51 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Precession Electron Diffraction Intensities from Dynamical Simulations

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    Precession Electron Diffraction (PED) offers a number of advantages for crystal structure analysis and solving unknown structures using electron diffraction. The current article uses many-beam simulations of PED intensities, in combination with model structures, to arrive at a better understanding of how PED differs from standard unprecessed electron diffraction. It is shown that precession reduces the chaotic oscillatory behavior of electron diffraction intensities as a function of thickness. An additional characteristic of PED which is revealed by simulations is reduced sensitivity to structure factor phases. This is shown to be a general feature of dynami-cal intensities collected under conditions in which patterns with multiple incident beam orienta-tions are averaged together. A new and significantly faster method is demonstrated for dynami-cal calculations of PED intensities, based on using information contained in off-central columns of the scattering matrix.Comment: 20 pages, 7 Figure

    3D-TEM Study of Gamma Alumina Catalyst Supports

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    Accelerated Alpha Radiation Damage in a Ceramic Waste Form, Interim Results

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    Interim results are presented on the alpha-decay damage study of a {sup 238}Pu-loaded ceramic waste form (CWF). The waste form was developed to immobilize fission products and transuranic species accumulated from the electrometallurgical treatment of spent nuclear fuel. To evaluate the effects of {alpha}-decay damage on the waste form the {sup 238}Pu-loaded material was analyzed by (1) x-ray diffraction (XRD), (2) microstructure characterization by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with energy and wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (EDS/WDS) and electron diffraction, (3) bulk density measurements and (4) waste form durability, performed by the product consistency test (PCT). While the predominate phase of plutonium in the CWF, PuO{sub 2}, shows the expected unit cell expansion due to {alpha}-decay damage, currently no significant change has occurred to the macro- or microstructure of the material. The major phase of the waste form is sodalite and contains very little Pu, although the exact amount is unknown. Interestingly, measurement of the sodalite phase unit cell is also showing very slight expansion; again, presumably from {alpha}-decay damage

    Sufficient Conditions for Direct Methods with Swift Electrons

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