66 research outputs found

    Nanoporous Structure of Bone Matrix at Osteoporosis from Data of Atomic Force Microscopy and IR Spectroscopy

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    It was found that in an osteoporotic bone the fraction of nanosized pores decreases, the mineral phase amorphizes, hydrated shells around mineralized particles of the bone matrix thicken, and adhesion forces increase. This contributes to the formation of water clusters similar to bulk water clusters compared to the healthy bone tissue and leads to the accumulation of more viscous liquid with increased intermolecular interaction forces in the pores of the bone matrix. Given this, the rates of chemical reactions proceeding in the water phase of ultrathin channels of general parts of collagen fibrils decrease. Ultimately, nanopores of collagen-apatite interfaces lose, to a certain extent, the capability of catalyzing the hydroxyapatite crystallization

    The number of preschool children in Eurasian economic community countries and Armenia in 1990-2015

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    На основе данных ООН и Росстата в статье анализируется динамика изменения численности детей дошкольного возраста в странах ЕврАзЭс и Армении в 1990-2015 годах. Доля таких детей во всех странах сократилась, тогда как их число в странах Центральной Азии возросло, а в Армении, Белоруссии и России сократилось.On the basis of the UN and Rosstat data the dynamics of preschool children size is analyzed. The preschool children rate has decreased in all countries, whereas the preschool children size has increased in the Central Asia countries and has decreased in Armenia, Belarus and Russia.Статья подготовлена в рамках гранта РГНФ № 15-02-00599 «Демографическое развитие постсоветского пространства»

    First marriage and its characteristics in the ex-USSR countries in 1990-2015

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    На основе данных статистических ведомств стран бывшего СССР изучается динамика изменения среднего возраста вступления в первый брак и доли первых браков в 1990-2015 годах. За рассматриваемый период возраст вступления в первый брак в большинстве стран возрос, а доля таких браков изменилась слабо.On the basis of the statistical agencies of the ex-USSR countries the dynamics of the age at first marriage and the first marriages share in 1990-2015 is analyzed. During the period under consideration the age at first marriage for the most countries has increased, and the first marriages share has changed a little.Статья подготовлена в рамках гранта РГНФ № 15-02-00599 «Демографическое развитие постсоветского пространства»


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    The research described in this publication was made possible in part by Grant N NY3000 from the International Science Foundation.Author Institution: Institute of Atmospheric Optics, 634055 Tomsk, RussiaIntracavity laser (ICL) spectroscopy is a perspective method for investigation of atoms and molecules with different external excltation condition because of its high sensitivity to absorption, amplification, and small size of the investigated volume. ICL-spectrometers based on Nd-glass and dye broad-bands lasers have been designed with pulse duration 2000 and 100 microsecond, respectively. Those allow one to record absorption or amplification coefficients as small as 5×1095 \times 10^{-9} and 107cm110^{-7} cm^{-1} corresponding to 500,000 and 10000 path lengths used in traditional spectroscopy. Different techniques were used in our experiments for exciting molecules and atoms; these included heating up to 1200 K, atomization with a laser, hollow cathode atomization, and excitation with a discharge plasma. Large number of absorption and emission lines were recorded in atomic and electronic molecular spectra. The complicated character of ICL-spectra is connected to the fact that the broad-band laser provides the realization of conditions for laser generation in a wide region: COEFFICIENT OF AMPLIFICATION = COEFFICIENT OF RESONATOR LOSSES^{\ast}\hbox{COEFFICIENT OF AMPLIFICATION = COEFFICIENT OF RESONATOR LOSSES}^{\ast} As a result, any absorption (emission) line with Kabs (Kamp) more than 107cm110^{-7} cm^{-1} inside the resonator cavity leads to the deep dips (sharp peaks) in the spectrum of the laser generation. Results obtained In this investigation were used to measure low concentrations of atoms. For example, the detection limit for the U-atom is $107 atoms/cm^{-3}.


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    1. P.W. Anderson, Phys. Rev. 76, 647-661 (1949) 2. M.R. Cherkasov, Optika i Spektroskopiya 40, 7-13 (1976)Author Institution: "CNRS, UPMC", Tour 13, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 PARIS - FRANCE.; Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Tomsk, 634055 - RUSSIA.Water vapor lineshifts induced by nitrogen pressure have been measured using FT-spectrometer with multi-pass absorption cell at 0.0025cm10.0025 cm^{-1} resolution in 18502230cm11850 - 2230 cm^{-1} spectral region. The measurements have been carried out from three spectra with 32 meters absorption path; the H2OH_{2}O pressures being equal to 2, 6 and 5 torr with nitrogen filling equal respectively to 123 and 201 torr for the last two spectra. A special procedure have been used to minimize the errors connected with the assymetry of the contours because of apparatus effects. The fitting of Voigt contour parameters was used to obtain lineshift parameters. Accuracy of lineshift coefficient determination was better than 1 mk/atm. The lineshift coefficients have been determined for well resolved isolated lines of R-branch of ν2\nu_{2} band with high quantum numbers J up to 18. Their values change from +14.4 to -14.5 mk/atm. The lineshift coefficients have been calculated using the Anderson method and cut-of-free procedure. The dipole-quadrupole, quadrupole-quadrupole, dipole-hexadecapole and polarizational interactions were included in the calculations. The calculations use the fitted parameter - the mean polarizability of the molecule in the (010) vibrational state. The calculated lineshift coefficients agree satisfactory with the measured ones. The contributions of different type of intermolecular potentials and their dependences on J value will be discussed. The research described in this publication was made possible in part by grant N. NY3000 from the International Science Foundation


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    1. A. D. Bykov, O. V. Naumenko, M. A. Smirnov, L. N. Sinitsa, L. R. Brown, J. Crisp, D. Crisp, Can. J. Phys. 72, 989-1000 (1994). Part of the research reported in this paper was performed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The work in Tomsk was supported in part by Grant number N NY3000 from the International Science Foundation.Author Institution: Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Tomsk, 634055, Russia.; "CNRS, Universite P. et M. Curie", Bte 76, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France; California Institute Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109, USA.The absorption spectra of H2SH_{2}S from 0.8 to 5μm5 \mu m were recorded with spectral resolutions of 0.006, 0.012 and 0.021cm10.021 cm^{-1} using the Fourier transform spectrometer at Kitt Peak National Observatory. Twenty bands were previously assigned so that accurate band origins and vibrational parameters could be determined [1]. The present paper will describe the analysis of the rotational structure of resonating H2SH_{2}S states between 3400 and 8000cm18000 cm^{-1}. The energy levels of the second triad (3700cm1)(3700 cm^{-}1), first (5100cm1)(5100 cm^{-1}) and second (6200cm1)(6200 cm^{-1}) hexades and the first decade (7500cm1)(7500 cm^{-1}) of H232S{H_{2}}^{32}S, H234S{H_{2}}^{34}S and H231S{H_{2}}^{31}S will be reported along with Watson-type Hamiltonian parameters. Intensities measurements and dipole moment parameters for the lower polyad bands will also be given. Finally, the fourfold clustering of rotational levels belonging to the symmetric and asymmetric components of local mode manifolds at a higher degree of strectching excitation will be discussed