6 research outputs found

    Model Hewan Coba Diabetes Mellitus Yang Diinduksi Streptozocin Terhadap Kadar Gula Darah Dan Pankreas

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    Objective : The purpose of this study was to determine blood sugar levels and histopathological features of the pancreas in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) induced by Streptozotocin. Methods: The type of research conducted is experimental laboratory in vivo. The research design chosen was True Experimental Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design with 24 test animals and divided into six different treatment groups. The results were analyzed using SPSS software, and for the histopathological description the rats were dissected and the pancreas was taken for preparation and then stained using the Hematoxylin Eosin (HE) method. Results: The results of this study indicate that the histopathological description of pancreatic tissue is damaged which can be seen from the occurrence of cell necrosis, cell degeneration, collections of inflammatory cell , atherosclerosis and vascular congestion are found. Blood sugar levels of rats given a combination of STZ and high-fat diet significantly increased blood sugar levels (P value < 0.05). Conclusion : There is a significant relationship between blood sugar levels and pancreatic histopathology in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) induced by Streptozotocin and high-fat diet.Keywords: Diabetes mellitus; Blood Sugar Levels; Streptozotocin; Pancreas Histolog


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    Inkubasi usaha budidaya lebah madu di desa Sungai Putih Kecamatan Bangko Barat bertujuan; meningkatkan pengetahuan, minat dan keterampilan petani tentang usaha budidya lebah madu; dan mengintroduksi serta membangun usaha budidaya lebah madu di desa Sungai Putih. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni - November 2021. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam dua rangkaian kegiatan yaitu: pelatihan budidaya lebah madu dan inkubasi usaha budidaya lebah madu. Kegitan diikuti oleh 29 orang anggota kelompok tani mitra.&nbsp; Kelompok tani mitra adalah Kelompok Wanita Tani Mekar Wangi dan Kelompok Tani Trikarya Usaha. Materi pelatihan ditransfomasi kepada peserta melalui vidio, ceramah, diskusi dan penugasan. Inkubasi usaha budidaya lebah madu dilakukan secara partisipatif oleh kelmpok mitra dengan pendampingan usaha dari tim fasilitator. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan mengukur aspek pengetahuan, minat, dan keterampilan anggota kelomok mitra tentang budidaya lebah madu, dengan menyebarkan questioner diawal dan diakhir kegiatan. Keberasilan diukur dengan menghitung dan menganalisis delta berbagai indikator tersebut. Hasil evalausi menunjukan bahwa keegiatan pelatihan budidaya lebah madu dan pembinaan inkubasi usaha budidya lebah madu dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, ketermpilan dan kemampuan manajerial anggota kelompok. Dismaping itu juga juga telah berkembang omzet budidya lebah madu

    Identifikasi Parameter Akustik Permukaan Sumber dengan Metode Elemen Batas

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    Abstrak: Penentuan medan suara yang terjadi akibat radiasi sumber atau akibat hamburan gelombang suara merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang banyak diteliti oleh para peneliti akustik. Kasus seperti ini dapat disebut sebagai kasus langsung (direct problem). Kasus lain yang juga ditemui dalam akustik adalah kebalikan kasus langsung yakni penentuan parameter akustik seperti tekanan, kecepatan partikel atau impedansi akustik pada permukaan sumber berdasarkan informasi hasil pengukuran parameter akustik di titik-titik medan di sekitar sumber akustik. Kasus seperti ini dikenal sebagai kasus inversi (inverse problem). Solusi numerik yang digunakan pada tesis ini adalah Metode Elemen Batas. Kelebihan utama dari metode ini adalah penurunan dimensi masalah, karena hanya permukaan sumber akustik yang perlu didiskritisasi sehingga mengurangi dimensi persoalan yang dihadapi, misalkan persoalan tiga dimensi diselesaikan dengan perlakuan dua dimensi. Pada makalah ini disajikan solusi inversi dengan metode elemen batas untuk permasalahan radiasi akustik dalam domain akustik interior. Uji kasus radiasi melibatkan sumber akustik berbentuk kubus. Hasil perhitungan parameter akustik permukaan sumber dengan inversi metode elemen batas menunjukkan kesesuaian dengan nilai sebenarnya

    Post-Covid-19 Disposible Income Resistance Against Community Welfare In Regency Aceh Singkil

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    The purpose of the study was to examine how much resilience the community's disposable income was due to COVID-19, and the factors for increasing farmer productivity in Tanah Bara Village, Gunung Meriah District based on the SEM model. The main problems studied are the decline in the resilience of disposable income due to lack of capital in opening wider agricultural land, soil fertility which is increasingly polluted which causes unable to cultivate crops, narrow land cannot increase the area of ​​land owned, seed quality is not good. which causes crop failure or poor yields, the number of plant pests that cause death and does not produce and the lack of human resources in agricultural and plantation management The analytical model used in Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to see the causal effect of several independent variables, namely the quality of fertilizer , capital, soil fertility, seed quality, technology, pests, number of workers to increase farmer productivity in Tanah Bara Village, Gunung Meriah District. The results showed that there were 3 factors that influenced the income and welfare of the community, namely factor 1 which consisted of the quality of fertilizer, capital, soil fertility and labor. Factor 2 which consists of seed quality and technology and factor 3 which consists of pests

    Efek Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Keberlanjutan Industri Penerbangan Dan Pekerja

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    ABSTRAK Pandemi Covid-19 telah mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia dan kegiatan bisnis di berbagai bidang. Industri penerbangan merupakan salah satu industri yang mengalami banyak hambatan karena pembatasan aktivitas sosial. Hambatan di industri penerbangan telah mempengaruhi kehidupan para pekerja di industri ini. Pemutusan hubungan kerja dan penurunan pendapatan telah mempengaruhi para pekerja di industri penerbangan, terutama pramugari. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membagi pengalaman seorang pekerja yang menghadapi hambatan akibat pandemi Covid-19. Kegiatan ini mengundang salah satu pramugari senior untuk membagikan pengalamannya hidupnya dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Industri penerbangan mengalami tekanan yang sangat berat. Jumlah penerbangan berkurang secara drastis. Perusahaan penerbangan berusaha kembali dengan memasuki bisnis kargo point-selling new services seperti pengalaman merasakan penerbangan tanpa terbang. Karyawan industri penerbangan menempuh cara baru agar tetap beraktivitas. Ada yang meninjau kembali pekerjaan, dengan sekolah lagi. Ada yang mempergunakan media sosial atau digital dengan jadi brand ambassador dan content creator. Para pekerja tidak hanya diam saja dalam menghadapi pandemi ini tetapi mereka juga mencari jalan keluar lainnya. Kata Kunci: Industri Penerbangan, Keberlanjutan, Pandemi Covid-19 ABSTRACT The Covid-19 pandemic has affected human life and business activities in various fields. The aviation industry is one of the industries that face many obstacles due to restrictions on social activities. Barriers in the aviation industry have affected the lives of workers in this industry. Layoffs and declining incomes have affected workers in the airline industry, especially flight attendants. This activity aims to share the experience of a worker who faces obstacles due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This activity invited one of the senior flight attendants to share his life experience in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. The aviation industry is under tremendous pressure. The number of flights decreased drastically. Airline companies are trying to re-enter the cargo business of point-selling new services, such as the experience of experiencing flight without flying. Aviation industry employees are taking new ways to stay active. Some are revisiting their careers with school again. Some use social or digital media to become brand ambassadors and content creators. The workers are not only silent in the face of this pandemic but they are also looking for other solutions. Keywords: Airline; Pandemic Covid-19; Sustainibilit

    Perluasan Kinerja Akustik Limbah Kayu Batang Kelapa Sawit Termodifikasi Bahan Formaldehida

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    Chemical modifications for waste oil palm trunks had carried out as acoustic material. This modification was conducted in two stages. Firstly, formalization with formaldehyde solution and secondly is impregnation with melamine-formaldehyde resin. Formalization was conducted in alkaline condition (pH 10) for 3 days and 5 days. Impregnation was carried out under pressure 3 bar and 5 bar and held for an hour. For completed these modification, the samples was cured at 120oC for 10 minutes and then dried at (103±2)oC to reached moisture content of less than 6%. This modification has changed the chemical structure and the morphology of wood, as shown by the FTIR and SEM results. The samples became denser, stronger and more rigid. Furthermore, the mechanical and physical properties of modified wood are also increasing. The absorption coefficient decreases with increasing formalization time and impregnation pressure. Based on trend of absorption coefficient, BKS wood can be applicated as resonant absorber with work class from A to class B and D