreas of newborn rats. There are reduced acini and islets of Langerhans, immaturity parenchymal area, edema, fibrosis, degenerative changes in the nuclei and cytoplasm exocrine and endocrine cells, decrease morphofunctional state of the same part of pancreas cell, violation of geodynamics. Most of them not only saves up until they are two months of age, but has a negative trend of growth severity: reducing the relative amount of parenchymal acini area, number and area of the islets of Langerhans, the number of endocrine cells in them, apiaries lipomatosis stroma. We also noticed simultaneous launch of compensatory-adaptive processes in the endocrine pancreas in the form of hypertrophy of single islets of Langerhans. The rats in all groups are diagnosed as having identical tendencies of cytokines change; significant buildup of pro-inflammatory interleukin-12 and reduction of anti-inflammatory interleukin-4 which indicates predominant involvement in pathogenesis of violation of pancreas cell component of immune system. Conclusions. The results suggest that chronic stress of pregnant rats is a significant risk factor for future chronic pathology of the pancreas rats-offspring.Keywords: chronic stress immobilization, pancreas, rats, interleukin, experiment. ДИНАМИКА МОРФОФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ НАРУШЕНИЙ ПОДЖЕЛУДОЧНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ И УРОВЕНЬ ЦИТОКИНОВ У ПОТОМСТВА КРЫС ВСЛЕДСТВИЕ ДЕЙСТВИЯ ХРОНИЧЕСКОГО СТРЕССА О. В. Николаева, Е. А. Павлова, В. А. Сиренко, М. В. Ковальцова, И. А. Сулхдост Харьковский национальный медицинский университет, Харьков, Украина Проведено морфологическое и биохимическое исследование влияния хронического стресса матери на морфофункциональные особенности поджелудочной железы новорожденного, одномесячного и двухмесячного потомства. Обнаружено, что пренатальный стресс приводит к морфофункциональной перестройке поджелудочной железы крысиного потомства, с развитием стойких и прогрессирующих в динамике деструктивных изменений в ациноцитах и эндокриноцитах, к снижению морфофункциональной активности части клеточных элементов, к развитию гемодинамических нарушений у части животных. Выяснено, что у разновозрастного крысиного потомства наблюдается системный гуморальный ответ в виде дисбаланса цитокинов с преобладанием  маркерного цитокина Th1-лимфоцитов (интерлейкина-12), что свидетельствует о вовлечении в патогенезе повреждения поджелудочной железы клеточной цепи иммунитета. Установлено, что цитокиновый дисбаланс негативно влияет на внутриклеточный метаболизм панкреацитов, их экзокринную и эндокринную секреторную активность, и, вероятно, может еще больше усиливать повреждения поджелудочной железы у экспериментальных животных.          Ключевые слова: ациноциты, эндокриноциты, иммобилизация, интерлейкины, крысята, эксперимент

    Finite-sample and asymptotic sign-based tests for parameters of non-linear quantile regression with Markov noise

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    One of the most noticeable features of sign-based statistical procedures is an opportunity to build an exact test for simple hypothesis testing of parameters in a regression model. In this article, we expanded a sing-based approach to the nonlinear case with dependent noise. The examined model is a multi-quantile regression, which makes it possible to test hypothesis not only of regression parameters, but of noise parameters as well


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    The article summarizes and systematizes the theoretical and methodological principles of the management and marketing transformation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The topic of the research is relevant because the risks of most types of economic activities have increased in the conditions of the coronavirus crisis. These factors caused changes in consumer behavior and led to corresponding transformations in the management and marketing activities of business entities. The theoretical and analytical basis of the article includes fundamental works of scientists, statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and leading consulting agencies. Methods of abstract-logical generalization, systematic and historical analysis and synthesis, monographic and survey-analytical, graphic methods were used in the research. It was determined that significant macroeconomic imbalances appeared in the conditions of the coronavirus crisis, the way of life changed, and society became less cohesive and mobile. Destruction of added value chains, logistics networks, decrease in total business activity of business entities led to a general deterioration of the population’s living standards and the parameters of their consumer confidence. It is shown that the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to changes in the hierarchy of consumer needs of Ukrainians, shifting the focus to physiological and safety needs. Therefore, most of the marketing trends during the coronavirus crisis in Ukraine are related to social distancing, seclusion of people and fear of disease. It has been established that the main tools of marketing management in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic have become personalized digital technologies aimed at meeting the consumers’ needs in conditions of social distancing and isolation. These technologies are managed as adaptively as possible, based on risk management, constant monitoring of feedback from focusing on social networks and services. It has been determined that the promising tools for the development of management, marketing and logistics in the post-pandemic world include the robotics of industry, trade and delivery of goods, the development of innovative technologies for air disinfection, household items and equipment, mass non-contact medical diagnostics, and home entertainment services