263 research outputs found

    An Assessment of Hydro-ecological Changes at Two Closed-drainage Basins in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Alberta, Canada

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    Diatom analyses were carried out on sediment cores collected from two low-lying, closed-drainage basins (PAD 9 - 58º46. 46?N, 111º19. 48?W; PAD 12 - 58º57. 29?, 111º19. 74?) in the Peace sector of the Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD), Alberta, Canada, to provide >1000 year long records of hydro-ecological change. Results from diatom analyses were compared with macrofossil and stable isotope records from the same cores and assessed within the framework of an Athabasca River headwater climate record inferred from isotope dendroclimate data. Results from PAD 9 and PAD 12 sediment cores indicated closed-drainage conditions during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the post-Little Ice Age and high water conditions during the Little Ice Age (LIA). High water levels at PAD 9 and PAD 12 reflected high water conditions on Lake Athabasca and the Rivière des Rochers or possibly the Peace River during the LIA (~AD 1600-1900). High water conditions were also observed at low-lying sites in the central and southern regions of the PAD (PAD 31 and PAD 37), and corresponded with evidence of high streamflows on the North Saskatchewan River. In contrast, desiccation evident at PAD 5, a site largely isolated from river influence, reflected atmospherically dry conditions during the LIA. Consistent with changes observed at PAD 5, sediment records at PAD 15, an oxbow lake off the Revillion Coupé, demonstrated low flood frequency during the early to mid-1700s. Increased water levels evident at low-lying sites located in proximity to the central open-drainage network of lakes and rivers were likely due to higher flows on the Athabasca River and potentially on the Peace River. High flows on rivers of the PAD may be attributed to snowmelt-dominated runoff during the LIA relative to the rainfall-dominated runoff during MWP (prior to ~AD 1600) and the post-LIA period (~AD 1900 to present)

    Informed Cannabis Policies on Canadian Campuses: Toward the Protection of Youth and Young Adults

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    Introduction: The legalization of cannabis across Canada in October 2018 introduced issues including regulation at different levels, public and individual education, and discussions about cannabis product safety. We aimed to discuss ineffective and effective cannabis use policy on campuses and associated public areas, given the known short-term and long-term effects pertaining to its neurologic, pulmonary, and purported medicinal effects. Cannabis interferes with many of the body’s basic and executive (higher-level) functions. It is also associated with long-term harmful effects when chronically used. The purpose of this paper is to review and further discuss the responsibility local governments and educational institutions have for creating policies and regulations around cannabis use, particularly within post-secondary institutions, and for implementing educational strategies to promote public knowledge of cannabis. Methods: Peer-reviewed articles published in the last 10 years were searched for through the MEDLINE database. In addition, national and local health-related websites discussing cannabis policies were reviewed and collated. Expert opinions were also sought out to provide further information and resources. Results: 31 peer-reviewed articles and 12 professional websites were retrieved and reviewed. Correspondences with individual experts aware of and involved with campus cannabis policies also provided relevant resources and data used in this document. Conclusion: Smoke-free campus policies create the best health outcomes for the campus population. As well, creating effective and properly regulated policies and prioritizing public education is pertinent especially on universities where the population demographic is relatively young

    Ecology of Juvenile Arctic charr in Canada

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    Increases in global temperatures resulting from climate change have raised concern over potential responses of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, a cold-adapted freshwater/anadromous fish species in the salmonid family. While various aspects of adult Arctic charr ecology are well established, juvenile, and in particular, young-of-the-year (YOY) ecology is less well understood. The study of early life stages is important because of implications for subsequent population dynamics as well as their particular sensitivity to climate change. In this thesis, I aimed to broaden the scope of knowledge on juvenile Arctic charr from Canadian populations with a particular emphasis on YOY, and thermal habitat use through four studies. An intensive study of juvenile Arctic charr from Lake Hazen, Nunavut, demonstrated a preference during the summer for stream environments, particularly those fed by warm upstream ponds. Charr occupying both stream and nearshore lake habitats were found to feed similarly, with chironomids occurring most frequently in diets. Some older stream-dwelling charr preyed on smaller, younger Arctic charr. Preferred stream occupancy is likely mediated by physical barriers created mainly by water velocity, and by distance from the lake, lake-ice dynamics, low water depth, and turbidity. Water velocities and possibly intercohort competition resulted in stream habitat segregation by size, with YOY mainly found in low velocity pools and back eddies adjacent to stream banks, but not in water velocities greater than 0.1m/s. Greatest charr densities in streams were found in small, shallow, slow-flowing side channels, which are highly susceptible to drought. A discriminant function analysis model based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values was used to identify offspring of piscivorous large-form and non-piscivorous small-form Arctic charr morphotypes from Lake Hazen, Nunavut. The adult morphotypes were estimated to contribute approximately equally to the YOY population, however, the morphotype offspring were differentially distributed among sampled nursery sites. Unequal distribution corresponds with prerequisites suggested for the evolution of trophic specialists within a single population that experiences assortative mating based on trophic specialization. An assessment of growth rates and otolith-inferred metabolic rates obtained from YOY from 23 populations over a 27˚ latitudinal gradient demonstrated latitudinal variability consistent with countergradient variation where northern populations demonstrated faster growth and higher metabolic rates compared to southern populations. Countergradient variation (CGV) is defined as genetic variation that counteracts the negative influences of the physical environment, minimizing phenotypic variability along a gradient. Otolith-inferred metabolic rates from free-living animals reflect the average daily energy expenditure of the organism, which incorporate the energetic costs of standard metabolic rate (SMR) and other processes such as feeding, locomotion, thermoregulation, reproduction and growth. As such, variations in otolith-inferred metabolic rates may reflect a combined increase in feeding, activity and SMRs in northern populations. Nevertheless, the phenotypic variation in physiological traits observed here demonstrates the significant adaptability of Arctic charr to different thermal regimes with different growing season lengths. Otolith-inferred temperatures and fork lengths at capture from YOY from two proximal fluvial and lacustrine sites in Labrador were used to compare growth and thermal habitat use between habitat types. Otolith-inferred temperatures were not significantly correlated with air temperatures, suggestive of behavioural thermoregulation by YOY at both sites. The majority of YOY from Kogluktokoluk Brook (fluvial) were found using temperatures consistent with laboratory determined preferred temperatures for juvenile Arctic charr, whereas most Tom’s Pond (lacustrine) YOY were found using temperatures ranging between preferred temperatures and optimal temperatures for growth. Otolith-inferred temperatures were only correlated to fork lengths in Tom’s Pond YOY. The lack of correlation in Kogluktokoluk Brook YOY may reflect resource partitioning occurring as a result of territoriality known to occur among stream salmonids. The limited range of temperatures used by fluvial YOY in this study, particularly the lack of cooler temperatures, suggests that fluvial YOY may face barriers to accessing thermal refugia, and as a result may be particularly vulnerable to climate change. Examining the ecology of juvenile Arctic charr from Canadian populations over a number of spatial scales (i.e. latitudinal, regional and local) highlighted the considerable phenotypic plasticity demonstrated by the species. While physiological plasticity observed over the latitudinal gradient reflected the ability for juvenile Arctic charr to utilize different thermal regimes, the regional comparison between habitat types demonstrated that the ability for juvenile Arctic charr to respond to climate change is likely to vary between habitat types. Further, on a local scale, behavioural plasticity was observed, but was found to be influenced by several regulatory factors. The study of the ecology of juvenile Arctic charr in this thesis has highlighted various factors affecting juvenile Arctic charr in Canada: temperature, water velocity, cover, maternal influences, habitat type and ration. The relative contributions of these factors as well as others which were not directly testable in this thesis (e.g. variability in standard metabolic rate, the role of genetic adaptation) are likely to vary with latitude, populations and habitat types. Deciphering the relative roles of these factors will allow better predictions of responses to climate change.1 yea

    Climate-driven Shifts in Quantity and Seasonality of River Discharge over the past 1000 Years from the Hydrographic Apex of North America

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    Runoff generated from high elevations is the primary source of freshwater for western North America, yet this critical resource is managed on the basis of short instrumental records that capture an insufficient range of climatic conditions. Here we probe the effects of climate change over the past ~1000 years on river discharge in the upper Mackenzie River system based on paleoenvironmental information from the Peace-Athabasca Delta. The delta landscape responds to hydroclimatic changes with marked variability, while Lake Athabasca level appears to directly monitor overall water availability. The latter fluctuated systematically over the past millennium, with the highest levels occurring in concert with maximum glacier extent during the Little Ice Age, and the lowest during the 11th century, prior to medieval glacier expansion. Recent climate-driven hydrological change appears to be on a trajectory to even lower levels as high-elevation snow and glacier meltwater contributions both continue to decline

    Impact of Video on Learning in Students with Autism in Malaysia: Future Prospects

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    AbstractUse of video in Malaysia is seen as having a bright future because technology development is expanding even more now. Thirty articles related to use of video on students with autism have been investigated. Only 12 articles have been selected as appropriate for use as references for this study. This article looks at the future prospects of impact of video on learning of students with autism in Malaysia. The focus of this study is the use of video by experts, identifying behavior of students with autism in their use of video and determining the limitations of video and ways to overcome them. This study uses the Fuzzy Delphi approach to achieve consensus of experts on the focus of study. The findings show that usage of video is extremely effective on students with autism besides shaping the behavior desired. Although video has its limitations, these can be overcome in various ways as suggested by the experts and researchers

    A cross-machine comparison of shear-wave speed measurements using 2d shear-wave elastography in the normal female breast

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    Quantitative measures of radiation-induced breast stiffness are required to support clinical studies of novel breast radiotherapy regimens and exploration of personalised therapy, however, variation between shear-wave elastography (SWE) machines may limit the usefulness of shear-wave speed (cs) for this purpose. Mean cs measured in four healthy volunteers’ breasts and a phantom using 2D-SWE machines Acuson S2000 (Siemens Medical Solutions) and Aixplorer (Supersonic Imagine) were compared. Shear-wave speed was measured in the skin region, subcutaneous adipose tissue and parenchyma. cs estimates were on average 2.3% greater when using the Aixplorer compared to S2000 in vitro. In vivo, cs estimates were on average 43.7%, 36.3% and 49.9% significantly greater (p &lt;&lt; 0.01) when using the Aixplorer compared to S2000, for skin region, subcutaneous adipose tissue and parenchyma, respectively. In conclusion, despite relatively small differences between machines observed in vitro, large differences in absolute measures of shear wave speed measured were observed in vivo, which may prevent pooling of cross-machine data in clinical studies of the breast.</jats:p
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