12 research outputs found

    Endoparasites of wild animals from three biomes in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT The population of wild animals is regulated by many biotic and abiotic factors, and parasites are a biotic factor that affects the dynamic and density of host populations. From 2002 to 2014, 62 wild animals from the biomes Pantanal, Amazon, and "Cerrado" (or Savanna), which died in attendance in the veterinary hospital or have been road-killed, underwent necropsy for parasitological examination. Overall, 36 species of parasites were identified from 24 host species. Among the parasites, the most prevalent order was Oxyurida (29.1%), followed by Strongylida (20.9%), Spirurida (19.4%), Ascaridida (16.2%), Pentastomida (3.2%), Echinostomida (3.2%), Gygantorhynchia (3.2%), Rhabditida (1.6%), Plagiorchiida (1.6%), and Monilimorfida (1.6%), especially nematodes, which have more biotic potential and is more easily adapted to the environment than other classes. The occurrence of endoparasites was observed more frequently in endothermic than ectothermic animals, and herein is reported eleven new host occurrences for endoparasites in wild animals. The study has contributed to the knowledge on the biodiversity of parasites in wild animals from three biomes in central-western Brazil

    Primeiro relato de Amblyomma fuscum Neumann, 1907 (acari: ixodidae) parasitando lagarto da espécie Tupinambis teguixin (L.), no município de Glorinha, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil The first report of Amblyomma fuscum Neumann, 1907 (acari ixodidae) on the lizard Tupinambis teguixin (L.) at the municipality of Glorinha, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Amblyomma fuscum conhecida somente no Brasil, tem sido descrita como uma espécie rara de carrapato com relatos de sua ocorrência nas regiões sul e sudeste. Este é um novo registro desta espécie (9 fêmeas) parasitando lagarto (Tupinambis teguixin), no Município de Glorinha, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As fêmeas foram depositadas na coleção do Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor (7 espécimes) e na coleção de Acari do Instituto Butantan, Estado de São Paulo (2 espécimes). O achado confirma o estabelecimento de A. fuscum no Sul do Brasil.<br>Amblyomma fuscum known only from Brazil has been described as a rare tick species with few reports of its occurrence in South and Southeast region. This is a new records this tick species (9 females) parasitizing lizard (Tupinambis teguixin) at the Municipality of Glorinha, State of Rio Grande do Sul. The females were deposited in the tick collection of Veterinary Research Institute Desiderio Finamor (7 specimens), Eldorado do Sul, RS and in the Acari collection from Instituto Butantan, São Paulo, State of São Paulo (2 specimens). The finding confirms establishment de A. fuscum in the South of Brazil

    Life cycle of female ticks of Amblyomma cooperi Nuttal & Warburton, 1908 (Acari: Ixodidae) under laboratory conditions Ciclo biológico de fêmeas do carrapato Amblyomma cooperi Nuttal & Warburton, 1908 (Acari:Ixodidae) sob condições de laboratório

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    The biological cycle of female ticks of Amblyomma cooperi was studied under controlled conditions. The study has begun with two engorged females collected in a naturally infested wild capybara. The larvae originated from the oviposition of these two females were used for collecting young adults through artificial infestations in rabbits. The female parasitic and free living phases were evaluated using artificial infestation of ticks in a capybara. The average body weight of females was 958.2± 175.6mg, the average pre-egg laying period was 8.5± 1.4 days, the reproductive efficiency index was 59.5± 4.2 and the nutritional efficiency index was 77.3± 4.8. The incubation and eclosion periods were 41.9 and 5.9 days, respectively, and the rate of eclosion was 64%. These figures were obtained under high relative humidity conditions which were necessary for the success of the egg incubation process of this species. The preliminary data obtained with the artificial infestation in rabbits raises the possibility of this and other domestic species be used as an epidemiologic link between the domestic and the wild environment with the potential exposure of human populations to A. cooperi and to the maculosa fever agent.<br>O ciclo biológico de Amblyomma cooperi foi estudado sob condições de laboratório. O estudo iniciou-se com duas fêmeas ingurgitadas coletadas de uma capivara selvagem naturalmente infestada. As larvas provenientes da postura foram utilizadas para obtenção de adultos, por meio de infestação artificial em coelhos. As fases parasitária e de vida livre das fêmeas foram avaliadas utilizando-se infestação artificial em capivara. A média de peso corporal foi de 958,2± 175,6mg, a média do período de pré-postura de 8,5± 1,4 dias e dos índices de eficiência reprodutiva e nutricional de 59,5± 4,2 e 77,3± 4,6, respectivamente. Os períodos de incubação e eclosão foram de 41,9 e 5,9 dias, respectivamente. A taxa de eclosão foi de 64%. Estes dados foram obtidos sob alta umidade relativa, necessária para o sucesso da incubação dos ovos dessa espécie. Os dados preliminares obtidos com a infestação artificial em coelhos levanta a possibilidade dessa e de outras espécies domésticas serem possíveis elos epidemiológicos entre o ambiente doméstico e o silvestre, com potencial risco de exposição humana a A. cooperi e ao agente etiológico da febre maculosa