5 research outputs found

    Diglossic Situation in Rainbow Rowell’s Novel Eleanor & Park

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    This study concerned the diglossic situation in Rainbow Rowell’s Eleanor & Park, written in 2016. It aimed to describe the use of two different varieties of English in the novel, that is, H (high) variety and L (low) variety of the language. These varieties were found in terms of function, prestige, lexicon (vocabulary) and grammar used by some of the characters in the novel when speaking to each other. The results showed that, in terms of function, the recitation or reading of a poem by one of the characters was conducted in H (high) variety. The H (high) variety used was more prestigious. In terms of grammar, the H (high) variety was also used by a teacher when appreciating his female student who had just recited or read the poem. Some of the words or lexicons used by some of the other characters of the novel were in the form of L (low) varieties. The analysis was conducted through the qualitative research methods proposed by Creswell (2009: 4) who explained that this type of research method is a means for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. Keywords: diglossic situation, high variety, low variet


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    This paper discusses the impacts of sexual abuse found in the novel Speak which has been selected as the source of data because this novel has a strong impact on sexual abuse victim. The story is about a female teenager who becomes a victim of abuse and it gives her many impacts. The aims of this study are to find out and analyze the impacts of sexual abuse and is conducted based on the concept of sexual abuse, a crime related to sexuality and more specifically related to male and female sexuality. Sexual abuse can include sexual harassment and sexual assault. Sexual abuse is an act that can harm and damage the victims with physical, psychological, sexual and even emotional impacts.  This study applies descriptive qualitative method which collects the data taken from the novel that has been read. The result of the study shows that there are three forms of sexual abuse impacts: physical, psychological and behavioral


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    This study discusses the revenge carried out by the protagonist in The Lion King movie script named Simba. This study aims to analyze the revenge and purpose of revenge carried out by Simba. The method used to analyze this topic is a qualitative research method, making a focus on personality of the protagonist pertaining to revenge. A revenge is an act of justice as well as injustice, depending on how a revenge is done.  This research is conducted by referring to and based on several literature reviews related to the topic and discussion carried out. The theory used to analyze the topic is put forward by Leland R. The results showed that Simba tried to take revenge because he felt he had been attacked. Besides, he wanted to restore his dignity, honour, and teach a lesson to his aggressor. Finally Simba gets what he deserves, that is he gets his rights as king in the Pride Lands


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    Hatred has a lot of negative impacts on the hated person and the hating one. The impacts appear due to the existence of the causes and the implementation of the hatred. The purpose of this study is to research the causes and the implementation of the antagonist’s hatred in Jeff Nathanson’s novel Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge. In this analysis, the antagonist, Captain Slazar, hates pirates very much especially the protagonist, Captain Jack Sparrow. His life’s goal is only to kill Jack in all kinds of ways. This research uses qualitative research method proposed by Gilgun (1992:22) who clarifies a research method that is more focused on understanding social phenomena from the perspective of participants by emphasizing on the complete picture rather than by detailing it into interrelated variables. This study focuses on the analysis or interpretation of written materials based on the context. In this case, the novel has to be well interpreted. Results establish the fact that hatred does not only harm the others, but also oneself. Besides, it will tell how bad the hatred affects oneself. This study also reveals how the antagonist releases the hatred to the protagonist by pursuing and trying to kill him

    Cultural Aspects in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Sirkus Pohon

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    This study aims to reveal the cultural aspects of the Belitung Malay community in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Sirkus Pohon. The research applied Koentjoroningrat (2000) theory about cultural aspects. The research uses qualitative research which is described in the form of words in the discussion chapter. Qualitative method is used to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by subjects holistically in a descriptive way in the form of words and languages in a context, especially natural ones by utilizing various natural methods (Moleong, 2010). The cultural elements of Koentjoroningrat (2000) are the source of study, namely aspects of language, knowledge systems, social systems or social organizations, systems of living equipment and technology, living systems, religious systems, and arts. In the discussion, it was found that the seven cultural aspects proposed by Koentjoroningrat are discussed in this study.   Keywords: cultural aspects, Belitung Malay community, Sirkus Poho