21 research outputs found

    Efecto del tamaño de pólipo y de los exudados de corales sobre la dinámica de picoeucariotas en un ambiente controlado

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    We examined the ability of scleractinian corals with different polyp sizes to remove picoeukaryotes by predation and the effect of coral exudates on picoeukaryote growth. Experiments were conducted by adding picoeukaryotes to Stylophora pistillata (SP) and Montipora stellata (MS). Within six hours the picoeukaryote concentration in the SP and MS tanks was significantly lower than the control without corals. SP showed higher overall activity than MS, and the particle removal activity of MS decreased in light conditions. Picoeukaryotes exposed to SP exudates grew significantly denser than those exposed to MS exudates or those in water without coral exudates. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations in the SP tanks were also significantly higher. We concluded that the picoeukaryote removal rates were higher in S. pistillata than in M. stellata, and coral exudates can reciprocally enhance picoeukaryote growth.Hemos estudiado la capacidad de corales escleractinios con diferentes tamaños de pólipo de depredar picoplancton eucariótico, y también el efecto de los exudados de los corales sobre el crecimiento de picoplancton eucariótico. Los experimentos se realizaron añadiendo picoplancton eucariótico a Stylophora pistillata (SP) y Montipora stellata (MS). Después de 6 horas, las concentraciones de picoplancton eucariótico en los tanques de SP y MS fueron significativamente reducidas, en comparación con las del tanque control sin coral. SP mostró en general una actividad depredadora algo más grande que MS, y éste redujo su actividad en condiciones de luz. Los picoeucariotas expuestos a exudados de SP llegaron a concentraciones más altas que cuando fueron expuestos a exudados de MS o a agua sin corales. La concentración de carbono orgánico disuelto en los tanques de SP también fué significativamente más alta. Se concluye que las tasas de depredación sobre los picoeukaryotes fueron más altas con S. pistillata que con M. stellata, y que los exudados del coral pueden recíprocamente mejorar el crecimiento de picoplancton eucariótico

    Impacts of Seagrass on Benthic Microalgae and Phytoplankton Communities in an Experimentally Warmed Coral Reef Mesocosm

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    The effects of seagrass on microalgal assemblages under experimentally elevated temperatures (28°C) and CO2 partial pressures (pCO2; 800 μatm) were examined using coral reef mesocosms. Concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, and benthic microalgal chlorophyll a (chl-a) were significantly higher in seagrass mesocosms, whereas phytoplankton chl-a concentrations were similar between seagrass and seagrass-free control mesocosms. In the seagrass group, fewer parasitic dinoflagellate OTUs (e.g., Syndiniales) were found in the benthic microalgal community though more symbiotic dinoflagellates (e.g., Cladocopium spp.) were quantified in the phytoplankton community. Our results suggest that, under ocean acidification conditions, the presence of seagrass nearby coral reefs may (1) enhance benthic primary productivity, (2) decrease parasitic dinoflagellate abundance, and (3) possibly increase the presence of symbiotic dinoflagellates

    The Advantages of Inorganic Fertilization for the Mass Production of Copepods as Food for Fish Larvae in Aquaculture

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    Copepods are commonly used as live feed for cultured fish larvae, but the current mass production method using organic fertilizers cannot meet the market demand for copepods. We evaluated the feasibility of applying an inorganic fertilization method, which is currently in use in freshwater and marine larviculture, to the mass production of copepods. For 30 days, and with five replicates of each treatment, we made comparative daily measurements of various parameters of (1) copepod cultures fertilized with commercially available condensed fish solubles (organic fertilization) and (2) other cultures in which the concentration of inorganic phosphorus was maintained at 100 μg P L−1 and that of inorganic nitrogen at 700 μg N L−1 (inorganic fertilization). With inorganic fertilization, pH fluctuated over a smaller range and much less filamentous algae grew in the tanks. The mean production of copepod nauplii over the course of the study was similar between the two treatments, but the combined density of copepodites and adult copepods was significantly higher with inorganic fertilization. Compared to commercial zooplankton products, copepods cultured with inorganic fertilization were smaller, were mixed with fewer (almost none) non-copepod contaminants, were also pathogen-free, and could be produced at the cheapest cost per unit output. Based on these results, we conclude that the inorganic fertilization method can profitably be adopted by commercial copepod producers to meet the demand from fish farmers, especially for small-sized copepods

    Iron Fertilization Can Enhance the Mass Production of Copepod, <i>Pseudodiaptomus annandalei</i>, for Fish Aquaculture

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    Copepods are proven nutritious food sources for the mariculture/larviculture industry, however, unreliable methods for mass production of copepods are a major bottleneck. In this study, we modified a previously reported inorganic fertilization method (N: 700 μg L−1 and P: 100 μg L−1) by the addition of iron (Fe: 10 μg L−1, using FeSO4·7H2O) (+Fe treatment) and compared its suitability for copepod culture (Pseudodiaptomus annandalei) to the original method (control). The experiment was conducted outdoors in 1000 L tanks for 15 days. The addition of iron prolonged the growth phase of the phytoplankton and resulted in the production of significantly more small phytoplankton (0.45–20 μm, average 2.01 ± 0.52 vs. 9.03 ± 4.17 µg L−1 in control and +Fe, respectively) and adult copepods (control: 195 ± 35, +Fe: 431 ± 109 ind L−1), whereas copepodid-stage was similar between treatments (control: 511 ± 107 vs. +Fe: 502 ± 68 ind L−1). Although adding iron increased the cost of production by 23% compared to the control, the estimated net profit was 97% greater. We concluded that inorganic fertilization, with the addition of iron (Fe: 10 μg L−1), could be an effective method for the mass production of copepods for larviculture

    Physiological and biochemical performances of menthol-induced aposymbiotic corals.

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    The unique mutualism between corals and their photosynthetic zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium spp.) is the driving force behind functional assemblages of coral reefs. However, the respective roles of hosts and Symbiodinium in this endosymbiotic association, particularly in response to environmental challenges (e.g., high sea surface temperatures), remain unsettled. One of the key obstacles is to produce and maintain aposymbiotic coral hosts for experimental purposes. In this study, a simple and gentle protocol to generate aposymbiotic coral hosts (Isopora palifera and Stylophora pistillata) was developed using repeated incubation in menthol/artificial seawater (ASW) medium under light and in ASW in darkness, which depleted more than 99% of Symbiodinium from the host within 4∼8 days. As indicated by the respiration rate, energy metabolism (by malate dehydrogenase activity), and nitrogen metabolism (by glutamate dehydrogenase activity and profiles of free amino acids), the physiological and biochemical performances of the menthol-induced aposymbiotic corals were comparable to their symbiotic counterparts without nutrient supplementation (e.g., for Stylophora) or with a nutrient supplement containing glycerol, vitamins, and a host mimic of free amino acid mixture (e.g., for Isopora). Differences in biochemical responses to menthol-induced bleaching between Stylophora and Isopora were attributed to the former digesting Symbiodinium rather than expelling the algae live as found in the latter species. Our studies showed that menthol could successfully bleach corals and provided aposymbiotic corals for further exploration of coral-alga symbioses

    Verification of an Environmental Impact Assessment Using a Multivariate Statistical Model

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    Environmental impact assessment is a means of preventing and mitigating the adverse effects of economic development activities on the natural environment. It is meant to ensure that decision-makers have sufficient information to consider environmental impacts before proceeding with new projects. Despite their important role in public policy, verification of environmental impact assessments has seldom been conducted. In this study, we used principal component analysis (PCA) to identify the major sources of influence on the coastal waters adjacent to a major tourist facility (an aquarium) in southern Taiwan, followed by the construction of a structural equation model (SEM) to determine the direct and indirect effects of the abiotic factors on phytoplankton and zooplankton density and diversity. Based on the loadings of principal components 1–3, we identified that river input, suspended matter, and seasonal changes were the major factors affecting the coastal area. The SEM further suggested that phytoplankton density and diversity were affected directly by seasonal changes and suspended matter, but only indirectly by river input, owing to the latter’s effect on suspended matter. In contrast, the SEM suggested that zooplankton density and diversity were affected directly by seasonal changes, but indirectly by both river input and suspended matter owing to their effects on phytoplankton density and diversity. Q2 was the season with the highest number of visitors to the aquarium, but none of the abiotic or biotic parameters showed particular differences, implying that the variations in those parameters in the adjacent coastal waters were not related to the visitors. We suggest that PCA and SEM be used in the future in other contexts to verify environmental impact assessments

    Verification of an Environmental Impact Assessment Using a Multivariate Statistical Model

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    Environmental impact assessment is a means of preventing and mitigating the adverse effects of economic development activities on the natural environment. It is meant to ensure that decision-makers have sufficient information to consider environmental impacts before proceeding with new projects. Despite their important role in public policy, verification of environmental impact assessments has seldom been conducted. In this study, we used principal component analysis (PCA) to identify the major sources of influence on the coastal waters adjacent to a major tourist facility (an aquarium) in southern Taiwan, followed by the construction of a structural equation model (SEM) to determine the direct and indirect effects of the abiotic factors on phytoplankton and zooplankton density and diversity. Based on the loadings of principal components 1&ndash;3, we identified that river input, suspended matter, and seasonal changes were the major factors affecting the coastal area. The SEM further suggested that phytoplankton density and diversity were affected directly by seasonal changes and suspended matter, but only indirectly by river input, owing to the latter&rsquo;s effect on suspended matter. In contrast, the SEM suggested that zooplankton density and diversity were affected directly by seasonal changes, but indirectly by both river input and suspended matter owing to their effects on phytoplankton density and diversity. Q2 was the season with the highest number of visitors to the aquarium, but none of the abiotic or biotic parameters showed particular differences, implying that the variations in those parameters in the adjacent coastal waters were not related to the visitors. We suggest that PCA and SEM be used in the future in other contexts to verify environmental impact assessments

    Flow diagram of the preparation of aposymbiotic <i>Isopora palifera</i> and <i>Stylophora pistillata</i>.

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    <p>Flow diagram of the preparation of aposymbiotic <i>Isopora palifera</i> and <i>Stylophora pistillata</i>.</p