5 research outputs found

    Independent Climate Change E-mails Review

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    The terms of reference required the Review to consider among other things management and governance structures. This sequence of interviews was aimed at exploring the framework for the management of research within the University: what staff take on; what the university expects them to deliver, subject to what requirements on quality, standards, processes and procedures; what are the associated financial disciplines; and how all this is communicated to staff. Overview of the process 2. Ian McCormick explained that REE had been the product of a restructuring exercise about 18 months ago, reflecting the need to review and re-focus enterprise and commercialization and technology transfer. A central support office for research had existed since the early 1990s and was first brought together with the technology transfer support services in 2004/5. Straightforward single purpose grants were handled by Faculty Research Support Officers, while more complex cases, such as multi-partner applications, came to REE for final checks and authorization. The Faculty structure was created about 5 years ago. Once grants were approved, Finance were involved – REE don’t handle the accounts except where contractual matters were involved. There was regular internal audit every few years of the process and the research policies [Supporting Docs 4–7] were kept under continuous review. Ian McCormick supplied a management chart of the organization [Supporting Doc 1] and a diagram showing how research policy and strategy was managed through the University hierarchy [Supporting Doc 2 – at a later discussion a more detailed version of this was supplied, Do

    Words derived from Old Norse in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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