773 research outputs found

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    Incorporating a Multi-Tiered System of Supports into School Counselor Preparation

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    With the advent of a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) in schools, counselor preparation programs are once again challenged to further extend the education and training of pre-service and in-service school counselors. To introduce and contextualize this special issue, an MTSS\u27s intent and foci, as well as its theoretical and research underpinnings, are elucidated. Next, this article aligns MTSS with current professional school counselor standards of the American School Counselor Association\u27s (ASCA) School Counselor Competencies, the 2016 Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) Standards for School Counselors and the ASCA National Model. Using Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Response to Intervention (RTI) models as exemplars, recommendations for integrating MTSS into school counselor preparation curriculum and pedagogy are discussed

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    Introduction to the Special Issue on Advancing School Counseling Groups with Black Male Youth

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    This article serves as a prologue to a special issue of JSCPE featuring Steen et al.’s (2023) lead paper and three invited commentaries. The topic under consideration is improving academic and social-emotional outcomes of Black male youth using the Achieving Success Everyday Group Counseling Model. After introducing the issue’s focus, the primary overlapping themes posited in the commentaries are summarized. My reflections concerning the focus article’s theoretical underpinnings, research review, and small group counseling model are briefly included. In conclusion, I provide tentative suggestions to enhance small group work using Achieving Success Everyday model

    Program Evaluation in Doctoral-Level Counselor Education Preparation: Concerns and Recommendations

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    Within the context of intentional collaboration between doctoral-level program evaluation and counselor educators, this article addresses the need for advanced training in program evaluation for preservice doctoral-level counselor education (CE) students. To determine the current level of evaluation training provided to doctoral students attending a nationally accredited CE program, 81 institutions and their program websites and accompanying materials were analyzed. Approximately 25% of these graduate programs appeared to provide a modest level of training. Over 50% of these units did not fully identify what program evaluation preparation was required or offered to students. Recommendations to enhance the program evaluation component of counselor educator training are offered. To assist program evaluation and counselor educators to restructure training, an instructional planning and implementation tool (Program Evaluation Competency Matrix) is provided

    School Counselors and a Multi-Tiered System of Supports: Cultivating Systemic Change and Equitable Outcomes

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    Designed to improve preK–12 student academic and behavioral outcomes, a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), such as Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) or Response to Intervention (RTI), is a broadly applied framework being implemented in countless schools across the United States. Such educational restructuring and system changes require school counselors to adjust their activities and interventions to fully realize the aims of MTSS. In this special issue of The Professional Counselor, the roles and functions of school counselors in MTSS frameworks are examined from various angles. This introductory article summarizes the key issues and the basic themes explored by the special issue contributors

    Development and Validation of the College Mental Health Perceived Competency Scale

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    College counselors provide training to their campus constituents on various mental health issues, including the identification of warning signs and the referral of students to appropriate resources. Though extensive information on these topics is available in the counseling literature, college counselors lack a psychometrically sound screening instrument to support some of these educational efforts. To meet this need, the present researchers developed and validated the College Mental Health Perceived Competency Scale (CMHPCS). Based largely on self-determination theory, the measure appraises college student and faculty members’ perceived competence for supporting student mental health. Reliability and construct validity of the CMHPCS are demonstrated through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Hierarchical logistic regression procedures yielded sufficient evidence of the CMHPCS’s predictive validity. Specific applications to assist college counselors with outreach and consultation are discussed

    Nature of Mathematics Classroom Environments in Catholic High Schools

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    In an attempt to reveal the various types of learning environments present in 30 mathematics classrooms in five Catholic high schools, this replication study examined student (N = 602) perceptions of their classrooms using the Classroom Environment Scale. Student attitudes toward mathematics were assessed by the Estes Attitude Scale. Extending previous research conducted in public high schools, this study delineated two basic types of learning environments (teacher-centered and student-centered) in Catholic high schools. In contrast with students in public schools, students in these parochial schools reported positive attitudes toward mathematics regardless of the type of learning environment. Discussion of the findings and implications for practice, including the utility of the CES, are summarized. Résumé Cette reprise de l’étude a examiné la manière dont les élèves (N = 602) percevaient leur salle de classe à l’aide de l’échelle du milieu scolaire pour tenter de montrer les différents types d’environnement pédagogiques présents dans 30 classes de mathématiques de cinq lycées catholiques. L’attitude des élèves envers les mathématiques a été évaluée à l’aide de l’échelle d’attitude d’Estes. Dans le prolongement des recherches précédentes conduites dans des lycées publics, cette étude a défini deux types d’environnement pédagogique (centré sur le professeur et centré sur l’élève) dans les lycées catholiques. Contrairement aux élèves des établissements publics, les élèves des écoles paroissiales ont présenté des attitudes positives envers les mathématiques, quel que soit le type d’environnement pédagogique. La discussion des conclusions et des incidences sur la pratique, y compris l’utilité de l’échelle du milieu scolaire) y sont résumées. Resumen En un intento de revelar varios tipos de ambientes de aprendizaje presentes en 30 aulas de matemáticas en cinco escuelas preparatorias católicas, esta réplica de estudio examinó percepciones de estudiantes (N = 602) de sus aulas usando una escala de ambiente del aula (CES, por sus siglas en inglés). Se evaluaron las opiniones de los estudiantes hacia las matemáticas mediante el baremo Estes Attitude Scale. Al extender investigaciones previas conducidas en escuelas preparatorias públicas, este estudio delineó dos tipos básicos de ambientes de aprendizaje (centrado en el profesor y centrado en el estudiante) en escuelas preparatorias católicas. En contraste con estudiantes de las escuelas públicas, los estudiantes de las escuelas católicas mostraron opiniones positivas hacia las matemáticas, sin importar el tipo de ambiente del aprendizaje. Se resumen discusiones sobre los hallazgos, así como implicaciones para la práctica, incluyendo la utilidad de los CES

    Commentary: On School-Based Counseling Policy and Evaluation

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    The writers of this commentary advocate for increased attention to school-based policy development, effective policy implementation, and high quality policy research across the world. A new organization (International Society for Policy Research and Evaluation in School-Based Counseling) focused on these topics is introduced. In closing, the article contents comprising the first issue of Society’s scholarly journal are overviewed
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