28 research outputs found

    Changes in the statistical and quantum features of the cavity radiation of a two-photon coherent beat laser due to phase fluctuation

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    Detailed derivation of the master equation and the corresponding time evolution of the cavity radiation of a coherent beat laser when the atoms are initially prepared in a partial coherent superposition is presented. It turns out that the quantum features and intensity of the cavity radiation are considerably modified by the phase fluctuation arising due to the practical incapability of preparing atoms in the intended coherent superposition. New terms having an opposite sign with the contribution of the driving radiation emerged in the master equation. This can be taken as an indication for a competing effect between the two in the manifestation of the nonclassical features. This, on the other hand, entails that there is a chance for regaining the quantum properties that might have lost due to faulty preparation by engineering the driving mechanism and vice versa. In light of this, quite remarkably, the cavity radiation is shown to exhibit nonclassical features including two-mode squeezing and entanglement when there is no driving and if the atoms are initially prepared in a partial maximum atomic coherence superposition, contrary to earlier predictions for the case of perfect coherence.Comment: 8 pages and no figur

    Effects of decoherence on the radiative and squeezing properties in a coherently driven trapped two-level atom

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    Analysis of the effects of decoherence on the radiative and squeezing properties of a coherently driven two-level atom trapped in a resonant cavity applying the corresponding master equation is presented. The atomic dynamics as well as the squeezing and statistical properties of the emitted radiation are investigated. It is found that the atom stays in the lower energy level more often at steady state irrespective of the strength of the coherent radiation and thermal fluctuations entering the cavity. Moreover, a strong external coherent radiation results the splitting of the line of the emission spectrum, whereas the decoherence broadens the width and significantly decreases the height. It is also found that the emitted radiation exhibits photon anti-bunching, super-Poissonian photon statistics and squeezing, despite the presence of the decoherence which is expected to destroy the quantum features.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Effect of phase fluctuation and dephasing on the dynamics of entanglement generation in a correlated emission laser

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    A detailed study of the effects of phase fluctuation and dephasing on the dynamics of the entanglement generated from a coherently pumped correlated emission laser is presented. It is found that the time evolution of the entanglement is significantly reliant on the phase fluctuation and dephasing, particularly, at early stages of the lasing process. In the absence of external driving radiation, the degree of entanglement and intensity turns out to attain a maximum value just before starting to exhibit oscillation which dies at longer time scale. However, in case the driving mechanism is on, the oscillatory nature disappears due to the additional induced coherent superposition and the degree of entanglement would be larger at steady state. Moreover, the degree of entanglement as predicted by the logarithmic negativity and the Duan-Giedke-Cirac-Zoller criteria exhibits a similar nature when there is no driving radiation, although such a trend is eroded with increasing strength of the pumping radiation at longer time scale. The other important aspect of the phase fluctuation and dephasing is the possibility of relaxing the time at which the maximum entanglement is detected.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure