7 research outputs found

    Upaya Memperoleh Bibit Suweg {Amorphophallus Paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson} Melalui Stek Umbi Dan Stek Rachis Yang Dimanipulasi Dengan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh [Propagation of Suweg {Amorphophallus Paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson} Using Tuber and Rachis C

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    Elephant yam {Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson} can be developed as food for diversification in Indonesia. The main obstacle is in propagation, due to long period dormancy of tuber and slow life cycle. Study on propagation of elephant yam was conducted in of Bogor Botanical Garden nursery. The aims of this study are to propagate elephant yam using tuber and rachis cutting manipulated with Plant Growth Regulators (PGR) respectively to break dormancy and to obtain an effective and efficient propagation method. PGR used in tuber cutting (small adjacent tuber and sliced-bulb) is GA3 10 ppm, GA3 20 ppm, IBA 10 ppm, IBA 20 ppm, BAP 10 ppm, BAP 20 ppm and control with or without burned husk, meanwhile PGR used in rachis cutting (R1, R2 and R3) is BAP 1 ppm, NAA 1ppm, and Rootone-F 1600 ppm. Propagation with tuber showed that IBA, GA3, control, and BAP gave similar result in developing bud numbers. Propagation with small adjacent tuber gave better result in sprouting number. Propagation with small adjacent tuber and manipulated with GA3 resulted highest sprouting number. Rootone-F 1600 ppm caused death, meanwhile BAP, NAA, and their combination (BAP-NAA) had no influence on rachis cutting growth. Lower doses Rootone-F, BAP, NAA, and BAP-NAA higher doses, rachis cuttings from juveniles are recommended

    Morfologi Semai Beberapa Jenis Palem Hias Seedling Morphology of Some Ornamental Palms

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    The results of 18 palms species studied showed that there were three species (Livistona chinensis (Jack) R.Br.ex Mart,Thrinax sp.and Sabal meeacarpg Small) which their cotyledone growth under ground level (group I), their first leaf did not cleave, these had two types of germination i.e. remote tubular (L. chinensis and Thrinax sp.)and remote ligular (S. meeacarpa).Thirthteen species (Heterosphate elata Scheff, Archonthophoenic alexandrae Wendl.& Drude, Areca triandra Roxb., Bentinckia nicobarica (Kurz.) Becc, Chrvsalidocarpus sp., C. lutescens H. Wendl.,Cvrtostachvs eleeans Burret, C.renda Blume, Drvmoploeus pachvcladus H.E.Moore, Neodypsis decarvi Jumelle,Oenocarpus Panamanus L.H.Bailey, Pthvchosperma eleeans (R.Br.) Blume and Pritchardia pacifica Seem. & H.Wendl.) produce their cotyledone near ground level (group H), their first leaf cleft into two parts except on the species O. Panamanus cleft into four parts, all of these species had adjacent ligular type of germination. There was large variability on the germination.The range of first germination was 12105 days after sowing, last germination was in the range of 78-212 days and the germinationpersentage was 1.3-94.0%

    Efektivitas Pupuk Organik Dan Pupuk N Pada Pertumbuhan Bibit Eboni (Diospyros Celebica Bakh.)

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    Eboni (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) merupakan tanaman keras dan termasuk jenis kayu mewah yang tumbuh alami di Sulawesi.Masalah yang dihadapi adalah pertumbuhan bibit yang lamban sehingga diperlukan percobaan tentang media pertumbuhan bibit yang sesuai. Bahan yang digunakan adalah bibit eboni berumur 6 bulan dengan pertumbuhan seragam.Percobaan I: Bibit ditanam pada polybag berkapasitas 5 kg yang masing-masing berisi campuran media tanam yakni A (tanah); B (tanah:kompos = 1:1); C (tanah:pupuk kandang = 1:1); D (tanah:kompos:pupuk kandang = 1:1:1); E (tanah:kompos:pupuk kandang = 2:1:1) dan F (tanah:kompos:pupuk kandang = 4:1:1).Percobaan II. Bibit ditanam pada polybag berkapasitas 5 kg tanah, dan dilakukan penambahan pupuk N yaitu urea dan ZA masing-masing 1,2, 3,4 dan 5 %rlpolybag. Pupuk diberikan dengan interval 2 minggu (2 kali pemupukan) dan 4 minggu (satu kali pemupukan).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Percobaan I, bibit yang diperlakukan dengan media tanam berisi tanah:pupuk kandang = 1:1(C) memberikan hasil yang paling baik. Enam bulan setelah perlakuan, rata-rata tinggi tanaman 32,80 cm, jumlah daun 25 dan diameter batang 4,10 cm, sedangkan pada bibit yang tidak mengalami perlakuan (Percobaan I.A) hasilnya masing-masing adalah 22,60 cm, 19 dan 3,3 cm. Percobaan II, pemberian pupuk interval 2 minggu lebih baik daripada 4 minggu. Bibit lebih responsif terhadap pupuk urea. Perlakuan urea 3 gc/polybag memberikan hasil tertinggi yaitu tinggi tanaman mencapai 31,58 cm, jumlah daun 27 dan diameter batang 4,20 cm

    Uji Antibakteri Lasianthus (Rubiaceae) Sebagai Tumbuhan Berkhasiat Obat Dan Upaya Perbanyakannya

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    Lasianthus, a member of the family Rubiaceae has potential for medicinal plants. The aims of the research were to find out the potential antibacterial activity of Lasianthus leaf extract and to investigate the effectiveness of plant propagation by stems cutting. The species tested were Lasianthus laevigatus Blume, L furcatus (Miq.) Bremek and L. cf. obscurus Blume. The extracted leaves in n-hexana, ethyl acetate and methanol were tested in vitro against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coil activities that grown on medium of Mueller-Hinton agar. The methanol extracts of each plant material showed significant antibacterial activities on S. aureus and E. coll. Antibacterial activity increased with increasing concentration of the extracts. Plant propagation by stems cutting were done as a first step of conservation effort for respective species. Stems cutting of L. laevigatus, L. purpureus, L. furcatus, L. acuminatus, L rhinocerotis. and L. cf. obscurus with length of 10 cm were applied with Rotoon F to stimulate root growth. The result of plant propagation research showed that only the stems cutting of L. cf. obscurus grew well although roots did not grow until 4 months